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René Magritte - Le poison (1939) |
Nuit 3/4.05.2007 – OPJ Victor Martins
In conversation with Gerald McCann it was possible to establish the following:
They had been staying at
the OC since 28th April 2007 and they were due to stay there for a
From 29-04-2007 he would
dine with his wife at a restaurant in the OC whilst their children
were a few metres away from the restaurant, in the bedroom. They would dine at the
restaurant with three other couples who were friends of theirs.
Yesterday (the day of the events) they got up at 07.30 and had
breakfast in the apartment. At about 09.00 they left the apartment
and left the children at the creche, this creche was located inside
the OC, with employees who would take care of the children until
about 12.30.
After lunch, at about
14.30 the children would be dropped off back at the creche and would
stay there until about 17.00. At about 17.30 the
parents would bathe the children and give them something to eat and
at about 19.30 the three children were put to sleep in one of the
bedrooms in the apartment.
Ces indications ne sont pas exactes, on pourrait penser que l'OPJ n'a pas bien compris, mais la même bizarre routine est répétée par GMC le lendemain matin lors de sa première audition. Selon les autres membres du groupe la routine est celle-ci : les enfants ont leur goûter dinatoire vers 17h, ensuite ils vont jouer sur l'aire de jeux sous la surveillance des parents dont certains jouent parfois au tennis. Vers 19h les familles rentrent chez elles, les enfants prennent leur bain, on leur donne un snack (les MC en tout cas), on leur lit une histoire et puis on les couche.
At about 20.30 the couple
left to have dinner in the restaurant.
At about 21.05 – 21.15
Gerald went to the bedroom to see the children, he saw the bedroom
door was half way open which he found strange as he thought he had
left it pushed to, however he entered and saw the children and saw
that the window as well as the shutter were closed.
Vers 21h05/15, Gerald est allé voir ses enfants, il a remarqué que la porte de la chambre était à moitié ouverte, ce qu'il a trouvé bizarre parce qu'il l'avait laissée entrebâillée, il est entré et a vu les enfants, la fenêtre et le volet roulant étaient fermés.
At about 21.20, their
friend Jane passed close to the apartment (in the corridor along the
front of the building) she saw an individual carrying a child who
passed descending the road, however she did not recognise this
individual, nor the child, only having noticed that the individual
appeared to be aged between 30 or 40, had dark hair and light
coloured trousers.
Vers 21h20, leur amie Jane est passée près de l'appartement des MC, le long du corridor longeant l'immeuble du côté façade (nord), elle a vu un individu portant un enfant qui descendait la rue, mais n'a reconnu ni l'individu ni l'enfant, elle a seulement remarqué que l'homme semblait âgé de 30 ou 40 ans, avait les cheveux châtain foncé et un pantalon clair.
At about 21.30 their
friend Mat entered the apartment by the back door (patio door) he did
not enter the bedroom and only saw the twins sleeping, he did not
notice anything strange.
Vers 21h30 leur ami Matt est entré dans l'appartement par la porte du patio, il n'est pas entré dans la chambre et a seulement vu les jumeaux dormir, il n'a rien remarqué de bizarre.At the same place, at about 22.00, Kate discovered the facts and the consequent disappearance of her daughter Madeleine, at this moment the window being wide open as well as the curtains and the shutter.
Au même endroit, vers 22h, Kate MC a découvert les faits et la conséquente disparition de sa fille Madeleine, la fenêtre alors était grande ouverte comme les rideaux et le volet roulant
- 04.05.2007 - 11h15- Inspecteur João Carlos
Beaucoup de ouï-dire, parfois imprudents.
Beaucoup de ouï-dire, parfois imprudents.
He comes to the process
as a participant and offended party, as the girl's father. Being of
British nationality he does not speak Portuguese and is assisted by
the interpreter Natalia de Almeida. When asked he says that
he had been in Portugal previously in 1994, staying in an apartment
near to Albufeira. This is the first time he has returned to
His desire to know
Portugal in 1994 was due to the fact of playing golf, as our country
is known for the excellent conditions for practising this sport. On
this (present) occasion, the trip was proposed by one of his friends
who accompanied him, David Payne, who upon searching in Internet,
made a reservation at the OC, P da L, Lagos, for the witness, his
wife and the rest of the group, a total of nine adults and 8
children, including his daughter Madeleine, this group consists of
people he has known for 5 or 6 years.
In this way they
travelled in two separate groups, one of the groups being the
witness, his wife Kate and three children and David with his wife,
mother in law and two children. The witness left from the local
airport (Leicestershire) and the other group left from London and
consisted of four adults and three children.
The meeting point was in
Portugal, at the OC, where his group arrived at about 14.30 on 28th
April 2007, arriving from Faro airport in a small minibus provided by
the airport services. The other group also arrived on the same day at
about 13.00, also by means of a minibus.
After checking in, the
witness and his family were accommodated in apartment G5 A, the
family nucleus consisting of the witness, his wife Kate, his daughter
Madeleine and a couple of twins aged two, Sean and Amelie. The
apartment consisted of two beds in one bedroom, another two beds in
another bedroom and two cots provided by the resort, as well as a WC
and kitchen.
The witness and his wife
slept in one of the bedrooms and the three children in the other, the
twins in the cots and Madeleine in a bed, leaving the remaining bed
Between the 28th April,
the day they arrived and the time the disappearance was discovered,
he says that nothing unusual happened, only referring to an episode
on the morning of the 3rd May, when Madeleine asked the witness the
reason why they had not gone to her room when the twins were crying.
As he did not hear anything, the witness did not go to the bedroom,
however he finds his daughter's comment to be strange, maybe because
it was the first time that she had made it.
Rien d'inhabituel ne s'est produit depuis leur arrivée, il ne mentionne qu'un épisode le matin du 3 mai, quand Madeleine lui a demandé pour quelle raison ils n'étaient pas venus dans sa chambre quand LES JUMEAUX pleuraient. Comme il n'avait rien entendu, il n'était pas allé dans la chambre, toutefois il trouve étrange la question de sa fille, peut-être parce que c'est la première fois qu'elle dit une chose comme ça.
As regards routines, he
says that on Sunday they had breakfast between 07.30 and 08.30 at the
OC Bar (probablement a lost in
translation, il veut dire le restaurant Millenium) at a few metres distance
from the apartment. During the following days, because of the fact
that the bar was quite far away, they began to buy food at a
supermarket situated in the same street as the apartment, he cannot
remember the name of the supermarket and they would have breakfast in
the apartment. After breakfast the children would stay in the resort
crèche, called the Kid Club, doing various activities such as
painting and collage, etc, until about 12.30, they were always
supervised by various members of staff, in a ratio of one member of
staff to every three children. At this time - 12.30 - the parents
would collect the children and have lunch in the apartment, which had
a kitchen. When lunch was finished, at about 13.30, the children
would stay at the Club pool, supervised by the parents, for about 45
minutes, where they would relax and put on sun screen, etc.
Afterwards, they would take the children back to the Kid Club until
about 17.00, when the children would have dinner at the bar, under
the attentive eye of their parents. After dinner at 17:00, they would
bath the children and get them ready for the night and play with them
for a few moments in the recreation area near the tennis courts, (sic
dans original portugais, l'heure du bain est démentie dans d'autres témoignages, 17h pour 19h, et le temps de récréation est évidemment après le goûter, et non après le bain) always supervised by the parents. At about
19.30 - 20.00 the children were put to bed until the following
morning when the routine described would begin. Whilst the children were
at the Kids Club, the witness would play tennis with his wife, go for
walks, read and go jogging.
Yesterday, after their
daily routine, Madeleine and the twins went to their bedroom and
were placed in their respective beds and he stresses they were placed
together [i.e. in the same bedroom], at about 19.30.
The witness and his wife,
between this time and 20.30 stayed in the apartment relaxing and
drinking a glass of wine. After 20.30, the witness and his wife,
after looking at the children, went to the Tapas Bar, about 50 metres
away, where they had dinner. As usual, every half hour and as the
restaurant was near, the witness or his wife, would check whether the
children were all right.
Après avoir mis les enfants au lit vers 19:30, les parents se sont détendus en buvant un verre de vin. À 20:30, après avoir jeté un coup d'oeil sur les enfants, ils sont partis dîner au restaurant Tapas. D'habitude et parce que le restaurant est proche de l'appartement, toutes les demi-heures ils allaient, lui ou elle, vérifier que les enfants dormaient à poings fermés.
In this way, at about
21.05 the witness came to the Club, entered the room using his
respective key, the door being locked, went to his children's bedroom
and checked that the twins were fine, as was Madeleine. He then went
to the WC where he remained for a few moments, left, and bumped into
a person he had played tennis with and who had a child's push chair,
he was also British, he had a short conversation with him, returning
after that to the restaurant.
At about 21.30 his friend Matt (member of the group) went to the apartment, where his children were and on his way went to the witness' apartment, entering by means of a glass sliding door that was always unlocked (souligné dans le texte) and was located laterally to the building. He entered the bedroom, he observed the twins and he did not even notice whether Madeleine was there as everything was calm, the shutters were closed and the door to the bedroom was ajar as usual.
Comme dans le récit de Kate, Matthew entre dans le 5A de sa propre initiative.
Vers 21.05 donc GMC a effectué sa première ronde, il est entré dans l'appartement avec sa clef, a vérifié que les enfants dormaient paisiblement et est allé dans la salle de bain. Après avoir quitté l'appartement il est tombé sur un partenaire de tennis britannique qui promènait son enfant en poussette pour l'endormir. Ils ont échangé quelques mots, puis GMC est retourné au Tapas Bar.
At about 21.30 his friend Matt (member of the group) went to the apartment, where his children were and on his way went to the witness' apartment, entering by means of a glass sliding door that was always unlocked (souligné dans le texte) and was located laterally to the building. He entered the bedroom, he observed the twins and he did not even notice whether Madeleine was there as everything was calm, the shutters were closed and the door to the bedroom was ajar as usual.
Comme dans le récit de Kate, Matthew entre dans le 5A de sa propre initiative.
Vers 21h30 Matthew MO est allé voir ses enfants (sic, il n'en a qu'un) et en passant entre chez les MC par la porte-fenêtre, jamais verrouillée (souligné dans le texte, donc il a insisté sur ce point). Il est entré dans la chambre, a observé les jumeaux et n'a même pas remarqué si Madeleine était là car tout était calme, le volet était clos et la porte de la chambre entrebâillée comme d'habitude. C'est un des ouï dire de cette déposition (ouverte).
After that Matt returned
to the restaurant.
At about 22.00 it was his
wife Kate who went to check on the children. She entered the apartment by the door using the key and saw immediately that the door to the children's bedroom was completely open, the window was also open, the blinds were raised and the curtains were drawn open. The
slide door leading to the living room was closed, which as previously
stated, was never left locked. Faced with this troubling situation,
Kate checked that the twins were in their beds, unlike Madeleine, who
had disappeared. After checking the apartment thoroughly, his wife,
quite shocked and upset, went to the restaurant, alerting the witness
and the others about the disappearance. Immediately the group rapidly
went to the club, "searched all the accommodations/lodgings,
swimming pool, tennis courts, etc. and the apartment, with the help
of staff "at the same time that they contacted the authorities
who would arrive." (ces "autorités" sont probablement le gérant etc., pas la police).
À 22:00 c'était au tour de KMC d'aller voir les enfants. Elle est entrée dans l'appartement avec sa clef et a immédiatement vu que la porte de la chambre des enfants était complètement ouverte, la fenêtre, le volet roulant et les double-rideaux aussi (cortinas afastadas). La porte-fenêtre du living-room qui, comme déjà dit, n'était jamais verrouillée, était fermée. Face à cette situation troublante, KMC a constaté que les jumeaux étaient dans leurs lits respectifs, au contraire de Madeleine, qui avait disparu. Après avoir cherché partout dans l'appartement, KMC, choquée et paniquée, est retournée au restaurant alerter GMC et leurs compagnons de voyage. Le groupe est parti immédiatement vers l'immeuble, a cherché partout, piscine, courts de tennis, appartements avec l'aide des employés de l'OC, tout en contactant les autorités qui allaient arriver.
It is emphasised that one
of the members of the group, Jane, at about 21.10 - 21.15 when she
was going to her apartment to check on her children, she saw from the
back (visualizou pela
rectaguarda), at a distance of about 50 metres, on the road bordering the
club, an individual carrying a child,
wearing pyjamas, Jane will be able to clarify this situation.
(GMC) souligne que, alors qu'elle allait à son appartement voir ses enfants vers 21h10/15, un des membres du groupe, JT, a vu de dos, à une cinquantaine de mètres, dans la rue bordant le complexe, un homme portant un enfant en pyjama.
With regard to Madeleine,
he describes her as being of Caucasian race, with quite white skin,
four years old (12-05-2003), almost 90 cm in height. She has a slim
build dark blond hair which is straight and shoulder length. Her left
eye is blue and green and her right eye is green with a brown mark in
the pupil. She has a small brown birthmark ,on the knee of her left
leg, he does not remember any others. She did not have any scars. At
the time of her disappearance she was wearing pyjamas, the trousers
were white with a floral pattern, and the short-sleeved top was
predominantly pink and there was a blue and grey figure of a donkey
on the front, with the inscription "Eeyore".
As regards personality,
the child was extrovert, very active, talkative, alert with an easy
relationship with other children. He also says that she would never
go with a stranger.
He has no suspects to
point out, he cannot find any motive for such an act, as neither he
nor his wife has any enemies.
He adds that his daughter
is not suffering from any illness or take any medication.
When asked, he says that
he authorises a reading of the recorded data of his mobile phone no.
Apart from the Kid Club
and the apartment they only went to the beach with Madeleine and the
other children once and for a short time as the weather conditions
were unstable. At the beach they just ate an ice cream and then
returned to the apartment. In addition to what he has described, on
the Wednesday or Thursday, Madeleine and the other children went
sailing along the beach, five minutes on foot away from the Club for
an hour, organised by the resort, an activity that has an available
chart. The supervision and organisation of this activity is the
responsibility of the Club, which is why neither the witness nor his
wife were present.
GM déclare n'être allé qu'une fois à la plage avec les enfants et seulement pour manger une glace car il ne faisait pas beau. Il pense que MM a fait de la voile pendant une heure le 2 ou le 3 mai avec le kids club, activité organisée et surveillée par l'OC.
He never saw any strange
behaviour during these. days nor anything that had led him to such a
When he was shown a list
of the Club's guests he says he only recognises the names of the
members of the group.
He never detected that
any object had disappeared.
He has no other elements
to bring to the process, desiring the appropriate criminal procedure
and (the person) caught for the act he was a victim of.
No more is said. Reads,
ratifies, signs.
(Note: several mentions
are made to "club" in the text, in some cases I understand
them to mean "apartment" but have left them as described in
PT text).
non datée, mais estimée entre le 5 et le 8.05.2007, remise à l'officier de liaison britannique qui (la remet au consul qui ?) la remet à la PJ
La ligne de temps collective est la déposition informelle du groupe des Neuf. Elle a été établie et signée par tous.
21:05 - GM returns to his
flat (5A) and enters via the patio gate entrance. This and a child
gate at the top of the stairs were closed at the time. He enters the
flat via the patio door which is closed but unlocked.
The door is slightly ajar
(about 45 degrees) which is unusual. All the 3 children were present
and asleep. GM believes the shutter was down. The room in which the
children are asleep is completely dark. On leaving the room, GM shuts
the door to approximately 5 degrees. He then goes to the toilet to
21:15 - JT leaves table,
and sees GM talking with fellow resident ("Jez" Wilkins)
outside the patio gate of 5A. The two were standing just up the hill
from the gate towards Rua A. da Silva Road. She did not speak to GM
as she passed.
Il part à 21h05, passe par le patio, la grille et la barrière de sécurité en haut des marches sont fermées. Cette narration diffère complètement de la première audition (2.). Il entre par la porte-fenêtre. La porte de la chambre des enfants est ouverte à environ 45° (il en avait parlé informellement aux gendarmes, mais n'en a rien dit dans sa première déposition), ce qui n'est pas normal. Les trois enfants sont endormis. Le volet est fermé. L'obscurité est totale (mais il voit les enfants..). En partant il referme la porte à environ 5° puis va dans la salle de bain. 21h15, Jane TB quitte la table et voit GMC bavarder avec un vacancier, Jeremy W., près de la grille du patio, sur le trottoir qui monte vers la rue AdS. Elle passe à côté sans dire un mot.
As JT continued up the hill towards the junction with Rua A. da Silva, she sees a man carrying a child in his arms crossing left to right from the apartment side continuing east along Rua A. da Silva in the direction of the "Millennium Restaurant." He was on the same side of the road as JT 5-10 metres ahead of her.
Alors que JT grimpe la côte en direction de la jonction avec la rue AdS, elle voit un homme portant un enfant dans ses bras traverser de gauche à droite, venant du côté de l'appartement et marchant vers l'est le long de la rue AdS en direction du restaurant Millennium. Il est du même côté de la rue que JT, à 5/10m d'elle.
JT then returns to the restaurant, by which time GMC had also returned.
The entire party then begins eating their starters which have arrived.
2125: After starters, MO and ROB go back to the apartments via the car park entrance to check all flats. They go first to 5D where ROB's daughter Evie is heard crying. ROB enters flat, whilst MO checks inside 5B, and then returns to 5D.
2125: After starters, MO and ROB go back to the apartments via the car park entrance to check all flats. They go first to 5D where ROB's daughter Evie is heard crying. ROB enters flat, whilst MO checks inside 5B, and then returns to 5D.
2120: JT retourne au restaurant, GMC est déjà revenu. Tous commencent alors à manger les entrées, entretemps arrivées sur la table.
2125: Après les entrées, MO et RTB retournent vers l'immeuble par le parking pour faire une ronde de tous les appartements. Ils vont d'abord chez Russell où on entend une enfant pleurer. Russell entre dans sont appartement tandis que Matthew va dans le sien, puis retourne chez Russell.
(approx): KMC leaves table to check children in 5A. The patio gate is
closed and the child gate is also probably closed. She enters through
the closed patio entrance, with the curtains closed. She crosses the
living area, and there is no noise from the children's bedroom. She is
about to leave, when she notices the bedroom door was open (approximately 60 degrees). She starts to close it and it slams...
2200: (approx) KMC quitte la table pour aller voir ses enfants. La grille du patio est fermée et la barrière de protection est probablement fermée aussi. Elle entre par la porte-fenêtre qui est fermée, les rideaux fermés. Elle traverse la salle de séjour et aucun bruit ne vient de la chambre des enfants. Elle est sur le point de s'en aller quand elle remarque que la porte des enfants est ouverte (environ 60°). Elle commence à la refermer et elle claque...
10.05.2007 - 15h20 – Inspecteurs João Carlos et Rui Gonçalves
He is part of this case in the form of a participant and an offended party, as the father of the minor MADELEINE. Being a British national who does not know the Portuguese language, oral or written, the interpreter Alice Dias Homem de Gouveia Avakoff is therefore present.
----- That he confirms
the truth of the statements made previously on 4 May 2007 he being
available here to provide any further clarifications.
----- Asked, he clarifies
that, with regard to the personal photos already delivered by him to
the authorities after the disappearance of his daughter MADELEINE, he
has no others in his power [possession]. He adds that it is his wife
KATE who usually takes pictures, he does not recall if on this
holiday any were taken at night.
Une autre interprète est présente. GMC confirme la teneur de sa première déposition.Il déclare qu’il n’a pas d’autres photographies (outre celles qu’il a déjà remises à la police), dit que c’est KMC qui prend en général les photos et ne se souvient pas qu'il y ait eu des photos prises la nuit.
As he was asked he relates that, in January 2003 he went to Lanzarote
in Spain with Fiona WP and David WP where they spent a week's holiday
not having any children at that time, although Kate was 6 months
pregnant with Madeleine, through IVF. Still in 2003, September, he went to Umbria, Italy, with Kate,
Matthew and Rachael, and Russell and Jane for a week's holiday where
they attended Fiona and David's wedding. The deponent clarifies that the
trip to Lanzarote was organised by himself as he had been there the
previous year with Kate
and they had enjoyed it very much, whereas the trip to Italy was
arranged by Fiona and David given that it was for their wedding.
Relating to the events in Portugal, as already stated in his previous
statements, he arrived at Faro airport on 28 April 2007 at 12h30 having
travelled immediately to Ocean Club in an airport mini-bus where he arrived at 14h20/14h30.
----- That he was taken to the Ocean Club reception where, doing the check-in, he furnished his documents, those of Kate and of his three children. He was then given the key to apartment A5, the choice of that apartment having been made at random by Ocean Club management, given that, as he understood it, not even DP had been given a choice although he had dealt directly with the reservations.
----- He adds that the only stipulation by the group was that the apartments had to be close to one another because, contrary to the tour brochure, ce n'est pas vrai (comme le dit très précisément FP dans son rog), avait-il au moins lu la brochure ? the resort did not provide a "baby listening" service, that is, a service in which a group of employees would ?listen? to hear if children were asleep in their apartments while the parents were away. He doesn't know exactly how it works in practice, he never having used it, but he knows that other Mark Warner resorts use this form of checking, some of his group members having had access to it on previous holidays, though he does not know exactly who. He relates that, for this reason DP decided to use the listening devices (personal intercoms) to monitor his children, though he had not used them on other holidays that they had spent together.
----- That, on the first day, given that they arrived at lunch time, they ate [had eaten] only sandwiches both on the plane and in the bus during the journey from the airport to the Ocean Club . After completing the check-in at the main reception, where they were taken by the mini-bus, that lasted until 15h00, they went to the apartment where they unpacked their bags, that taking until 16h45. Pointing out that after check-in they went with their bags to the apartment by resort mini-bus.
----- Subsequently, at 17h00, the whole group, including children, went to the TAPAS situated at the back of the apartments, next to the pool, to attend a welcoming committee arranged by Mark Warner where they met with instructors in tennis and sailing and other resort employees, which ended at 18h30, glasses of sangria having been served to them.
----- That that was the first time they walked altogether along the route inside and around the resort. They left by the front door, which he locked with the key, he followed the wall around and turned right, going down the side road to the resort up to the secondary reception where they entered without difficulty as they had an access card that they did not ask for but they had been given during the Check-in.
----- After they passed through the secondary reception they went to the TAPAS restaurant, next to one of the swimming pools, the adults being seated in a covered area outside while the children stayed next to the small pool playing on the [playground] apparatus that was there. That during this time all the adults stood and went to watch the children near where they were. The deponent and his wife alternated in that vigil.
----- That he was taken to the Ocean Club reception where, doing the check-in, he furnished his documents, those of Kate and of his three children. He was then given the key to apartment A5, the choice of that apartment having been made at random by Ocean Club management, given that, as he understood it, not even DP had been given a choice although he had dealt directly with the reservations.
----- He adds that the only stipulation by the group was that the apartments had to be close to one another because, contrary to the tour brochure, ce n'est pas vrai (comme le dit très précisément FP dans son rog), avait-il au moins lu la brochure ? the resort did not provide a "baby listening" service, that is, a service in which a group of employees would ?listen? to hear if children were asleep in their apartments while the parents were away. He doesn't know exactly how it works in practice, he never having used it, but he knows that other Mark Warner resorts use this form of checking, some of his group members having had access to it on previous holidays, though he does not know exactly who. He relates that, for this reason DP decided to use the listening devices (personal intercoms) to monitor his children, though he had not used them on other holidays that they had spent together.
----- That, on the first day, given that they arrived at lunch time, they ate [had eaten] only sandwiches both on the plane and in the bus during the journey from the airport to the Ocean Club . After completing the check-in at the main reception, where they were taken by the mini-bus, that lasted until 15h00, they went to the apartment where they unpacked their bags, that taking until 16h45. Pointing out that after check-in they went with their bags to the apartment by resort mini-bus.
----- Subsequently, at 17h00, the whole group, including children, went to the TAPAS situated at the back of the apartments, next to the pool, to attend a welcoming committee arranged by Mark Warner where they met with instructors in tennis and sailing and other resort employees, which ended at 18h30, glasses of sangria having been served to them.
----- That that was the first time they walked altogether along the route inside and around the resort. They left by the front door, which he locked with the key, he followed the wall around and turned right, going down the side road to the resort up to the secondary reception where they entered without difficulty as they had an access card that they did not ask for but they had been given during the Check-in.
----- After they passed through the secondary reception they went to the TAPAS restaurant, next to one of the swimming pools, the adults being seated in a covered area outside while the children stayed next to the small pool playing on the [playground] apparatus that was there. That during this time all the adults stood and went to watch the children near where they were. The deponent and his wife alternated in that vigil.
The reception committee over, the nine adults and eight children went
on foot to the Millenium restaurant. They went back to the secondary
reception, turned left and, at the end of the road, turned right up to
the main street that led to the restaurant. Because it was a long way,
at some time the deponent and his wife picked up and carried the twins
in their arms, but not Madeleine who was always on foot.
----- They arrived at the destination between 18h50 and 19h00 having set themselves up at a large table where they all ate dinner, including the children who were seated between the adults, never leaving the place except for one of the twins who went to the bathroom with the deponent. About an hour later they finished dinner returning, again on foot by the same route, though going wrong in one of the streets where they should have turned left, ending up only turning at the next street. He adds that, as they were all very tired they went directly to the apartment arriving at 20h10/20h15, the route back having been slightly faster given that the twins were carried all the way.
----- In the apartment they bathed the children and gave them a glass of milk putting them down at exactly 20h45, remembering that time because it was exactly one hour later than their usual bedtime. After putting down the children the deponent and his wife took a bath then settled down in the lounge to watch television. He points out that at the moment they arrived at the residence DP invited them to go for a glass of wine after putting down the children but they turned down the offer as they were extremely tired. He thinks that nobody left their apartments on the first night. Asked, he said that in England, when not on holiday, he and his wife would go to bed at 22h30/23h00, the twins at 19h00 and Madeleine at 19H30.
----- The following day (Sunday) the children woke up at 08h00, he and his wife having woken up at 07h30. They dressed and about 08h40 left the apartment going to the Millenium restaurant, once more on foot and by the same route as the previous night, but without the mistake referred to previously, arriving there at 08h45/09h00. The group did not all arrive at the same time, rather in a phased manner, because they were not all seated at the same table.
----- He thinks that MO and wife RMO did not take breakfast due to the former having spent a bad night with vomiting and diarrhoea. At breakfast the children sat at the same table among the adults, it finished at 09h25.
---- The deponent, his wife and three children went to the Ocean Club by the same route where they arrived at 09h40, the deponent having entered the apartment by the main door, which was locked, collecting a bag with clothing and creams for the children [then] going inside the resort area. The twins stayed at the creche next to the Taps, which was for children of two years of age, and then he and Kate took Madeleine to the other creche for older children situated on the 1st floor at the main reception of the resort, arriving there at 09h50. Besides Madeleine, only E***, daughter of Jane and Russell went to the same creche. The remaining children being very young stayed at the creche next to the Tapas.
----- Again he went on foot, leaving the secondary reception he turned right, went down the street passing the supermarket, turning left passing the main reception. After putting the children in their creches they went to the supermarket where they bought [things] for lunch and breakfast.
----- At 12H30, the deponent and Kate first went to pick up Madeleine and then the twins, going to the apartment. On this day, Sunday, they lunched on the veranda of DP's apartment with the whole group, including children, except for Matthew, who was ill and at that moment was sleeping on the veranda of his apartment, that was below and to the left in relation to where they were eating lunch.
---- They took the children to the play area next to the pool, where the playground apparatus is, at 14H15, having stayed there until about 14H20. After that time they left the twins in the creche at Tapas, and either he or Kate, he doesn't know who, took Madeleine to the creche above the main reception following the route previously described. He clarifies that the drop-off and collection times were recorded at each creche along with the contact number and location of the respective parents.
----- They arrived at the destination between 18h50 and 19h00 having set themselves up at a large table where they all ate dinner, including the children who were seated between the adults, never leaving the place except for one of the twins who went to the bathroom with the deponent. About an hour later they finished dinner returning, again on foot by the same route, though going wrong in one of the streets where they should have turned left, ending up only turning at the next street. He adds that, as they were all very tired they went directly to the apartment arriving at 20h10/20h15, the route back having been slightly faster given that the twins were carried all the way.
----- In the apartment they bathed the children and gave them a glass of milk putting them down at exactly 20h45, remembering that time because it was exactly one hour later than their usual bedtime. After putting down the children the deponent and his wife took a bath then settled down in the lounge to watch television. He points out that at the moment they arrived at the residence DP invited them to go for a glass of wine after putting down the children but they turned down the offer as they were extremely tired. He thinks that nobody left their apartments on the first night. Asked, he said that in England, when not on holiday, he and his wife would go to bed at 22h30/23h00, the twins at 19h00 and Madeleine at 19H30.
----- The following day (Sunday) the children woke up at 08h00, he and his wife having woken up at 07h30. They dressed and about 08h40 left the apartment going to the Millenium restaurant, once more on foot and by the same route as the previous night, but without the mistake referred to previously, arriving there at 08h45/09h00. The group did not all arrive at the same time, rather in a phased manner, because they were not all seated at the same table.
----- He thinks that MO and wife RMO did not take breakfast due to the former having spent a bad night with vomiting and diarrhoea. At breakfast the children sat at the same table among the adults, it finished at 09h25.
---- The deponent, his wife and three children went to the Ocean Club by the same route where they arrived at 09h40, the deponent having entered the apartment by the main door, which was locked, collecting a bag with clothing and creams for the children [then] going inside the resort area. The twins stayed at the creche next to the Taps, which was for children of two years of age, and then he and Kate took Madeleine to the other creche for older children situated on the 1st floor at the main reception of the resort, arriving there at 09h50. Besides Madeleine, only E***, daughter of Jane and Russell went to the same creche. The remaining children being very young stayed at the creche next to the Tapas.
----- Again he went on foot, leaving the secondary reception he turned right, went down the street passing the supermarket, turning left passing the main reception. After putting the children in their creches they went to the supermarket where they bought [things] for lunch and breakfast.
----- At 12H30, the deponent and Kate first went to pick up Madeleine and then the twins, going to the apartment. On this day, Sunday, they lunched on the veranda of DP's apartment with the whole group, including children, except for Matthew, who was ill and at that moment was sleeping on the veranda of his apartment, that was below and to the left in relation to where they were eating lunch.
---- They took the children to the play area next to the pool, where the playground apparatus is, at 14H15, having stayed there until about 14H20. After that time they left the twins in the creche at Tapas, and either he or Kate, he doesn't know who, took Madeleine to the creche above the main reception following the route previously described. He clarifies that the drop-off and collection times were recorded at each creche along with the contact number and location of the respective parents.
Les jumeaux allaient dans la crèche proche du restaurant Tapas et Madeleine dans une crèche pour enfants plus âgés, au premier étage de la réception principale du club. Les heures d’entrée et de sortie sont indiquées dans un registre et signées par les parents.
----- The hygiene done, the children were put to bed about 19h30, it being that the deponent and Kate left for dinner at the Tapas at 20h30. Between 19h30 and 20h30 they took a bath and drank wine, Portuguese or New Zealand, and a beer.
Vers 17h tous les enfants se retrouvaient avec les nannies (jusqu’à 17:30, heure off) à côté du Tapas sous un auvent où ils dînaient. Les MC restaient avec les enfants jusqu’à 18:30, heure à laquelle ils retournaient à l’appartement. GMC (faisait le tour et) ouvrait la porte principale avec sa clef puis celle du patio pour KMC et les enfants. Ils donnaient leur bain aux enfants et les mettaient au lit à 19:30. Puis ils prenaient leur bain, buvaient du vin, portugais ou nouveau-zélandais et à 20:30 partaient pour le restaurant Tapas.
----- That they left the
house by the main door, that he was sure he locked, it being that the
rear door was also closed and locked.
Ils quittaient l’appartement par la porte de la façade qu’il est certain d’avoir toujours verrouillée, la porte-fenêtre donnant sur la terrasse étant fermée et verrouillée.
were the first to arrive at the Tapas where everyone showed up except
only for Matthew, who was still ill. Though his wife Rachael showed up
for dinner. Except for the situation described above, that occurred
during lunch, he did not see Matthew during the whole of Sunday.
----- Dinner ended at 23h00, during which every half-hour the deponent or Kate went, alternately, to the apartment to confirm that all was well with the children. On that day only the deponent and his wife entered the apartment.
He is sure that they always entered through the front door, not knowing [how] to show [demonstrate] that they locked it with a key. Usually they entered the apartment, in which one of the lounge lights was lit, going to the children's bedroom door that was partially open [ajar] and limited themselves to peep inside, trying to hear if the children were crying. The outside blinds were closed with only two or three slats open, the window was closed though now he is not totally sure if it was locked, and the curtains drawn closed.
----- Dinner ended at 23h00, during which every half-hour the deponent or Kate went, alternately, to the apartment to confirm that all was well with the children. On that day only the deponent and his wife entered the apartment.
He is sure that they always entered through the front door, not knowing [how] to show [demonstrate] that they locked it with a key. Usually they entered the apartment, in which one of the lounge lights was lit, going to the children's bedroom door that was partially open [ajar] and limited themselves to peep inside, trying to hear if the children were crying. The outside blinds were closed with only two or three slats open, the window was closed though now he is not totally sure if it was locked, and the curtains drawn closed.
Cette nuit-là, dimanche, mais il ne dit nulle part ni quand ni pourquoi ils ont changé de routine, ni s'ils en ont changé...)Il est certain qu’ils sont toujours entrés par la porte de la façade mais ne sait pas s’ils fermaient toujours cette porte à clef en partant.
Normalement ils entraient dans l’appartement où une des lampes du salon restait allumée, s'approchaient de la porte de la chambre des enfants, légèrement entrouverte (entrebâillée) et se contentaient de tendre l'oreille afin de s’assurer que les enfants ne pleuraient pas. Le volet était fermé avec deux ou trois jalousies ouvertes, la fenêtre aussi, mais il ne sait pas si elle était verrouillée ou non, et les rideaux étaient tirés.
Comme il le confirmera dans un documentaire, les MC ne regardaient pas, ils écoutaient. Ten minutes after dinner ended they had made their way to the apartment, going to sleep soon after.
----- In the following days they always took breakfast at home, shopping the day before, generally maintaining the daily routine described above.
When the children were at creche they had tennis classes, Kate at 09h15, he an hour later, from Monday to Thursday.
----- From memory, on Tuesday, 1 May 2007, being shown by Russell, he went to pick up Madeleine at creche using a short-cut that began at the car park opposite the secondary reception and went between the buildings, which he used to fetch and carry his daughter.Pendant que les enfants étaient à la crèche les MC avaient des leçons de tennis.
----- Pertaining to the routine, on Tuesday there was a slight change given that after lunch, at 13h30, he and Kate decided to take the three children to Praia da Luz, having gone on foot, taking only the twins in baby carriages. They all left by the main door due to the carriages, went around to the right, down the street of the supermarket and went to the beach along a road directly ahead.----- They were at the beach for about 20 minutes, the deponent and Madeleine having paddled in the water. During this time the weather changed with a cloudy sky and cold, they went to an esplanade of a cafe next to the beach, on the left, where they bought five ice-creams and two drinks.
Le mardi après-midi, changement dans la routine : ils étaient allés avec les enfants à la plage après le déjeuner. Ils avaient alors une poussette (depuis quand ?). Ils n’y étaient restés que 20’, le temps changeant, et avaient pris un café et des glaces sur l’esplanade de la plage (Paraiso) avant d’amener les enfants à leurs crèches.
Asked, he said that at
that place there was an individual playing Latin music on a guitar to
whom he intended to give some coins, but having none at the time, he
didn't. That the individual had a neglected and careless appearance,
unshaven and somewhat shabby [raggedy]. He was Caucasian, 175cm tall,
thin, 70 to 75kg in weight, dark, short hair, almost shaven-headed
with grey sides, and not wearing glasses. Wearing a light
brown-coloured 'kispo' [coat?], with a hood at the back, and dark
cotton trousers, not noticing the footwear. He said that he never
behaved strangely, nor approached or looked at the children in an
ostensible [deliberate/menacing] manner. On returning they left the
children at their creches, as usual, the parents having gone to play
tennis or went jogging.
----- The day MMC
disappeared, Thursday,
3 May 2007, they all woke up at the same time between 07H30 and 08H00.
While they were taking breakfast Madeleine addressed the mother and
asked her ?why didn't you come last night when S*** and I were crying??.
That he thought this comment very strange given that Madeleine had
never had this kind of talk [had never spoken like this] and, the night
before, they had maintained the same system of checking on the children,
not having detected anything abnormal. When he questioned her about the
comment, she left [withdrew herself] without any explanation.
Le 3 mai ils s'étaient réveillés à la même heure, entre 7h30 et 8h. Alors qu’ils prenaient leur petit déjeuner, Madeleine avait regardé sa mère (la mère insistera sur le fait que le père aussi est regardé) et lui avait demandé "pourquoi n’es-tu pas venue la nuit dernière quand nous pleurions Sean et moi?" (GMC) avait trouvé cette remarque très étrange, car Madeleine n’avait jamais tenu ce type de discours et la nuit précédente ils avaient eu le même système de surveillance sans rien détecter d’anormal. Quand il avait questionné Madeleine à propos de cette remarque, elle s'était esquivée sans demander son reste.
----- On Wednesday night, 2 May 2007, as well as he and his wife, he thinks that DP also went to his apartment to confirm that his children were well,
not having reported to him any abnormal situation with the children. On
this day he and Kate had already left the rear door closed, but not
locked, to allow entrance by their colleagues to check on the children.
He clarifies that the main door was always closed but not necessarily
locked with the key. He does not know if the window next to the front
door, and that gave access to the children's bedroom, was locked, given
that he assumed that the outside blinds could not be opened from the
Personne d'autre, à commencer par David qui a dénié, n'a mentionné une telle ronde. Pourquoi choisir le seul qui de l'avis unanime, à commencer par l'intéressé, n'est jamais allé vérifier que ses propres enfants dormaient (puisqu'il avait un baby monitor) ? Ça n'a pas de sens. Comment ne se souvient-il pas de l'heure à laquelle David lui aurait fait une fois de plus une faveur ? Est-ce une tentative d'introduire l'idée que la porte-fenêtre était ouverte avant jeudi ? GMC essaie aussi d'inférer que d'autres surveillaient ses enfants et que c'est pour cette raison que la porte n'était pas fermée. Mais aucun des membres du groupe (sauf David, plusieurs fois dixit mais pendant la journée) n'était entré dans le 5A avant l'innovation Matthew à 21h30. C'est absurde, il valait mieux donner la clef puisque tous les collègues passaient par le parking, au lieu de les obliger à faire le tour et de grimper à nouveau, etc.
Personne d'autre, à commencer par David qui a dénié, n'a mentionné une telle ronde. Pourquoi choisir le seul qui de l'avis unanime, à commencer par l'intéressé, n'est jamais allé vérifier que ses propres enfants dormaient (puisqu'il avait un baby monitor) ? Ça n'a pas de sens. Comment ne se souvient-il pas de l'heure à laquelle David lui aurait fait une fois de plus une faveur ? Est-ce une tentative d'introduire l'idée que la porte-fenêtre était ouverte avant jeudi ? GMC essaie aussi d'inférer que d'autres surveillaient ses enfants et que c'est pour cette raison que la porte n'était pas fermée. Mais aucun des membres du groupe (sauf David, plusieurs fois dixit mais pendant la journée) n'était entré dans le 5A avant l'innovation Matthew à 21h30. C'est absurde, il valait mieux donner la clef puisque tous les collègues passaient par le parking, au lieu de les obliger à faire le tour et de grimper à nouveau, etc.
Still on this night, Kate slept in the children's bedroom, in the bed next to the window, because he was snoring.
La nuit du 2, KM a dormi dans la chambre des enfants, dans le lit près de la fenêtre, car GM ronflait.
Kate aura une autre explication.
He cannot say exactly, but he thinks that on Monday or Tuesday
Madeleine had slept for some time in his bedroom with Kate as she [K]
had told him that one or both twins had cried making much noise.
Il ne sait plus exactement, mais le lundi ou le mardi Madeleine avait dormi pendant un certain temps dans la chambre de ses parents avec Kate, car, Kate le lui avait dit, un ou les deux jumeaux pleuraient et faisaient beaucoup de bruit.
Returning to Thursday, after breakfast, about 09h00, Kate and the
children left by the rear door, he having left by the front door, which
he locked with the key, having also closed and locked the rear door from
the inside.
----- They made their way on foot by the usual route to the creche next to the Tapas where they left the twins, and, while Kate stayed to play tennis he took Madeleine to her creche, through the short-cut, where they arrived at 09h15, and , since it was obligatory, he signed the child's attendance register. On returning, not by the short-cut, he went to the supermarket where he bought milk, he presume, making his way to his apartment, entering by the front door, that was locked by key, when it was 09H40/09H45.
----- They made their way on foot by the usual route to the creche next to the Tapas where they left the twins, and, while Kate stayed to play tennis he took Madeleine to her creche, through the short-cut, where they arrived at 09h15, and , since it was obligatory, he signed the child's attendance register. On returning, not by the short-cut, he went to the supermarket where he bought milk, he presume, making his way to his apartment, entering by the front door, that was locked by key, when it was 09H40/09H45.
----- He remained at home for about 15 minutes, dressing in tennis clothes, left by the front door, that he did not lock, and made his way to the tennis courts by the usual route, they being next to the Tapas. He played tennis for an hour with the instructor and other students among whom was an individual he had met during the holiday called "Jez", and with whom he had established a friendship albeit as a simple acquaintance. "Jez" has two small children whose exact age he does not know. As to his wife, he had seen her next to the pool but had never spoken with her.Après le petit-déjeuner, vers 9h00, Kate et les enfants étaient sortis par la porte-fenêtre tandis que Gerald passait par la porte principale qu’il fermait à clef après avoir aussi verrouillé la porte-fenêtre. Ils avaient laissé les jumeaux à la crèche et, pendant que Kate avait sa leçon de tennis, Gerald avait conduit Madeleine à la sienne, puis il avait acheté du lait au supermarché et était retourné à l'appartement en entrant par la porte principale, fermée à clef, vers 9h40/45.
----- The tennis class finished at 11H15, he stayed in the pool area talking with his wife and other persons, whom he does not remember. At 12H00, together with Kate, as he recalls it, she made lunch and he went to get Madeleine. He thinks that it was Kate who took the twins home. Since it was he who went to collect Madeleine, he is sure he used the short-cut.
Il était resté un quart d’heure dans l’appartement où il s’'était habillé pour le tennis et était sorti par la porte principale qu’il n’avait pas fermée à clef, en direction du court de tennis où il avait eu une leçon d’une heure en compagnie d’autres joueurs dont un certain Jez, qui a deux enfants. Après la leçon il était resté près de la piscine, avait conversé avec sa femme et d’autres personnes dont il ne se souvient pas. Vers midi, Kate était allée préparer le déjeuner après avoir été chercher les jumeaux et il était allé chercher Madeleine.
Kate dit que c'est elle, avec Fiona, qui est allée chercher MMC à la crèche. Peut-être qu'aucun des deux n'y est allé finalement..
----- At 12h30 they started lunch, the meal having lasted an hour until 13h30. After that time they made their way to the resort play area, the deponent left by the front door and the rest of the family by the rear door that, once again, he shut and locked from the inside. As to the front door, he does not know exactly if he locked it.
----- That they stayed in the play area for approximately an hour until 14H30/14H35. After that they left the twins next to the creche at the Tapas, they signed the register and the three (deponent, Kate and MMC) made their way to the creche at the main reception, where they arrived at 14H50 and delivered MMC, not being able to say precisely who signed the register.
----- At 12h30 they started lunch, the meal having lasted an hour until 13h30. After that time they made their way to the resort play area, the deponent left by the front door and the rest of the family by the rear door that, once again, he shut and locked from the inside. As to the front door, he does not know exactly if he locked it.
----- That they stayed in the play area for approximately an hour until 14H30/14H35. After that they left the twins next to the creche at the Tapas, they signed the register and the three (deponent, Kate and MMC) made their way to the creche at the main reception, where they arrived at 14H50 and delivered MMC, not being able to say precisely who signed the register.
Ils avaient commencé à déjeuner vers 12:30 et fini vers 13:30. Ils étaient alors allés dans l’aire de jeux : Gerald était sorti par la porte principale et le reste de la famille par la porte-fenêtre que Gerald avait ensuite verrouillée. Il ne sait plus s’il avait fermé à clef la porte principale. À 14:30 ils avaient conduit les jumeaux à leur crèche, puis Madeleine à la sienne. Il ne sait plus exactement s’ils avaient signé le registre.
Il se souvient de la porte par laquelle il est entré ou sorti au cours de la journée, mais fait une confusion le soir fatal !
The deponent and Kate returned to the Ocean Club by the short-cut and
at the secondary reception they asked the lady employee if there was a
vacant tennis court they could reserve. They were told there was a
vacancy between 14H30 to 15H30. As it was already 15h00, they began to
play immediately. At 15H30, the tennis instructor arrived, who
instructed each of them until 16H30.
----- They stayed in that place, talking, until 16H45 at which time the twins went to the meal area. At 17h00, as usual, MMC arrived accompanied by the teachers and the other children. After her arrival, MMC ate, [the meal] having ended at 17H30.
------ After 17H30 they went to the apartment, the deponent having entered by the main door, which he did not lock while he was inside the residence. Kate and the children entered by the rear door, after this had been opened from the inside by the deponent.
------ That they bathed the children, the deponent having left at 18H00 for a tennis game only for men, at which were: Dan, tennis instructor; Julian, with whom he had played tennis several times; and Curtis, with whom he had also played.
----- They stayed in that place, talking, until 16H45 at which time the twins went to the meal area. At 17h00, as usual, MMC arrived accompanied by the teachers and the other children. After her arrival, MMC ate, [the meal] having ended at 17H30.
------ After 17H30 they went to the apartment, the deponent having entered by the main door, which he did not lock while he was inside the residence. Kate and the children entered by the rear door, after this had been opened from the inside by the deponent.
------ That they bathed the children, the deponent having left at 18H00 for a tennis game only for men, at which were: Dan, tennis instructor; Julian, with whom he had played tennis several times; and Curtis, with whom he had also played.
Ils avaient ensuite cherché à réserver un court de tennis et, l’un étant disponible, avaient commencé immédiatement à jouer. Puis ils avaient eu une leçon jusqu’à 16:30. Ils étaient restés là à bavarder. Gerald oublie que Kate était partie faire un jogging après la leçon. Les jumeaux étaient arrivés, puis Madeleine vers 17:00, accompagnée par les nannies et les autres enfants. Le goûter a fini vers 17h30. Ils étaient alors retournés à l’appartement, il était entré par la porte principale, qu’ils ne fermaient pas à clef quand ils étaient dans l’appartement. Kate et les enfants étaient entrés par la porte-fenêtre qu’il avait préalablement déverrouillée. Kate dit qu'ils sont tous entrés par la porte principale, elle portant Madeleine. Ils avaient donné le bain aux enfants et Gerald était parti à 18h00 pour un double messieurs.
During the afternoon of that day the rest of the group members,
including the children, were at the beach, [they] having returned at
18H30, the time at which he saw DP next to the tennis court. David went
to visit Kate and the children and returned close to 19H00, trying to
convince the deponent to continue to play tennis, to which [entreaty] he
did not accede as he had already been playing for about an hour and had
to go back to his wife. Nevertheless, Russell, David and Matthew
stayed to play.
GMC, ici, se contente d'avoir vu David près du court, de retour de la plage à 18h30 (il était revenu avec Russell et Matthew, que GMC ne mentionne pas) et qu'il était allé visiter Kate et les enfants, sans expliquer pourquoi ni comment il le sait.
Remarquer que ni GMC, ni KMC, ni David ne font référence à cette visite dans leurs auditions respectives du 4 mai. David y fera une allusion bien différente dans un formulaire écrit (qui n'est pas dans les PJFiles, mais auquel une lettre d'un PO du LC fait référence).Les autres membres du groupe, enfants inclus, avaient passé l'après-midi à la plage et étaient revenus vers 18h30, heure à laquelle il avait vu David WP près du court de tennis. David était allé visiter Kate et les enfants puis était revenu vers 19h et avait essayé de convaincre Gerald de continuer à jouer, mais Gerald n’a pas cédé à cette demande insistante parce qu'il jouait déjà depuis une heure et devait rejoindre sa femme. Russell, David and Matthew étaient néanmoins restés pour jouer.
GMC, ici, se contente d'avoir vu David près du court, de retour de la plage à 18h30 (il était revenu avec Russell et Matthew, que GMC ne mentionne pas) et qu'il était allé visiter Kate et les enfants, sans expliquer pourquoi ni comment il le sait.
At 19h00, he made his way to the apartment, finding Kate and the
children playing on the sofa. About 10 to 15 minutes later, they took
the children to the bedroom and they all sat on MMC'sbed to read a
story. At 19H30, the twins were already in their respective cots and MMC
in the bed next to the bedroom door. He does not know if they were
asleep but from the silence he presumed that they were. As it was still
early he took a bath, he thinks that Kate had already had one, they
talked a little and drank wine or beer.
À 19H, Gerald était revenu chez lui où Kate et les enfants étaient en train de jouer sur le sofa. 10/15 minutes plus tard, ils étaient allés dans la chambre des enfants, s'étaient tous assis sur le lit de Madeleine et avaient lu une histoire. Vers 19h30, tous les enfants avaient été mis au lit. Il ne sait pas s’ils dormaient, mais compte tenu du silence il pense que oui. Comme il était tôt, Gerald a pris un bain, pensant que Kate l'avait déjà fait, ils ont bavardé et bu du vin ou de la bière.