Moyenne/jour : 46,14
09 : 58 Titres dont 5 PT
PJ inspector devalues alleged defamation campaign against MCs - Lusa
British press today emphasize an alleged campaign by PJ to slander the parents of Madeleine McCann.
Several british tabloids remember the investigation into the “Joana
case”, the girl that disappeared from Aldeia da Figueira, in Portimao,
in September 2004, and whose mother (Leonor Cipriano) is in prison for
her murder, insinuating that the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) is building a
trap for Kate McCann to implicate her in her daughter’s death. The Daily Mail refers to accusations of aggressions that Leonor
Cipriano made against the PJ inspector Goncalo Amaral, the coordinator
of the team that investigates the disappearance of Maddie.
MCs will give an interview to the PTmedia on Friday - Lusa (in Barlavento)
McCanns give interviews to British media - SOL
PJ close to reconstructing path of Maddie’s body - Jornal de Noticias
Interrogated separately. Police makes examinations again - CdM
MCs will give an interview to the PTmedia on Friday - Lusa (in Barlavento)
McCanns give interviews to British media - SOL
PJ close to reconstructing path of Maddie’s body - Jornal de Noticias
Interrogated separately. Police makes examinations again - CdM
La PJ a de nouveau interrogé les McCann hier et a recueilli leurs dépositions. Le couple a été entendu séparément : d'abord elle. Les enquêteurs veulent confirmer précisément à quelle heure l'enfant a disparu et, surtout, qui est la dernière personne à avoir vu Madeleine McCann en vie et à quelle heure.
PJ a insisté hier auprès des parents de Maddie sur le mystère qui entoure les trois heures, entre 18 heures et 21 heures, qui se situent entre la dernière fois pù l'enfant a été vue et le moment où son absence a été signalée.
Mais l'absence a été signalée à 21h50 au groupe et presque une heure plus tard à la police.
On ne sait pas s'il y a eu des contradictions avec les anciennes auditions mais, selon une source proche des enquêtes, le couple sera de nouveau entendu dans quelques jours. CM sait que la réunion d'hier ne s'inscrivait pas dans le cadre des contacts hebdomadaires entre la police et la famille de la jeune fille - d'autant plus qu'ils se déroulent au consulat, et toujours le jeudi. L'audition d’hier a eu lieu dans les bureaux de PJ à Portimao.
Une source policière contactée par CM garantit qu'il n'y a pas d'écoute des appels téléphoniques et qu'il n'y a pas de registre de courriels suspects entre les McCann et leur famille au Royaume-Uni. Selon certaines informations, ces conversations entre les parents de Maddie et les membres de leur famille indiqueraient que l'enfant était mort. "Ce n'est pas vrai", selon une source à l'enquête à CM.
Donc la police dément les fake news !
La possibilité que Madeleine McCann ait été jetée à la mer a été envisagée dans les premiers jours qui ont suivi sa disparition. La marine a fouillé la mer près des falaises dans la région de Praia da Luz. Cette possibilité a été rejetée par les autorités depuis longtemps.
Si l'enfant s'était noyée, le corps flotterait, dans un délai de 8 jours, et aurait échoué sur la côte.
Si elle avait été jetée dans la mer déjà sans vie, le corps flotterait et viendrait au rivage, ou serait poussé vers la mer à une vitesse qui ne pourrait jamais dépasser 1,5 miles par heure - selon une source de la Marine. Il n'aurait pas échappé aux opérations de surveillance intense mise en place les jours qui ont suivi la disparition.
Si un cadavre est jeté dans la mer avec des poids, il pourrait rester au fond pendant tout le processus de décomposition. C'est une possibilité qui est toujours ouverte. Mais une source militaire a confié à CM que «si la police avait une forte conviction sur la mer, elle aurait mobilisé les moyens adéquats». L'Institut hydrographique, par exemple, possède des robots capables de détecter un corps lié au fond de la mer. Ces moyens n'ont pas été délocalisés en Algarve.
PJ a insisté hier auprès des parents de Maddie sur le mystère qui entoure les trois heures, entre 18 heures et 21 heures, qui se situent entre la dernière fois pù l'enfant a été vue et le moment où son absence a été signalée.
Mais l'absence a été signalée à 21h50 au groupe et presque une heure plus tard à la police.
On ne sait pas s'il y a eu des contradictions avec les anciennes auditions mais, selon une source proche des enquêtes, le couple sera de nouveau entendu dans quelques jours. CM sait que la réunion d'hier ne s'inscrivait pas dans le cadre des contacts hebdomadaires entre la police et la famille de la jeune fille - d'autant plus qu'ils se déroulent au consulat, et toujours le jeudi. L'audition d’hier a eu lieu dans les bureaux de PJ à Portimao.
Une source policière contactée par CM garantit qu'il n'y a pas d'écoute des appels téléphoniques et qu'il n'y a pas de registre de courriels suspects entre les McCann et leur famille au Royaume-Uni. Selon certaines informations, ces conversations entre les parents de Maddie et les membres de leur famille indiqueraient que l'enfant était mort. "Ce n'est pas vrai", selon une source à l'enquête à CM.
Donc la police dément les fake news !
La possibilité que Madeleine McCann ait été jetée à la mer a été envisagée dans les premiers jours qui ont suivi sa disparition. La marine a fouillé la mer près des falaises dans la région de Praia da Luz. Cette possibilité a été rejetée par les autorités depuis longtemps.
Si l'enfant s'était noyée, le corps flotterait, dans un délai de 8 jours, et aurait échoué sur la côte.
Si elle avait été jetée dans la mer déjà sans vie, le corps flotterait et viendrait au rivage, ou serait poussé vers la mer à une vitesse qui ne pourrait jamais dépasser 1,5 miles par heure - selon une source de la Marine. Il n'aurait pas échappé aux opérations de surveillance intense mise en place les jours qui ont suivi la disparition.
Si un cadavre est jeté dans la mer avec des poids, il pourrait rester au fond pendant tout le processus de décomposition. C'est une possibilité qui est toujours ouverte. Mais une source militaire a confié à CM que «si la police avait une forte conviction sur la mer, elle aurait mobilisé les moyens adéquats». L'Institut hydrographique, par exemple, possède des robots capables de détecter un corps lié au fond de la mer. Ces moyens n'ont pas été délocalisés en Algarve.
L'article explique que ce n'est pas a charity.
'McCanns should go away' - The Sun
PdL en a marre des MC et du cirque médiatique.'McCanns should go away' - The Sun
Hier, une compagne de voyage des MC (Rachael) a déclaré que la police portugaise avait peut-être divulgué des «contre-vérités» concernant l'enlèvement de l'enfant. Je ne sais pas si un journaliste a eu un peu d’information et a inventé le reste, ou si la police nourrit des vérités ou des contre-vérités. J'ai lu une ligne de temps de ce qui et censé s'être passé la nuit dans un journal et les horaires sont totalement faux.
Gerry et Kate ont passé hier une heure au poste de police de Portimao. Leur porte-parole a déclaré: «Cela fait partie intégrante de la routine. La police veut les tenir informés et informés. »
C'est bien pourquoi on les appelle des doreurs d'image.
Murat lawyer's attack on 'strange' behaviour of McCanns - Daily Mirror
Kate McCann: I Am Coping With The Guilt - Daily Mirror
Picking Up the Pieces - Daily Mirror
Vickery film plea - Daily Mirror
Maddy: Police Intercept Parents' Phone Calls - Daily Express
McCann Friends: End These Disgusting Smears - Daily Express
Maddie's parents secretly bugged - Daily Star
Fear for Kate - Daily Star
Madeleine parents' secret emails 'intercepted by police' - Daily Mail
Police wait for results of Madeleine holiday home blood tests - Daily Mail
Madeleine suspect's lawyer attacks 'these bloody McCanns' - Daily Mail
Volvo in Belgian Madeleine 'sighting' had fake plates, say police - Daily Mail
Ordeal by innuendo for parents who can only wait - Guardian
Hier, les MC sont allés visiter la police locale. La réunion d'une heure d'hier était un "briefing de routine sur l'évolution de l'affaire", a déclaré le porte-parole du couple. Mais il semble certain que cette réunion a été suscitée par des allégations d'évolution de l'affaire qui, pour le couple, sont loin d'être les bienvenues.
Gerry et Kate ont passé hier une heure au poste de police de Portimao. Leur porte-parole a déclaré: «Cela fait partie intégrante de la routine. La police veut les tenir informés et informés. »
C'est bien pourquoi on les appelle des doreurs d'image.
Murat lawyer's attack on 'strange' behaviour of McCanns - Daily Mirror
Kate McCann: I Am Coping With The Guilt - Daily Mirror
Picking Up the Pieces - Daily Mirror
Vickery film plea - Daily Mirror
Maddy: Police Intercept Parents' Phone Calls - Daily Express
McCann Friends: End These Disgusting Smears - Daily Express
Maddie's parents secretly bugged - Daily Star
Fear for Kate - Daily Star
Madeleine parents' secret emails 'intercepted by police' - Daily Mail
Police wait for results of Madeleine holiday home blood tests - Daily Mail
Madeleine suspect's lawyer attacks 'these bloody McCanns' - Daily Mail
Volvo in Belgian Madeleine 'sighting' had fake plates, say police - Daily Mail
Ordeal by innuendo for parents who can only wait - Guardian
Hier, les MC sont allés visiter la police locale. La réunion d'une heure d'hier était un "briefing de routine sur l'évolution de l'affaire", a déclaré le porte-parole du couple. Mais il semble certain que cette réunion a été suscitée par des allégations d'évolution de l'affaire qui, pour le couple, sont loin d'être les bienvenues.
Comment le spin doctor embobine avec de l'infox.
La découverte le week-end dernier d'une tache de sang dans l'appartement où ils résidaient lorsque Madeleine a disparu a déclenché une tempête de spéculations et d'insinuations dans les médias portugais, suggérant en grande partie de nouvelles théories sur la disparition et la mort probable de la petite. Il y en avait plus hier: le Diario de Noticias local a rapporté que la police avait intercepté des appels téléphoniques et des e-mails dans le cadre de l'enquête. Cette affirmation, comme beaucoup d'autres, a été attribuée à des sources non nommées et invérifiables de la police portugaise. Les officiers locaux ont refusé de confirmer ou de nier la spéculation qui a contraint mardi les McCann à accorder une interview télévisée en insistant sur le fait qu'ils gardaient confiance dans l'enquête.
The hunt for information by Mark Williams-Thomas -
Pour moi, la loi du secret soulève de sérieuses inquiétudes quant à la capacité de la police portugaise à mener une enquête aussi complexe. C'est cette loi spécifique qui crée le problème, ne donnant aucune possibilité de demander des informations au public, de publier une description de ce que Madeleine portait la nuit de sa disparition, et de dire à quelle heure elle a disparu, par exemple. En ce qui concerne la loi du secret, j'ai de la sympathie pour la police portugaise, car c'est dans ce domaine qu'elle doit travailler - mais elle doit être modifiée d'urgence.
Pour moi, la loi du secret soulève de sérieuses inquiétudes quant à la capacité de la police portugaise à mener une enquête aussi complexe. C'est cette loi spécifique qui crée le problème, ne donnant aucune possibilité de demander des informations au public, de publier une description de ce que Madeleine portait la nuit de sa disparition, et de dire à quelle heure elle a disparu, par exemple. En ce qui concerne la loi du secret, j'ai de la sympathie pour la police portugaise, car c'est dans ce domaine qu'elle doit travailler - mais elle doit être modifiée d'urgence.
Madeleine Parents 'Should Leave Portugal' - Telegraph
A Mother's Agony by Sandra Parsons - Times
Did you know? Double standards - Times
Les McCann ont coopéré avec la police même lorsqu'ils ont douté le plus de l'efficacité de l'enquête portugaise. Hier, les McCann ont fait face aux accusations avec leur dignité habituelle. Leur courage semble presque surhumain et peut-être est-ce pour cela que certains sont tombés dans le piège de soupçonner leurs motivations.
A Mother's Agony by Sandra Parsons - Times
Did you know? Double standards - Times
Les McCann ont coopéré avec la police même lorsqu'ils ont douté le plus de l'efficacité de l'enquête portugaise. Hier, les McCann ont fait face aux accusations avec leur dignité habituelle. Leur courage semble presque surhumain et peut-être est-ce pour cela que certains sont tombés dans le piège de soupçonner leurs motivations.
Friend is Rachael Oldfield.
Truth, Lies And The Smearing Of The McCanns - Independent
Deborah Orr: Gutter Gossip Dressed Up As Sympathy - Independent
McCann Friends Condemn 'Leaks From The Police' - Independent
Leading Article: Hype and Hysteria - Independent
Truth, Lies And The Smearing Of The McCanns - Independent
Deborah Orr: Gutter Gossip Dressed Up As Sympathy - Independent
McCann Friends Condemn 'Leaks From The Police' - Independent
Leading Article: Hype and Hysteria - Independent
Le fait qu'aucun corps n'ait été trouvé signifie que l'affaire n'est pas close. Il est également évident que les parents de Madeleine, Gerry et Kate, veulent autant de publicité que possible car ils pensent que garder l'image de Madeleine dans les médias est leur meilleure chance de récupérer leur enfant. Il est impossible de dire si les McCann ont commencé à regretter leur stratégie d'utiliser les médias pour générer un maximum de publicité dans leur quête de leur fille. Mais une chose semble sûre: la manière cynique dont certains médias ont traité cette histoire tragique laisse un goût profondément désagréable.
Kate McCann 'coping with guilt' - BBC
Fear Factor: Parents Urged To Keep Perspective - Sky
The Holiday Which Changed Everything - Sky
McCanns Not Welcome, Says Lawyer - Sky
How DNA Tests Help Madeleine Hunt - Sky
Madeleine: Tests Carried Out - Channel 4
McCanns 'will not be forced out' - ITN
MCs' secret emails 'intercepted by police' - London Evening Standard
Maddie's Parents Branded 'Strange' - Metro
Victims of smear campaign - Leicester Mercury
Maddie’s family hope for DNA link - Liverpool Echo
UK laboratory carries out tests on blood traces from MC flat - Yorkshire Post
Maddy McCann - 100 days on - Melton (Mowbray) Times
DNA Sample In Restaurant Sighting Not Madeleine's - The Scotsman
Madeleine's Parents Hit Out At New Murder Reports - The Scotsman
No longer poking fun - The Scotsman
Fear Factor: Parents Urged To Keep Perspective - Sky
The Holiday Which Changed Everything - Sky
McCanns Not Welcome, Says Lawyer - Sky
How DNA Tests Help Madeleine Hunt - Sky
Madeleine: Tests Carried Out - Channel 4
McCanns 'will not be forced out' - ITN
MCs' secret emails 'intercepted by police' - London Evening Standard
Maddie's Parents Branded 'Strange' - Metro
Victims of smear campaign - Leicester Mercury
Maddie’s family hope for DNA link - Liverpool Echo
UK laboratory carries out tests on blood traces from MC flat - Yorkshire Post
Maddy McCann - 100 days on - Melton (Mowbray) Times
DNA Sample In Restaurant Sighting Not Madeleine's - The Scotsman
Madeleine's Parents Hit Out At New Murder Reports - The Scotsman
No longer poking fun - The Scotsman
the latest sombre news of bloodstains
Tests begin on 'blood' from McCann apartment - Herald Scotland
Sniffer dog searches for Madeleine - Derry Journal
Sniffer dog searches for Madeleine - Derry Journal
Eddie, a specially trained English springer, has been taken to the
apartment complex in Praia da Luz where the four year-old went missing in
May this year.
The dog will help sniff out traces of minute blood. Confusion avec Keela.
Truth, lies and the smearing of the McCanns - Irish Independent
McCann Friends 'Smeared' By Portuguese Police Leaks - Irish Independent
UK sniffer dogs join hunt for Madeleine -
The dog will help sniff out traces of minute blood. Confusion avec Keela.
Truth, lies and the smearing of the McCanns - Irish Independent
McCann Friends 'Smeared' By Portuguese Police Leaks - Irish Independent
UK sniffer dogs join hunt for Madeleine -
chiens policiers renifleurs d'élite rattachés à une police anglaise ont
aidé la police portugaise dans sa quête sur la disparition de Madeleine
McCann. Les épagneuls springer anglais spécialement entraînés Eddie et
Keela ont été transportés par avion à Praia da Luz en Algarve la semaine
dernière pour participer à l'enquête.
Les deux chiens renifleurs viennent de la police du South Yorkshire et sont formés pour localiser les restes humains et les traces de sang.
Eddie est un «chien de récupération de victime» qui peut détecter le sang et les restes humains, tandis que Keela a été formée uniquement pour détecter le sang humain et en particulier de très petits échantillons.
Il semble très probable que ce soit le chien amené par des détectives britanniques la semaine dernière qui a trouvé de minuscules traces de sang dans l'appartement des McCann malgré les prétendues tentatives de les laver.
McCann's family holiday that turned into nightmare - Reuters
The security charade - The Spectator
Spain Papers Review - Thursday August 9 2007 - Typically Spanish
Reports Of Blood Found In Madeleine McCann Apartment - Life
Mystery of Missing Madeleine Deepens - IOL
Madeleine's Parents Questioned - IOL
Les deux chiens renifleurs viennent de la police du South Yorkshire et sont formés pour localiser les restes humains et les traces de sang.
Eddie est un «chien de récupération de victime» qui peut détecter le sang et les restes humains, tandis que Keela a été formée uniquement pour détecter le sang humain et en particulier de très petits échantillons.
Il semble très probable que ce soit le chien amené par des détectives britanniques la semaine dernière qui a trouvé de minuscules traces de sang dans l'appartement des McCann malgré les prétendues tentatives de les laver.
McCann's family holiday that turned into nightmare - Reuters
The security charade - The Spectator
Spain Papers Review - Thursday August 9 2007 - Typically Spanish
Reports Of Blood Found In Madeleine McCann Apartment - Life
Mystery of Missing Madeleine Deepens - IOL
Madeleine's Parents Questioned - IOL
parents de la fillette disparue au Portugal il y a près de 100 jours
ont de nouveau été interrogés par la police portugaise, rapportent jeudi
les médias.
Le quotidien Diario de Noticias a déclaré que la police voulait clarifier les contradictions dans les déclarations antérieures de Gerry et Kate McCann sur la façon dont ils avaient passé les heures précédant la disparition de Madeleine. Le porte-parole de la famille, Clarence M, a cependant déclaré que les McCann n'étaient pas allés au poste de police de Portimao mais à une réunion hebdomadaire de routine pour être informés de l'enquête.
Il essaie de faire avaler des couleuvres.
Des traces de sang suspicieuses trouvées dans la chambre de Madeleine sont en cours d'analyse en Grande-Bretagne.
Pendant ce temps, des chiens renifleurs ont tenté de détecter d'où le corps de Madeleine aurait pu être extrait de l'appartement de vacances des McCann, si elle y était morte, selon le quotidien Jornal de Noticias.
Les parents de la fillette britannique portée disparue au Portugal il y a près de 100 jours, ont de nouveau été interrogés par la police portugaise, ont rapporté jeudi les médias.
Maddy parents' fury at murder suspects claim - The Standard (China)
où l'on voit pointer les insinuations contre la PJ, accusée clairement d'accuser. Selon GMC, tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes.
GMC's Blog :
Day 98 - 09/08/2007 - Thursday
10 : 69 Titres dont 1 PT
Curtain in the MC apartment also had blood on it - Jornal de Noticias
Key events from May to August - Algarve Resident
Family routine or time gap? - Algarve Resident
Where is Madeleine? Missing for 100 days - Algarve Resident
Leader: Vile slurs - The Sun
Just go away and leave town - The Sun
Parents: We Will Not be Bullied - The Sun
Voice of the Daily Mirror: Help ease their pain - Daily Mirror
McCanns: We Won't Be Bullied Out - Daily Mirror
Murat Lawyer: Why Don't These McCanns Go Home? - Daily Express
Parents: We won't let bullies beat us - Daily Express
Twins Quit Creche After Kate is Caught in Crush - Daily Express
Madeleine's mother: 'We won't be bullied out of Portugal' - Daily Mail
Parents urged not to over-protect their children because of Madeleine - Daily Mail
The English sniffer dogs that are helping in the hunt for Madeleine - Daily Mail
In pictures, the 120 metre route to check on Madeleine - Daily Mail
McCanns help launch new missing persons website - Daily Mail
Madeleine: Police launch hunt for mystery British man - Daily Mail
Forced to take twins out of creche to avoid 'upsetting' holidaymakers - Daily Mail
'You have to blank out the dark thoughts' - Guardian
'Besieged' McCanns weather media storm in Portugal - Guardian
McCanns Vow to Stay Put -
Madeleine McCann's mother: 'Don't bully us' - Telegraph
The McCanns: In Their Own Words - Telegraph
Parents told: don't be over-protective - Daily Telegraph
Only suspect in Madeleine case is set to be dropped - Times 10-08-07
['Sick outburst'] MoD 'ban on selling of stories' - BBC
MP's 'despair' over Thai murder - BBC
YouTube Generation Joins Hunt For Madeleine - Sky 1
'We Won't Be Bullied Into Going Home' - Sky
Update: YouTube Channel 'We Want To Give Something Back' - Sky
Video - McCanns Facedown Rumours - Channel 4
Video - McCanns:'Won't Be Bullied' Into Leaving - Channel 4
McCanns: 'We won't be bullied' - ITN
Maddie police in hunt for Briton - Metro
'We will not be forced to leave' - Leicester Mercury
Smearing of the McCanns is shameful - Leicester Mercury
McCanns stand firm against claims of locals’ ‘backlash’ - Liverpool Echo
Spare a thought for Maddie’s parents - Liverpool Echo
McCanns face Algarve backlash - Yorkshire Post
Parenthood isn't all child's play - Bournemouth Echo
Leader: The victims can have their say - Scotsman
Parents In Plea For Evidence To Prove Maddie Harmed - The Scotsman
Case of trial by nameless source - The Scotsman
Madeleine's Parents Face Portuguese Backlash - Herald Scotland
Focus on Madeleine - Herald Scotland
We won't be bullied, vow McCanns - Evening Times (Scotland)
50,000 pipe fans to hear Maddie's tune - Evening Times (Scotland)
McCanns 'won't be intimidated into leaving Portugal' - Irish Independent
Le quotidien Diario de Noticias a déclaré que la police voulait clarifier les contradictions dans les déclarations antérieures de Gerry et Kate McCann sur la façon dont ils avaient passé les heures précédant la disparition de Madeleine. Le porte-parole de la famille, Clarence M, a cependant déclaré que les McCann n'étaient pas allés au poste de police de Portimao mais à une réunion hebdomadaire de routine pour être informés de l'enquête.
Il essaie de faire avaler des couleuvres.
Des traces de sang suspicieuses trouvées dans la chambre de Madeleine sont en cours d'analyse en Grande-Bretagne.
Pendant ce temps, des chiens renifleurs ont tenté de détecter d'où le corps de Madeleine aurait pu être extrait de l'appartement de vacances des McCann, si elle y était morte, selon le quotidien Jornal de Noticias.
Les parents de la fillette britannique portée disparue au Portugal il y a près de 100 jours, ont de nouveau été interrogés par la police portugaise, ont rapporté jeudi les médias.
Maddy parents' fury at murder suspects claim - The Standard (China)
où l'on voit pointer les insinuations contre la PJ, accusée clairement d'accuser. Selon GMC, tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes.
GMC's Blog :
Day 98 - 09/08/2007 - Thursday
We did a series of pooled interviews for TV and the press. The focus was to discuss the launch of the YouTube channel Don’t you forget about me which we have devised in conjunction with Google and the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children. YouTube is used by tens of millions of people mainly in the 16-24 age group. We think this is an incredibly exciting innovation to raise awareness of missing children. The channel is launched at lunchtime today and will have other videos of missing children. Families and other agencies will be able to upload videos of children that will help to raise awareness of their disappearance.
The rest of the interviews focussed on the events of the last week. We again emphasised that we do not know of any evidence that Madeleine has been seriously harmed and everything we have done is in the belief it is likely to increase the chances of finding her. Unfortunately the media attention has been very intrusive and we have taken the children out of kids club due to the disruption caused. We hope this settles down and the kids can get back into their routine which has kept them very settled in the last 98 days. It is a shame that the media attention has also impacted on other holidaymakers which we certainly dont want.
We did manage to have a quiet dinner with our family and the kids.
10 : 69 Titres dont 1 PT
Curtain in the MC apartment also had blood on it - Jornal de Noticias
Key events from May to August - Algarve Resident
Family routine or time gap? - Algarve Resident
Where is Madeleine? Missing for 100 days - Algarve Resident
Leader: Vile slurs - The Sun
Just go away and leave town - The Sun
Parents: We Will Not be Bullied - The Sun
Voice of the Daily Mirror: Help ease their pain - Daily Mirror
McCanns: We Won't Be Bullied Out - Daily Mirror
Murat Lawyer: Why Don't These McCanns Go Home? - Daily Express
Parents: We won't let bullies beat us - Daily Express
Twins Quit Creche After Kate is Caught in Crush - Daily Express
Madeleine's mother: 'We won't be bullied out of Portugal' - Daily Mail
Parents urged not to over-protect their children because of Madeleine - Daily Mail
The English sniffer dogs that are helping in the hunt for Madeleine - Daily Mail
In pictures, the 120 metre route to check on Madeleine - Daily Mail
McCanns help launch new missing persons website - Daily Mail
Madeleine: Police launch hunt for mystery British man - Daily Mail
Forced to take twins out of creche to avoid 'upsetting' holidaymakers - Daily Mail
'You have to blank out the dark thoughts' - Guardian
'Besieged' McCanns weather media storm in Portugal - Guardian
McCanns Vow to Stay Put -
Madeleine McCann's mother: 'Don't bully us' - Telegraph
The McCanns: In Their Own Words - Telegraph
Parents told: don't be over-protective - Daily Telegraph
Only suspect in Madeleine case is set to be dropped - Times 10-08-07
['Sick outburst'] MoD 'ban on selling of stories' - BBC
MP's 'despair' over Thai murder - BBC
YouTube Generation Joins Hunt For Madeleine - Sky 1
'We Won't Be Bullied Into Going Home' - Sky
Update: YouTube Channel 'We Want To Give Something Back' - Sky
Video - McCanns Facedown Rumours - Channel 4
Video - McCanns:'Won't Be Bullied' Into Leaving - Channel 4
McCanns: 'We won't be bullied' - ITN
Maddie police in hunt for Briton - Metro
'We will not be forced to leave' - Leicester Mercury
Smearing of the McCanns is shameful - Leicester Mercury
McCanns stand firm against claims of locals’ ‘backlash’ - Liverpool Echo
Spare a thought for Maddie’s parents - Liverpool Echo
McCanns face Algarve backlash - Yorkshire Post
Parenthood isn't all child's play - Bournemouth Echo
Leader: The victims can have their say - Scotsman
Parents In Plea For Evidence To Prove Maddie Harmed - The Scotsman
Case of trial by nameless source - The Scotsman
Madeleine's Parents Face Portuguese Backlash - Herald Scotland
Focus on Madeleine - Herald Scotland
We won't be bullied, vow McCanns - Evening Times (Scotland)
50,000 pipe fans to hear Maddie's tune - Evening Times (Scotland)
McCanns 'won't be intimidated into leaving Portugal' - Irish Independent
McCanns 'Upset' By Mirror Interview 'Spoiler' - Press Gazette
Madeleine's parents under renewed scrutiny - AFP
Spain Papers Review - Friday August 10 2007 - Typically Spanish
MCs Create Missing Kids Site on YouTube - People Magazine (US)
Madeleine McCann parents in police spotlight - Herald Sun (Aus)
Madeleine's parents 'won't be bullied' - IOL
Madeleine's Parents Launch Video Website - IOL
McCanns pressured over Madeleine speculation - ninemsn
Just Vile Rumour. Daily Record
Viles tentatives de blâmer les MC.
Blundering Police Chief Under the Microscope Daily Mirror
Sarcasmes sur Guilhermino Encarnaçao, surnommé Inspector Clueless. Il ne parle même pas anglais avec les britanniques, c'est tout dire. Mention de l'affaire Joana Cipriano.
- Le soutien médiatique s'intensifie. La PJ est soupçonnée et la population locale accusée de harceler les MC. Tout cela contraste avec l'affectation de ton détaché du blog de GMC.
GMC's Blog :
Day 99 - 10/08/2007 - Friday
11 : 63 Titres dont 1 PT
Under the magnifying glass - SOL
Police Confident of Solving Madeleine Mystery - Portugal News
Editorial: Maddie Prayer - The Sun
Maddie missing for 100 days - The Sun
McCanns: hope and prayers - The Sun
Police: 'Maddie may be dead' - The Sun
Vile to target McCanns, by Lorraine Kelly - The Sun
Show Us The Proof - Daily Mirror
Madeleine..100 days in pictures - Daily Mirror
The Daily Express success - Daily Express
Madeleine - Daily Express
Is Robert Murat about to be cleared? - Daily Express
What happened in the 'lost' hour? - Daily Express
Maddy Parents: We Won't Let Bullies Beat Us - Daily Express
Maddie:Hunt on for Brit suspect - Daily Star
Truth . . . and lie - Daily Star
How often did the McCanns check on their children? - Daily Mail
Why have the police gone so cool towards the McCanns? - Daily Mail
Sombre service to mark 100 days since Madeleine disappeared - Guardian
Police admit Madeleine McCann might be dead - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann's Parents Look To the Future - Telegraph
Madeleine's father: Police are back at start - Telegraph
Simon Heffer : The Portuguese police are a national disgrace - Telegraph
SH est historien et journaliste, politique UK Independence Party.
Je suis frappé par le fait qu’Elvis Presley ou Lord Lucan ont plus de chances d’avoir assassiné Madeleine McCann que l’un ou l’autre de ses parents. La méchanceté qui entoure cette pauvre famille désemparée au cours des derniers jours est donc tout à fait inattendue. On a l'impression que la police portugaise, qui n'a jamais respecté ce travail particulier, se livre maintenant au genre de comportement pour lequel des forces de police incompétentes dans le monde (dont un ou deux dans ce pays, je le crains) sont célèbres: raconter aux victimes une chose et à la presse une autre. S'ils ont des raisons de croire que Madeleine est morte, ils devraient le dire carrément, même si (comme cela semble être la règle dans ce cas-ci), ils doivent faire appel à davantage d'expertise forensique de Scotland Yard pour le prouver. Ensuite, les McCann pourraient enfin être capables de passer à autre chose, émotionnellement et physiquement, et de reprendre leur vie dans ce pays. Mais même dans ce cas, le scandale de la violation de cette petite fille laissera une tache sur notre supposée civilisation qu'il sera toujours impossible pour une personne honnête d'admettre.
‘We have no doubt about our friends’ - Times
A hundred days on, the questions Madeleine police still can’t answer - Times
Mark Williams-Thomas pose les questions et y répond.
Real silent witness: Forensic science can tell us a lot - Times
Madeleine May Be Dead, Police Say - BBC
Waiting 100 Days In Praia da Luz, By Jane Hill - BBC
Madeleine Reflections 100 Days On - BBC
Prayers To Mark Missing Madeleine - BBC
Lone Piper's Tune For Madeleine - BBC
[Hunt goes on] Papers mull money market fall - BBC
In pictures: Madeleine - 100 days - BBC
100 Days: Police Say Madeleine 'May Be Dead' - Sky
Songs And Prayers In Day For Madeleine - Sky
Police admit Madeleine may be dead - ITN
Madeleine and the missing hour - London Evening Standard
It's the 100th day, but it's just another day without M - Leicester Mercury
'Life goes on but we're all still thinking of her' - Leicester Mercury
The theories that came to nothing - Leicester Mercury
Family of Maddie in city plea - Liverpool Echo
New ordeal for McCanns as police take 'harder line' - Liverpool Daily Post
Chairman Issues Support For Madeleine -
Missing Madeleine -
Police 'adopt harder line' with Madeleine's parents - Yorkshire Post
South Yorkshire Police tracker dogs in vital role in hunt - Sheffield Star
MP’s call over hunt for Kirsty killers - N Wales Daily Post
A Hundred Days Of Heartache - The Scotsman
Family Anger As Police Reveal M May Be Dead - Herald Scotland
Moving lament to Maddie - Aberdeen Evening Express
Police in PT confirm possibility that Madeleine is dead - Belfast Telegraph
Lindy McDowell: Maddy: let's not pretend we know it all - Belfast Telegraph
Maddy Video Will Be Shown At Games - Belfast Telegraph
No sightings, no real leads, just speculation - Irish Independent
Grieving mother of lost daughter prays 'every day' for M - Irish Independent
Four-year-old missing 100 days - Irish Independent
Church service held to mark 100th day of search - Irish Independent
Police in Portugal confirm possibility that M is dead - Irish Independent
100 days of fear and worry for Kate & Gerry McCann - Euronews
MCs attend prayer service on the 100th day of disappearence - Euronews
British Girl Missing For 100 Days - CNN
Clues Suggest Madeleine McCann Might Be Dead, Police Say - Fox
Madeleine McCann: 100th Day Missing - IOL
- Les médias oscillent entre la défense inconditionnelle des MC et le blâme inconditionnel de la PJ qui ose ébruiter que MMC pourrait être morte.
GMC's Blog :
Day 100 - 11/08/2007 -Saturday
12 : 51 Titres dont 2 PT
Diplomacy pressures PJ to investigate kidnapping lead - Correio da Manha
Statement from Olegario Sousa : “I was fulfilling an order” - Expresso
En répondant aux questions de la BBC, la veille
News of the World Editorial: Remember Maddie - News of the World
MADDIE COPS: We're looking for her body - News of the World
The crucial 10 minutes - News of the World
Missing tot's Piper tribute - News of the World
Mauling is so wrong, by Sara Payne - News of the World
Obscene & ludicrous - The People
Look Alert On Maddie, by Eamonn Holmes - The People
Mad UTD! - The People
Maddie Missing for 100 Days - The Sun
Dad's Cop Truth Plea - The Sun
Support the McCanns Here - The Sun
Maddie Video Appeal Launched - The Sun
A criminal way to treat McCanns - Sunday Mirror
If you can find Maddy tell us where Mary is - Sunday Mirror
Kate's Plea: Please Stay With Us, by Lori Campbell - Sunday Mirror
Maddy Was Alive When Taken, by Lori Campbell - Sunday Mirror
Leader: Delays turn the hunt for Madeleine into a travesty - Sunday Express
Police Think Maddy is Dead - Sunday Express
Thousands like Maddy must suffer in silence - Sunday Express
Cops now fear Maddie's dead - Daily Star Sunday
McCanns' anger at 'Madeleine is dead' police claims - Mail on Sunday
M's favourite 'Cuddle Cat' toy was 'placed out of her reach' - Mail on Sunday
Glasgow Rangers Wear Maddie T-Shirts - Mail on Sunday
Madeleine is real, not a Midsomer victim - Mail on Sunday
Words on their own say so much more - Observer
100 days on, and the agony sharpens for the McCanns - Observer
McCanns 'Heartened' Not To Be Suspects - Sunday Telegraph
Madeleine McCann Search Gets Nasty - Sunday Telegraph
Madeleine claims pile torment on McCanns - Sunday Telegraph
World Web of Malice by Eleanor Mills - Sunday Times
Police finally say Madeleine may be dead - Sunday Times
[Snippet about BBC postponing a TV Mystery] - Sunday Times
Leading article: A tragedy tarred with innuendo - Independent on Sunday
McCanns Call For Faster Response - BBC
Police Remarks 'Hearten' McCanns - BBC
Family Fury Over 'Madeleine is Dead' Interview - Sky
McCanns fear worst over tests - ITN
Maddie's parents prepare for worst - Metro
McCanns 'fear the worst' - Metro
God Will Decide Fate - Dad - Sunday Mercury
Opinion: Media backlash adds to McCann’s torment - Wales Online
Police say Madeleine may have been killed - The Scotsman
'The family are not suspects. This is the official position' - Irish Independent
McCann parents "relieved" to not be treated as suspects - Irish Independent
McCanns 'fear worst' ahead of DNA results - Irish Examiner
Hope fades in hunt for Brit girl - New York Daily News
British tourist wanted in Madeleine McCann case - Sunday Herald Sun
Toy a clue to missing Maddie - Sunday Herald Sun
Cases of missing children back in Portuguese media - Taipei Times
GMC's Blog :
Day 101 - 12/08/2007 -Sunday
13 : 47 Titres dont 4 PT
More inquiries to MCs and friends only after the results of analyses - Lusa
KMC prefers to discover her daughter’s death than stay in uncertainty - SOL
McCanns’ friends will be questioned within days - Diario de Noticias
Testimony of siblings may help PJ - Correio da Manha
New YouTube video released - Algarve Resident
She may be dead: Maddie parents ready for worst - The Sun
Maddie's parents face the worst - The Sun
KMC's agony By Martin Fricker (Tuppenceworth quote) - Daily Mirror
Fighting Fund Tops £1M - Daily Mirror
Maddy dad's cops fury - Daily Mirror
Scare the life out of child-snatchers. Tony Parsons - Daily Mirror
Madeleine: The Clue That Gives Kate Hope - Daily Express
Maddy Mum: Every Day is a Nightmare - Daily Express
Kate Tells of 'Worst Kind of Limbo' - Daily Express
Madeleine: She is Still Alive - Daily Express
Maddie dead? No-one told us - Daily Star
MCs: 'We'd rather know she's dead than live in limbo' - Daily Mail
limbo = Incertitude
McCann story sparks news row - Guardian
McCanns speak of 'worst kind of limbo' (The Wrap) -
That's a wrap, c'est fini
Madeleine hunt: Conflicting messages - Telegraph
Madeleine parents prepare for 'worst scenario' - Telegraph
We want to uncover the truth, even if it’s terrible, says KMC - Times
Lies, guesses, speculation and missing Madeleine - Times
Why has God allowed this to happen? Ask parents of MMC - Times Online
[Limbo] Papers are not all happy campers - BBC
McCanns Say They Cannot Live Life in Limbo - Sky
McCanns' 'worst kind of limbo' - ITN
Kate tells of 'worst kind of limbo' - Metro
If maddy is dead, i'd want to know - Leicester Mercury
'We've just got to keep praying' - Leicester Mercury
'Tighten up abuse laws' - Leicester Mercury
Maddie parents’ nightmare wait - Liverpool Echo
If dead, we have to know: agony of 'living in limbo' - Liverpool Daily Post
McCanns 'fear worst' over test - Yorkshire Post
'Madeleine in Belgium' hopes are dashed - Yorkshire Post
Wanderers stars back missing Maddy plea - Bolton News
Latics join Madeleine campaign - Wigan Today
Kate McCann: It's a terrible kind of limbo - Coventry Evening Telegraph
MCs Prepared For Worst On Holiday Apartment Blood Test - The Scotsman
My view: Lady Claire Macdonald - The Scotsman
Police admit Madeleine may be dead - The Scotsman
Police say Madeleine may have been killed - The Scotsman
Fund Hits £1m - Daily Record
Maddie's parents 'are living in limbo' - Evening Times (Scotland)
'We need to know if our Maddie is dead' - Aberdeen Evening Express
McCanns Fear the Worst Ahead of DNA Test Result - Irish Independent
McCann: 'That is my worst nightmare' - IOL
GMC's Blog :
Day 102 - 13/08/2007 -Monday
14 : 20 Titres dont 1 PT
Mum demands to know everything about investigation - Jornal de Noticias
Robert Murat's lawyer hits out at British press - Algarve Resident
McCann Pals Lash Sea Claims - Daily Mirror
Bungling Cops Point Finger At Brits - Daily Mirror
Living In Limbo - Daily Mirror
Madeleine: New British 'Suspect' Insists He's Innocent - Daily Express
Maddie & the Strange Series of Coincidences - Daily Star
Portugeuse [sic] police 'have no leads' on Madeleine - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann search gets nasty - Telegraph
News in Brief: McCann Trademark - Times
Why the Amber Alert makes me see red - Times
Brit Couple 'Cleared' In Madeleine Probe - Sky
Family 'cleared' of link to Maddy case - Leicester Mercury
My song for Madeleine McCann - Essex Evening Echo
My Mission To Find Madeleine [Justine McGuinness] - Bournemouth Echo
Madeleine Police Say Family [Gorrod] In The Clear - The Scotsman
Car hire link to Maddie ruled out - Evening Times (Scotland)
Missing Madeleine Rivets Britons as Portuguese Patience Frays - Bloomberg
Maddie 'Killed With Sleeping Pills' -
MC dispensaram babá na noite em que garota sumiu -
Silvia Batista dit que les baby sitters étaient gratuites. Si usage privé.
GMC's Blog :
Day 103 - 14/08/2007 -Tuesday
15 : 15 Titres dont 1 PT
PJ believes the key lies with the McCanns’ friends - Diario de Noticias
Maddie parents' police row - The Sun
McCanns' Police Plea - Daily Mirror
Madeleine's angry parents tell police: We want answers - Daily Express
We must know if you've found Maddie's blood - Daily Star
Time for Kate to face reality - Daily Mail
'Sickened' parents of MMC in showdown with Portuguese police - Daily Mail
First DNA tests on 'Madeleine' blood completed - Daily Mail
Madeleine Sniffer Dogs Detect Scent Of Body - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann's parents want 'showdown' - Daily Telegraph
MC detectives fear the worst as search is given grim new focus - Times
Psychologist: 'Madeleine May Reject Parents' - Sky
Traces of blood ‘not Maddie’s’ - Metro
Police 'too busy' to tell MCs think she's dead - London Evening Standard
McCanns spend time with twins - Leicester Mercury
GMC's Blog :
Day 104 - 15/08/2007 - Wednesday
Madeleine's parents under renewed scrutiny - AFP
Spain Papers Review - Friday August 10 2007 - Typically Spanish
MCs Create Missing Kids Site on YouTube - People Magazine (US)
Madeleine McCann parents in police spotlight - Herald Sun (Aus)
Madeleine's parents 'won't be bullied' - IOL
Madeleine's Parents Launch Video Website - IOL
McCanns pressured over Madeleine speculation - ninemsn
Just Vile Rumour. Daily Record
Viles tentatives de blâmer les MC.
Blundering Police Chief Under the Microscope Daily Mirror
Sarcasmes sur Guilhermino Encarnaçao, surnommé Inspector Clueless. Il ne parle même pas anglais avec les britanniques, c'est tout dire. Mention de l'affaire Joana Cipriano.
- Le soutien médiatique s'intensifie. La PJ est soupçonnée et la population locale accusée de harceler les MC. Tout cela contraste avec l'affectation de ton détaché du blog de GMC.
GMC's Blog :
Day 99 - 10/08/2007 - Friday
Today Kate and I did a series of TV interviews for Portuguese and foreign TV. It has always been very important to us that we speak to the Portuguese people directly since we are in their country and have received such tremendous support, particularly from the local community. We again talked about the YouTube channel Don’t You Forget Me which was launched yesterday. Naturally we were also asked about the events of this week, which has been incredibly difficult for us with wild speculation in the media. We have always been told that the police had an open mind about Madeleines abduction and that all scenarios were possible.
In the first few days after Madeleines disappearance it was so difficult for us not to imagine the worst case scenario: that she had been taken and murdered, particularly in light of the statistics on child abduction. However as the massive investigation and extensive search did not find any evidence of serious harm to Madeleine, we started to hope that she would be found alive. This belief has been encouraged by the police and reinforced by the experts at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on my recent visit to Washington. There have been a number of children recovered, even after years of abduction, and whom the authorities had thought must be dead.
Everything we have done in the last 99 days in the campaign to help find Madeleine has been driven by fact that all our family and friends feel that there is a reasonable chance Madeleine is still alive. Kate and I, like all parents of missing children will always have that hope unless we see concrete evidence to the contrary. It is this hope that has sustained us along with the overwhelming support we have received from family, friends and well-wishers. As parents, we have always said we need to know what has happened to our daughter who has been such a massive part of our life. If the current police activity does uncover new evidence that Madeleine has been seriously harmed we should be the first to know.
We have always felt that the best chance of finding Madeleine is through the police investigation. We have done our best to get relevant information in to the enquiry, particularly from tourists who were in the Algarve around the time of her abduction. Oui, mais KMC a refusé de répondre aux 48 questions et ils se sont défilés quant à la reconstitution. C'est qu'alors tout avait changé, de victime ils étaient devenus suspects. The fact that Madeleine could have been moved out of Portugal easily in the first few hours has been the reason the campaign has had to have an international dimension. Madeleine aurait pu aussi rester captive en Algarve, la campagne des MC a complètement négligé cette hypothèse. Pourquoi ? One in six missing children in North America are found as a direct result of high awareness through distribution of posters and media exposure.
Tonight we attended the weekly vigil to pray for Madeleine and other missing children. These services have a calm serenity, which allow us to contemplate quietly. There was also a vigil in Rothley attended by family and friends. Tomorrow we will be marking the 100 day very quietly with a prayer service in Praia da Luz. Other family will be at the world pipe band championships in Glasgow and on the streets in Liverpool. A number of sporting events will also be marking the day.
11 : 63 Titres dont 1 PT
Under the magnifying glass - SOL
Police Confident of Solving Madeleine Mystery - Portugal News
Editorial: Maddie Prayer - The Sun
Maddie missing for 100 days - The Sun
McCanns: hope and prayers - The Sun
Police: 'Maddie may be dead' - The Sun
Vile to target McCanns, by Lorraine Kelly - The Sun
Show Us The Proof - Daily Mirror
Madeleine..100 days in pictures - Daily Mirror
The Daily Express success - Daily Express
Madeleine - Daily Express
Is Robert Murat about to be cleared? - Daily Express
What happened in the 'lost' hour? - Daily Express
Maddy Parents: We Won't Let Bullies Beat Us - Daily Express
Maddie:Hunt on for Brit suspect - Daily Star
Truth . . . and lie - Daily Star
How often did the McCanns check on their children? - Daily Mail
Why have the police gone so cool towards the McCanns? - Daily Mail
Sombre service to mark 100 days since Madeleine disappeared - Guardian
Police admit Madeleine McCann might be dead - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann's Parents Look To the Future - Telegraph
Madeleine's father: Police are back at start - Telegraph
Simon Heffer : The Portuguese police are a national disgrace - Telegraph
SH est historien et journaliste, politique UK Independence Party.
Je suis frappé par le fait qu’Elvis Presley ou Lord Lucan ont plus de chances d’avoir assassiné Madeleine McCann que l’un ou l’autre de ses parents. La méchanceté qui entoure cette pauvre famille désemparée au cours des derniers jours est donc tout à fait inattendue. On a l'impression que la police portugaise, qui n'a jamais respecté ce travail particulier, se livre maintenant au genre de comportement pour lequel des forces de police incompétentes dans le monde (dont un ou deux dans ce pays, je le crains) sont célèbres: raconter aux victimes une chose et à la presse une autre. S'ils ont des raisons de croire que Madeleine est morte, ils devraient le dire carrément, même si (comme cela semble être la règle dans ce cas-ci), ils doivent faire appel à davantage d'expertise forensique de Scotland Yard pour le prouver. Ensuite, les McCann pourraient enfin être capables de passer à autre chose, émotionnellement et physiquement, et de reprendre leur vie dans ce pays. Mais même dans ce cas, le scandale de la violation de cette petite fille laissera une tache sur notre supposée civilisation qu'il sera toujours impossible pour une personne honnête d'admettre.
‘We have no doubt about our friends’ - Times
A hundred days on, the questions Madeleine police still can’t answer - Times
Mark Williams-Thomas pose les questions et y répond.
Real silent witness: Forensic science can tell us a lot - Times
Madeleine May Be Dead, Police Say - BBC
Waiting 100 Days In Praia da Luz, By Jane Hill - BBC
Madeleine Reflections 100 Days On - BBC
Prayers To Mark Missing Madeleine - BBC
Lone Piper's Tune For Madeleine - BBC
[Hunt goes on] Papers mull money market fall - BBC
In pictures: Madeleine - 100 days - BBC
100 Days: Police Say Madeleine 'May Be Dead' - Sky
Songs And Prayers In Day For Madeleine - Sky
Police admit Madeleine may be dead - ITN
Madeleine and the missing hour - London Evening Standard
It's the 100th day, but it's just another day without M - Leicester Mercury
'Life goes on but we're all still thinking of her' - Leicester Mercury
The theories that came to nothing - Leicester Mercury
Family of Maddie in city plea - Liverpool Echo
New ordeal for McCanns as police take 'harder line' - Liverpool Daily Post
Chairman Issues Support For Madeleine -
Missing Madeleine -
Police 'adopt harder line' with Madeleine's parents - Yorkshire Post
South Yorkshire Police tracker dogs in vital role in hunt - Sheffield Star
MP’s call over hunt for Kirsty killers - N Wales Daily Post
A Hundred Days Of Heartache - The Scotsman
Family Anger As Police Reveal M May Be Dead - Herald Scotland
Moving lament to Maddie - Aberdeen Evening Express
Police in PT confirm possibility that Madeleine is dead - Belfast Telegraph
Lindy McDowell: Maddy: let's not pretend we know it all - Belfast Telegraph
Maddy Video Will Be Shown At Games - Belfast Telegraph
No sightings, no real leads, just speculation - Irish Independent
Grieving mother of lost daughter prays 'every day' for M - Irish Independent
Four-year-old missing 100 days - Irish Independent
Church service held to mark 100th day of search - Irish Independent
Police in Portugal confirm possibility that M is dead - Irish Independent
100 days of fear and worry for Kate & Gerry McCann - Euronews
MCs attend prayer service on the 100th day of disappearence - Euronews
British Girl Missing For 100 Days - CNN
Clues Suggest Madeleine McCann Might Be Dead, Police Say - Fox
Madeleine McCann: 100th Day Missing - IOL
- Les médias oscillent entre la défense inconditionnelle des MC et le blâme inconditionnel de la PJ qui ose ébruiter que MMC pourrait être morte.
GMC's Blog :
Day 100 - 11/08/2007 -Saturday
Just another day but a significant milestone that we prayed we would never have to face without Madeleine. The prayer service here in Praia da Luz had a huge media presence, but in no way being intrusive, all aligned outside. The service itself was fantastically well attended with a huge turnout from the local community, which was very important to us.
The service was very comforting. There were contributions from Kate and myself, our family, the Anglican and Portuguese communities. Haynes, the Anglican minister, said a few poignant words about the events of this week, which were very touching. We said prayers for Madeleine and other children who are suffering. Everyone in the congregation lit candles, which were placed on the altar. The message from the service was that although 100 days have passed we have not given up hope of finding Madeleine.
In the afternoon we went to a local swimming pool and play area with the kids and their cousins. They had a great time swimming, playing with tennis balls and generally messing around. Needless to say they also managed an ice cream! It has been really good for the twins having other children here, especially since they have not been to the kids club for a few days.
We spoke to our family about the events in Glasgow and Liverpool. There was warm response at both venues and clearly many people are very happy to show support. Unfortunately we did not see any of the coverage on television. We did see highlights of the English premier league last night and note many of the clubs chose to wear Madeleine t-shirts and wristbands as well as playing the Don’t You Forget About Me video. There was also events at the rugby internationals and Ascot racecourse with 12 international jockeys wearing Madeleine t-shirts. The fact that so many people are prepared to show solidarity with us in our search for our daughter does help restore our faith in humanity.
There was a statement from the Portuguese police today regarding the recent activity in the investigation and media speculation. They confirmed that there are new leads and that we are not suspects in Madeleines disappearance.
Other tests are outstanding and Kate and I do hope that these take us forward in finding out who took Madeleine and where she is. Unfortunately we have to add patience to our other characteristics.
12 : 51 Titres dont 2 PT
Diplomacy pressures PJ to investigate kidnapping lead - Correio da Manha
Statement from Olegario Sousa : “I was fulfilling an order” - Expresso
En répondant aux questions de la BBC, la veille
News of the World Editorial: Remember Maddie - News of the World
MADDIE COPS: We're looking for her body - News of the World
The crucial 10 minutes - News of the World
Missing tot's Piper tribute - News of the World
Mauling is so wrong, by Sara Payne - News of the World
Obscene & ludicrous - The People
Look Alert On Maddie, by Eamonn Holmes - The People
Mad UTD! - The People
Maddie Missing for 100 Days - The Sun
Dad's Cop Truth Plea - The Sun
Support the McCanns Here - The Sun
Maddie Video Appeal Launched - The Sun
A criminal way to treat McCanns - Sunday Mirror
If you can find Maddy tell us where Mary is - Sunday Mirror
Kate's Plea: Please Stay With Us, by Lori Campbell - Sunday Mirror
Maddy Was Alive When Taken, by Lori Campbell - Sunday Mirror
Leader: Delays turn the hunt for Madeleine into a travesty - Sunday Express
Police Think Maddy is Dead - Sunday Express
Thousands like Maddy must suffer in silence - Sunday Express
Cops now fear Maddie's dead - Daily Star Sunday
McCanns' anger at 'Madeleine is dead' police claims - Mail on Sunday
M's favourite 'Cuddle Cat' toy was 'placed out of her reach' - Mail on Sunday
Glasgow Rangers Wear Maddie T-Shirts - Mail on Sunday
Madeleine is real, not a Midsomer victim - Mail on Sunday
Words on their own say so much more - Observer
100 days on, and the agony sharpens for the McCanns - Observer
McCanns 'Heartened' Not To Be Suspects - Sunday Telegraph
Madeleine McCann Search Gets Nasty - Sunday Telegraph
Madeleine claims pile torment on McCanns - Sunday Telegraph
World Web of Malice by Eleanor Mills - Sunday Times
Police finally say Madeleine may be dead - Sunday Times
[Snippet about BBC postponing a TV Mystery] - Sunday Times
Leading article: A tragedy tarred with innuendo - Independent on Sunday
McCanns Call For Faster Response - BBC
Police Remarks 'Hearten' McCanns - BBC
Family Fury Over 'Madeleine is Dead' Interview - Sky
McCanns fear worst over tests - ITN
Maddie's parents prepare for worst - Metro
McCanns 'fear the worst' - Metro
God Will Decide Fate - Dad - Sunday Mercury
Opinion: Media backlash adds to McCann’s torment - Wales Online
Police say Madeleine may have been killed - The Scotsman
'The family are not suspects. This is the official position' - Irish Independent
McCann parents "relieved" to not be treated as suspects - Irish Independent
McCanns 'fear worst' ahead of DNA results - Irish Examiner
Hope fades in hunt for Brit girl - New York Daily News
British tourist wanted in Madeleine McCann case - Sunday Herald Sun
Toy a clue to missing Maddie - Sunday Herald Sun
Cases of missing children back in Portuguese media - Taipei Times
GMC's Blog :
Day 101 - 12/08/2007 -Sunday
My brother and his family left early this morning. It was great having them here for a few days, particularly for the twins to be able to play with their ‘big’ cousins. They also were a great help to us especially during these very busy last few days.
We went to mass this morning, which was extremely busy with all the holidaymakers who are here. There was also a lot of media outside but the village is starting to return to normal again after the events of last week leading up to the 100 days since Madeleine disappeared.
A couple of other friends and their daughter have come out to stay with us this week, which really helps. We had a fairly quiet afternoon, spent with the kids who remain very happy. They speak about their big sister frequently and seem to want to look after cuddle cat as much as mummy!
13 : 47 Titres dont 4 PT
More inquiries to MCs and friends only after the results of analyses - Lusa
KMC prefers to discover her daughter’s death than stay in uncertainty - SOL
McCanns’ friends will be questioned within days - Diario de Noticias
Testimony of siblings may help PJ - Correio da Manha
New YouTube video released - Algarve Resident
She may be dead: Maddie parents ready for worst - The Sun
Maddie's parents face the worst - The Sun
KMC's agony By Martin Fricker (Tuppenceworth quote) - Daily Mirror
Fighting Fund Tops £1M - Daily Mirror
Maddy dad's cops fury - Daily Mirror
Scare the life out of child-snatchers. Tony Parsons - Daily Mirror
Madeleine: The Clue That Gives Kate Hope - Daily Express
Maddy Mum: Every Day is a Nightmare - Daily Express
Kate Tells of 'Worst Kind of Limbo' - Daily Express
Madeleine: She is Still Alive - Daily Express
Maddie dead? No-one told us - Daily Star
MCs: 'We'd rather know she's dead than live in limbo' - Daily Mail
limbo = Incertitude
McCann story sparks news row - Guardian
McCanns speak of 'worst kind of limbo' (The Wrap) -
That's a wrap, c'est fini
Madeleine hunt: Conflicting messages - Telegraph
Madeleine parents prepare for 'worst scenario' - Telegraph
We want to uncover the truth, even if it’s terrible, says KMC - Times
Lies, guesses, speculation and missing Madeleine - Times
Why has God allowed this to happen? Ask parents of MMC - Times Online
[Limbo] Papers are not all happy campers - BBC
McCanns Say They Cannot Live Life in Limbo - Sky
McCanns' 'worst kind of limbo' - ITN
Kate tells of 'worst kind of limbo' - Metro
If maddy is dead, i'd want to know - Leicester Mercury
'We've just got to keep praying' - Leicester Mercury
'Tighten up abuse laws' - Leicester Mercury
Maddie parents’ nightmare wait - Liverpool Echo
If dead, we have to know: agony of 'living in limbo' - Liverpool Daily Post
McCanns 'fear worst' over test - Yorkshire Post
'Madeleine in Belgium' hopes are dashed - Yorkshire Post
Wanderers stars back missing Maddy plea - Bolton News
Latics join Madeleine campaign - Wigan Today
Kate McCann: It's a terrible kind of limbo - Coventry Evening Telegraph
MCs Prepared For Worst On Holiday Apartment Blood Test - The Scotsman
My view: Lady Claire Macdonald - The Scotsman
Police admit Madeleine may be dead - The Scotsman
Police say Madeleine may have been killed - The Scotsman
Fund Hits £1m - Daily Record
Maddie's parents 'are living in limbo' - Evening Times (Scotland)
'We need to know if our Maddie is dead' - Aberdeen Evening Express
McCanns Fear the Worst Ahead of DNA Test Result - Irish Independent
McCann: 'That is my worst nightmare' - IOL
GMC's Blog :
Day 102 - 13/08/2007 -Monday
Praia da Luz is slowly returning to normal. The number of TV crews has reduced dramatically and we have been able to get back to more of our normal routine here. There is still a large media presence particularly of print journalists who are waiting, like everyone else, for the next development in the police investigation. We are still optimistic that there will be a breakthrough. In the meantime however, little has changed for Kate and I. We will not give up hope until Madeleine is found and we will not stop searching for her.
The campaign, as planned, will enter a quieter phase again. We have always envisaged that media attention focussed on Madeleine and us would quieten down and just occasionally we would try to remind people that Madeleine is still missing and that we are still looking. There cannot be many people who do not know these facts after the events of this last week. As well as the find Madeleine campaign we will be working closely with ICMEC and it is heartening to see so many visitors to the YouTube don’t you forget about me channel for missing children.
Kate and I would also like to thank the thousands of people who have sent us messages of support over the last few days. It really does help and we know that you will keep looking for Madeleine.
14 : 20 Titres dont 1 PT
Mum demands to know everything about investigation - Jornal de Noticias
Robert Murat's lawyer hits out at British press - Algarve Resident
McCann Pals Lash Sea Claims - Daily Mirror
Bungling Cops Point Finger At Brits - Daily Mirror
Living In Limbo - Daily Mirror
Madeleine: New British 'Suspect' Insists He's Innocent - Daily Express
Maddie & the Strange Series of Coincidences - Daily Star
Portugeuse [sic] police 'have no leads' on Madeleine - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann search gets nasty - Telegraph
News in Brief: McCann Trademark - Times
Why the Amber Alert makes me see red - Times
Brit Couple 'Cleared' In Madeleine Probe - Sky
Family 'cleared' of link to Maddy case - Leicester Mercury
My song for Madeleine McCann - Essex Evening Echo
My Mission To Find Madeleine [Justine McGuinness] - Bournemouth Echo
Madeleine Police Say Family [Gorrod] In The Clear - The Scotsman
Car hire link to Maddie ruled out - Evening Times (Scotland)
Missing Madeleine Rivets Britons as Portuguese Patience Frays - Bloomberg
Maddie 'Killed With Sleeping Pills' -
MC dispensaram babá na noite em que garota sumiu -
Silvia Batista dit que les baby sitters étaient gratuites. Si usage privé.
GMC's Blog :
Day 103 - 14/08/2007 -Tuesday
Relatively quiet day. This allowed me to catch up with e-mails, phone calls and some administration. No major news on any front. The weather has been unseasonably cool over the last 2-3 days. I have had a long sleeved top on for the first time in over 2 months and it is more pleasant overnight, making sleep easier.
15 : 15 Titres dont 1 PT
PJ believes the key lies with the McCanns’ friends - Diario de Noticias
Maddie parents' police row - The Sun
McCanns' Police Plea - Daily Mirror
Madeleine's angry parents tell police: We want answers - Daily Express
We must know if you've found Maddie's blood - Daily Star
Time for Kate to face reality - Daily Mail
'Sickened' parents of MMC in showdown with Portuguese police - Daily Mail
First DNA tests on 'Madeleine' blood completed - Daily Mail
Madeleine Sniffer Dogs Detect Scent Of Body - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann's parents want 'showdown' - Daily Telegraph
MC detectives fear the worst as search is given grim new focus - Times
Psychologist: 'Madeleine May Reject Parents' - Sky
Traces of blood ‘not Maddie’s’ - Metro
Police 'too busy' to tell MCs think she's dead - London Evening Standard
McCanns spend time with twins - Leicester Mercury
GMC's Blog :
Day 104 - 15/08/2007 - Wednesday
It is the feast of the assumption today, which is a holiday in Portugal. This morning we attended mass, which was very busy and again many of the local community asked after Madeleine and said the word ‘force’, meaning strength.
This afternoon Kate and I did a combined interview for the Liverpool Post and the Leicester Mercury. We said a big thank you to their readers for all their support and good wishes.
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