Index du livre
- Déjeuner au restaurant "Carvi"
- "l'insulte" faite aux McCann
- Attaques persistantes
- PJ: "Porcs", "clowns" et "incompétent"
- Les policiers britanniques réformés qui ont détruit la réputation de la PJ
- "Daily Mirror": de quelques éloges à de vives critiques
- Le volet
- Gerry et Kate à la recherche de Maddie
- La thèse de l'enlèvement par un réseau pédophile
- Le Portugal, "paradis des pédophiles"
- Le Maroc, l'endroit idéal pour accueillir les ravisseurs de Maddie
- Le phénomène des observations et des témoins peu fiables
- "L'inutilité" des preuves obtenues grâce à l'ADN
- Les détectives privés
- Les "localisateurs" de corps
- La "liquidation" du meilleur chien renifleur du monde
- Une "armée" de journalistes à Huelva
- La fausse proposition de "négociation de plaidoyer"
- "Des milliers" d'enfants disparus au Portugal
- Une brillante manoeuvre de désinformation
- Le "Team McCann"
- «The Lost Battle»: une "campagne parfaite" dans les médias traditionnels, complètement détruite par Internet
Affaire Maddie McCann. Comment la disparition d'une enfant au Portugal en 2007, portée par une houle médiatique déferlante, fut alimentée comme un grand fauve insatiable. En quoi ce ténébreux fait-divers mit en danger la liberté d'expression, ce qu'on y apprend sur la nature humaine et pourquoi rien n'est plus contraire à la sagesse qu'un excès de subterfuges, comme lorsque les apparences ont la préséance. Nil sapientiæ odiosius acumine nimio (Sénèque?), repris par Poe ("La lettre volée").
"Grâce à la liberté dans les communications, des groupes d’hommes de même nature pourront se réunir et fonder des communautés. Les nations seront dépassées" - Friedrich Nietzsche (Fragments posthumes XIII-883)
19 - JUI - Paulo Reis - A Guerra dos MC
As the readers of this blog know, I wrote a book with a detailed analysis of the defamatory campaign from the British Media against the Portuguese Police, the coordinator of Maddie's investigation, Gonçalo Amaral and Portugal, also.
My publisher decided today that the subject of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann does not raise enough interest to make the publication profitable, from a financial point of view. Just three weeks before the 12th anniversary of the disappearance of Maddie, I was left with only one option: to publish a e-book.
I will do it on Amazon, Kobo, iBooks, Leyaonline and Bubok (the last two are Portuguese “self-publishing” sites). The e-book, Portuguese version, will be released this month, April 22 and the English version, hopefully, one week after.
”In one of the most flagrant cases, Martin Fricker and Rod Chaytor of the "Daily Mirror" signed a laudatory piece on May 5, highlighting the fact that the entire 5-story building was sealed by police with the usual blue and white ribbons, and that fingerprints had been collected from the blinds and window of Madeleine's bedroom. The article noted that even the rear yard area had been sealed off by police: “Officers sealed off the five-storey holiday block with crime scene tape and fingerprinted the shutters and window sill outside Maddy's room. A patio to the rear of the block, believed to be attached to the family's two-bedroom apartment, was also sealed off".
During the afternoon, still according to the same article, the searches had intensified, with helicopters, firemen and elements of the Maritime Police.
"A special Judicial Police team was on its way from Lisbon," added the Daily Mirror article, which quoted Sky News weather news presenter Jo Wheeler in Praia da Luz as reporting in the newspaper that the searches "were very well organized".
The same Martin Fricker, this time with the journalist Stewart Maclean, signed another article, on May 9, where there is a list of the "ten great blunders" committed by the Portuguese police in the first hours after the disappearance is made. In this list, there is totally contradictory information about the first article in the Daily Mirror on 5 May.
In this second story, it is stated that the apartment had not been sealed: “Officers failed to cordon off the holiday apartment where Maddy was snatched as soon as they arrived. Amazingly, other tourists were allowed to stroll around the crime scene up to 24 hours later - potentially destroying clues and contaminating forensic evidence."
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