Mr and Mrs McCann know
there will always be those who feel there are unanswered questions
about their daughter's disappearance, writes Channel 4 News Midlands
Correspondent Darshna Soni. The story attracted worldwide attention
and elicts a huge response - I have been inundated with Twitter and
email messages today.
There are dozens of
websites and Youtube videos dedicated to exploring alternative
accounts of what could have happened to the little girl. These range
from conspiracy theories to legitimate questions about how donations
have been spent, which is something we have tried to investigate.
The couple have had a
difficult relationship with the press; They know they need the
publicity, but at the same time have been hurt by some of the
accusations made against them.
Mrs McCann told me she
doesn't read most of what is written, as most of it is without
evidence. "You have to
question their motives," she told me. "I don't value their
opinion". The vast majority of the public, she believes, are good
people who support them in their search for Madeleine.
Interview Channel 4
03.11.2010 - Darshna Sonitranscrit par Nigel Moore
Darshna Soni : You are
calling for a review of the investigation. Explain to us, why?
Gerald MC : Well, I
think the first thing to, you know... to tell the general public is
that the authorities haven't been doing any proac... anything
proactive in the search for Madeleine for well over two years now and
we think it's fundamental for any major incident, errr... case, that
a case review is undertaken, errr... to look at all the avenues that
could be explored that might lead to, errr... new information coming
into the inquiry.
DS : You say
that they've been doing nothing proactive. What have they been doing
for the last two... two and a half years? People might be surprised
to hear that.
GMC : Well...
Kate MC : Well, I
think if information comes in, certainly to the British authorities,
that, if they're able to, they will have a look at it and if they
feel it's necessary they'll send it over to Portugal. But they're
actually waiting for information to come in rather than trying to
bring information in that could find her.
"Proactif" vs "actif" signifie donc que dans le premier cas on remue ciel et terre pour obtenir des informations tandis que, dans le second, on se contente de réagir quand les informations arrivent. Rappeler que l'affaire est classée au Portugal, puisque les MC n'ont pas voulu de la phase instructionnelle. Quid des informations collectées par leurs investigateurs privés ? Ne sont-elles pas transmises au LC ?
"Proactif" vs "actif" signifie donc que dans le premier cas on remue ciel et terre pour obtenir des informations tandis que, dans le second, on se contente de réagir quand les informations arrivent. Rappeler que l'affaire est classée au Portugal, puisque les MC n'ont pas voulu de la phase instructionnelle. Quid des informations collectées par leurs investigateurs privés ? Ne sont-elles pas transmises au LC ?
DS : Do you
think it makes it difficult for them, though, because you have got
your own private investigators looking for your daughter? Does that
make your relationship with the police difficult?
GMC : It
shouldn't, errr... I mean, its not competition. They should be,
errr... working together, errr... if anything. The fact, if there
wasn't, errr... private investigators, there would be absolutely
no-one looking for this, so I don't see why. It's not a threat. We
don't have the resources; they don't have statutory powers. So
there's a lot more the authorities can do. Errr... We do have people,
though, on the end of a phone line; looking at emails; errr...
interviewing witnesses; and generally following up, errr... new lines
of inquiry, and they've passed a number of those on to the
authorities. But, you know, this is an unsolved, serious case and
particularly given the profile we think that, errm... a full case
review should be undertaken and that has to be collaborative with the
Portuguese authorities.
Depuis quand les investigateurs privés collaborent-ils avec les forces de police sinon en fournissant des infos intéressantes aux seconds, car la relation ne peut aller que dans un sens ?
Depuis quand les investigateurs privés collaborent-ils avec les forces de police sinon en fournissant des infos intéressantes aux seconds, car la relation ne peut aller que dans un sens ?
DS : Leicestershire Police have said to us that they haven't shelved the
investigation because it was never their investigation to shelve,
because it's being led by the Portuguese. What more do you expect
Leicestershire Police to do?
KMC : I mean, I
think it is important to say although Portugal has primacy, with
regards to the investigation, it doesn't mean that there isn't things
that the British authorities can do. And certainly a review is one of
the crucial, significant things that they can take part in.
GMC : I mean, I
think what we're asking for today is for the governments to do more.
Errr... Leicestershire have, you know, largely played their part and,
errr... they have done that to the best of their ability but this
needs to be done at higher level. It needs to be done between the
governments and there has to be an agreement, errr... and, errm...
parameters set, in terms of the review; how it's going to be done and
what it leads to. And the Home... the last Home Secretary, Alan
Johnson, errr... ordered a scoping exercise, that was undertaken by
CEOP, and, as far as we can see, after six months, nothing's been
done with that, errr... scoping exercise and we just don't think
that's acceptable.
DS : So the
previous Home Secretary looked into the feasibility of having a
review. Has there been a change in the attitude of the new government
now that we've had a change of government?
GMC : Well,
it's... it's difficult to know because we're not getting any metrics
to measure what the government are doing, errr... against, so there's
no timelines, there's no deliverables and time's just ticking on. We
were told that we would be told the contents of that report; we
haven't seen it; we haven't been told. And really, although the
government say, errr... there are sensitivities - we fully understand
that - but they should be doing more and they are... should be
responsible for ensuring that Madeleine gets the best investigation
KMC : We're not
DS : Do you
think there's... sorry.
KMC : ...we're not
aware of any progress since the CEOP report was handed in to the
government at the end of March and, even allowing for a change of
government in the last six months, we're not aware of anything that
has carried on from that report being given in.
DS : When you
met with Theresa May, the new Home Secretary, what promises did she
give you? Did she tell you what was in that scoping report?
KMC : Well, I
think that's just it; there weren't any promises. In fact, she said:
"I don't want to make any commitments". Errm... But,
basically, what we need to know is: What are they doing? What are
they going to do with that report? Have they read the report?
DS : Do you
think she had even read it?
KMC : Well, she
hadn't when we met her - she said that - errm... which was a bit
disappointing. Errm... Hopefully, now she has. But we need to know:
Where are we going now? Because we truly believe it's going to help
the search for Madeleine. We know it's not easy, errm... but it
doesn't mean it's not possible.
DS : I just
wanted to ask you: You've chosen to do the interviews now,
three-and-a-half years on. Errm... People will be wondering how on
earth you keep going and how you keep this story in the news after
such a long time?
GMC : Well, we
don't [laughs]. Although we offer, errm... to do things like this,
really, I think, it's a reflection that the public, errr... are very
interested and, errr...
KMC : I think the
public care about Madeleine and that's why it's still a story, for
want of a better word. Errm... And which is great, because without
the public's support I don't know where we'd be, errm...
GMC : I think
that's crucial, you know. The government won't do anything without
pressure, and it's the public, the government are accountable to the
public, who elected them. And that's what we're asking for: It's to the
public to ask our government to do more and to work with the
Portuguese government as well, and we should be putting pressure on
both of them to solve this. We can't stop doing what we do. We need
to find Madeleine. We live in a, you know, a life, errr... that's
somewhat in limbo between our previous life, which was very, very
happy, and somewhere now where we've got a different life but without
Madeleine in it. And, errm... we can't really get off that treadmill
until we find her or, at the very least, what's happened to her.
Le problème est toujours eux sans Madeleine, jamais Madeleine elle-même, ou alors "ce qui lui est arrivé", comme si le présent n'existait pas pour elle sans eux.
Le problème est toujours eux sans Madeleine, jamais Madeleine elle-même, ou alors "ce qui lui est arrivé", comme si le présent n'existait pas pour elle sans eux.
DS : And how do
you keep going? How do you keep hoping? There must be days when it is
very, very difficult.
KMC : Well, I
mean, we've worked so hard. I mean, understandably, we're Madeleine's
parents; we're going to do everything that we can, errm... and we
work really hard. And there are days when it feels that obstacle
after obstacle is thrown in your way and obviously the clock keeps
ticking, the calendar keeps turning. And there's days that we just
look at each other and think, 'God, I wish it was all over', you
know, errm... but basically we wish Madeleine was back with us. Full
GMC : I mean, one
of the...
KMC : You know,
but we can't stop while we're in this situation; we just have to keep
going. It doesn't matter how tiring it is. It doesn't matter how many
blocks are put in our way. We have to get... keep going because a
little girl is still out there missing. You know, this is not solved,
this case. She's still missing and there's an abductor out there;
there's a criminal out there, who is free to do this over and over
again if we let him. You know, so, at the... it's another reason why
the governments and the authorities should be doing more.
C'est une menace que le temps peut réduire à néant, donc à éviter.
C'est une menace que le temps peut réduire à néant, donc à éviter.
GMC : I was just
going to say, one of the... the, you know, the simplest things, is
Sean and Amelie's attitude because they talk about Madeleine all the
time and when we're having one of those days, where you just want it
all to go away, and you're feeling exhausted, and they just say:
'When Madeleine comes home'. And there's no reason why she can't come
home, that we know of, and it's happened for other children and they
know how hard we are working - and they want Madeleine home as well -
and that really does give us, errr... renewed energy and vigour to
carry on what we're doing.
KMC : You know, in
Sean and Amelie's words: 'Madeleine's missing; we need to find her'.
I mean, it's quite simple when you put it like that, you know.
DS : So you
still believe that your daughter is alive and out there somewhere?
KMC : Certainly,
we know there's a good chance that she's still alive. I mean at the
minute she's just missing, you know. So you have to assume she's
alive, 'cause there's nothing to say otherwise. There's many cases,
as you know, that have hit the media of children - and many cases
that haven't hit the media - of children who've been found, years
down the line, so you just have to keep going, you know.
GMC : I mean, you
could imagine that if we just gave up and years down the line we
found her. I mean, there's no justification for giving up.
DS : And so
you... you'll keep on searching for as long as it takes.
GMC : Yeah, and
we can't stop. I don't think any parent could stop.
KMC : I don't
think you could live comfortably by sto... I just don't think
physically that you could, or mentally, you could actually reach that
decision, you know.
DS : When you
mentioned the public support, and how important that is to you, how
do you feel about the fact that there are still people who feel
that... that you had something to do with it; and there are... there
are websites set up to this? It must be quite hurtful still, after
all this time.
GMC : I think the
key thing is that the motives of people who, errr... wish to persuade
others that Madeleine is dead, errr...without any evidence, errr...
to suggest that, have... have to be questioned. You know, we're here
to try and make sure that there's as good a search as possible and
that's, as far as I can see, the way the vast majority of the public
want to see it happening. And I think they'll be shocked to find that
the authorities have not been doing anything. Our focus is in making
sure there is a good search, not in stopping one for a missing child.
(fin vidéo 1)
(fin vidéo 1)
DS : So are you
still quite hurt by the things that you read?
KMC : Well, a lot
of the rubbish I don't read, to be honest, because, as Gerry said,
you have to question the motives of people like that; people who want
to insist on something, without evidence; people who want to bring,
you know, more pain and suffering to a family who are already
vulnerable, who are already suffering. You really have to question
those people and I... I don't value their opinion, you know, because
I wouldn't behave like that... so, you know, you... you can't be, you
know, detracted, errr... distracted from... from what is important,
which is Madeleine, by people like that. The majority of people are
good people. They're the quiet majority and, errm... I strongly
believe they're the ones that want to find Madeleine.
DS : And you're
appealing for more funds. What happened to the money that you had
previously? There's... there's around, I understand, £350,000 left.
What happened to the previous money that was donated?
GMC : Okay. I
think the first thing to say is that the priority today is very much
about asking the public to help us with the petition, errr... to get
the government to do more. We have been fortunate - although it's not
helped us get where we want - by having a fund. And the fund was set
up in response to people offering money; and it was set up properly;
and the fund is very accountable; and it has independent auditors. We
have a fund administ... fund administrator, who's got lots of
experience, but the vast... the vast amount of... the vast majority
of the money in the fund has been spent directly on search fees. It's
obviously supported other things; awareness campaigns; errm... we
have a part-time co-ordinator now; we have, errr... media liaison to
deal with things like this here, and in Portugal, in trying to get
our messages across. But the most of the money... the vast majority
of it's been spent, errm...
Gerald MC ne perd pas une occasion de dire que la création de Madeleine's Fund a en réalité correspondu à une demande du public. Quant à investir la grande majorité des fonds dans la recherche, les comptes ne le montrent guère.
Gerald MC ne perd pas une occasion de dire que la création de Madeleine's Fund a en réalité correspondu à une demande du public. Quant à investir la grande majorité des fonds dans la recherche, les comptes ne le montrent guère.
KMC : We've had to
fund an investigation for two years now which, as you can imagine -
with several more than that personnel - it... it costs money, you
know, and...'
GMC : Staff;
expenses; interviewing; we run a 24-hour, errr... helpline, which is
available; we run a web site - that costs money, updating it,
communications. You know, all of these things do add up, errm... and
without having the fund there wouldn't be a meaningful search today.
DS : You've also
spent money on your own investigators, as you've said, and there have
been reports that... that some of these detectives have... have taken
money but then not delivered, they're dodgy detectives, if you like.
How can you reassure people that... that money won't be spent on
people like that in the future?
GMC : Well, we've
very much had, errm... for the last two-and-a-bit years, errr...
we've had Dave Edgar, errr... who's a very experienced, errr...
detective, errr... who was near retirement; he's been working with
us. Errr... He's very much accountable for the spend. Errr... He
feels he can justify every penny. Errm... But, at the same time, I
hope public realise as well - as directors of the fund, and
particularly when we were arguidos, and there was no search going on -
that it was incumbent upon us to continue a search in very, very
difficult circumstances. So we have made decisions along the way
which have always, we felt, been in the best interest of the search
to find Madeleine and, errr... we're very accountable. All the
expenses are there, errr... receipts and we've got quite a tight-knit
team, errr... working on this but we need them. Without it there
would be no-one there to go and interview people and follow up leads.
Quand ils étaient arguidos, la PJ ne cherchait plus ? Il y a en permanence, malgré le classement, un inspecteur de police qui reçoit les infos et éventuellement les adresse au Ministère public si elles présentent quelque intérêt.
Après les escroqueurs Francisco Marco (Metodo3) et Kevin Halligen (Oakley International) les MC ont engagé une équipe probablement moins coûteuse, mais tout aussi incompétente (voir l'affaire de Barcelone où il n'a pas fallu investiguer beaucoup pour s'aperevoir que l'équipe l'avait cousue de fil blanc).
Quand ils étaient arguidos, la PJ ne cherchait plus ? Il y a en permanence, malgré le classement, un inspecteur de police qui reçoit les infos et éventuellement les adresse au Ministère public si elles présentent quelque intérêt.
Après les escroqueurs Francisco Marco (Metodo3) et Kevin Halligen (Oakley International) les MC ont engagé une équipe probablement moins coûteuse, mais tout aussi incompétente (voir l'affaire de Barcelone où il n'a pas fallu investiguer beaucoup pour s'aperevoir que l'équipe l'avait cousue de fil blanc).
DS : What about
the... some people might say that... that the judgement of the
trustees is sometimes questionable because you have employed people
like Kevin Halligen, who's now facing extradition.
GMC : Well, you
know, we're doing the best in very, very difficult circumstances,
errr... I think that's key. We'll always take advice, due diligence
is done, references are sought and, you know, the fund is accountable
and, errr... as directors we're responsible for making those
La clef, c'est de se référer à des circonstances "très difficiles", sans expliquer pourquoi !
La clef, c'est de se référer à des circonstances "très difficiles", sans expliquer pourquoi !
DS : And there
are also reports that you'd fallen out with some of the trustees,
with your brother and your boss who have resigned?
GMC : Well,
that's nonsense. That's absolute nonsense. Why do you say we've
fallen out? I mean the fund has changed, errm... over three years,
three-and-a-half years. Errr... It's very different, errm...
initially we weren't on the board, errr... because we were based in
KMC : Nobody
thought, you know, three and a half years ago that we'd be in this
situation today. Its a big commitment, you know, and things have
changed. We've got different phases, in the last three and a half
years, so inevitably there's going to be changes.
DS : So, it's
not that you've had differences over the way the money was spent
GMC : No, not at
KMC : Certainly
GMC : In fact,
any of the changes we have made recently are to make the fund more
efficient and more responsive. Errm... Kate and I always feel, you
know, there's still an urgency. It doesn't get easier and we don't
need a large board, as such. We're trying to run the fund like a
small business, in many ways, so that it's focused and that the
directors, by and large, are hands on and responsible for certain
areas. Kate and I are integral to all the parts of it. We've got
legal advice; we've got specialist media, errr... liaison, etcetera;
we've got a retired accountant; and, you know, we've got Kate's uncle
who is there and is a good governance, errr... sort of person. So all
of these are taken on board and, errr... we've got a very experienced
fund administrator as well.
KMC : Have you talked about the petition?
Cette question sonne comme un rappel à l'ordre après la digression "unhelpful" sur les fonds investis sur des escrocs et des administrateurs qui se font la belle.
DS : Yeah, I was
just going to ask you about that. So, errm... I mean, you have
mentioned the petition already. Errm... Just how many signatures are
you hoping to collect? What are you asking people to sign for? What's
the point of the petition?
GMC : Well, the
whole point is to call on the... the governments - both the UK and
the Portuguese government - to do more, errr... in the search for
Madeleine. And the first thing we feel that's fundamental is that
they undertake a... a complete review of the case; preferably it
should be independent - and we want transparency, as well - and we're
asking the public to help us, errr... in that regard.
DS : And in
ter... in terms of: 'you only have 350,000 left now', how can you...
how long do you worry that you can keep going on... on for, if you
dont get more donations?
GMC : Well, we're
always, errr... as directors of the fund, we're always, errr...
looking at that because, errr... one of... the remit is for us to
fulfil the objectives of the fund and the fund is to try and find
Madeleine and bring those, errr... responsible to justice so there's
always an agenda item about, errm... finances and we need to look at
that. We've done other fund raisers in the past and we'll keep
looking at that. We've been very fortunate from the point of view of
having so many of the public make donations and a large part of the
money we've spent, as you know, has come from libel damages which
were paid into the fund. So we'll continue to explore it. We
certainly need to be looking at, errr... income generation over the
next months.
DS : There must
be a huge pressure on you knowing that you've always got to look for
money, though? Because, as you say, you know...
GMC : Well, I
mean, we'd love nothing more to find Madeleine. And then we wouldn't
have to worry about that. You're absolutely right. Our focus is on
the search for Madeleine and without the authorities conducting that
then the onus is on us and we don't think that's right. The onus
should be on the governments to do more...
DS : And you
GMC : ...We'd
love to give that pressure away. You're right.
DS : And you
mentioned your libel trials. How do you feel now that, errm...
Amaral's book is... is... is going to be on the shelves here?
GMC : Yeah, so...
Well, you know, we've already alluded to it. Anyone who wants to
convince people that Madeleine is dead, without evidence to support
it, their motives have to be questioned. But today the focus is on
asking the public to help us petition the governments to do more.
Certes, mais GMC est bien imprudent... Euclide disait déjà que ce q4u'on affirme sans preuve peut être nié sans preuve. (pour "réfuter", il faut argumenter)... Le propos est simple à renverser et reste aussi pertinent : il faut questionner les motifs de quiconque cherche à convaincre les gens que Madeleine est vivante, sans appuyer cette opinion sur un élément matériel.
Certes, mais GMC est bien imprudent... Euclide disait déjà que ce q4u'on affirme sans preuve peut être nié sans preuve. (pour "réfuter", il faut argumenter)... Le propos est simple à renverser et reste aussi pertinent : il faut questionner les motifs de quiconque cherche à convaincre les gens que Madeleine est vivante, sans appuyer cette opinion sur un élément matériel.
DS : Do you feel
that you should be chasing, errr... libel actions? Some people might
say: 'Why don't you just leave all the libel stuff to one side?' Why
try and silence your critics, if..?
KMC : Well,
obviously, we've talked about this in great detail previously.
Errm... The reason why we had to take action was because we strongly
felt it was damaging the search to find Madeleine and, as Gerry's
just said, that is our ultimate goal; is to find Madeleine.
Kate MC a une sorte de génie de la diversion. Quels détails ? L'argument "nuire à la recherche de Madeleine" sert à tout. Quand ils ont appris que les PJFiles seraient accessibles à tout un chacun, et pas seulement à eux, ils ont immédiatement avancé que cela "nuirait à la recherche, les gens se taisant à cause du risque d'entrer dans les PJFiles".
Kate MC a une sorte de génie de la diversion. Quels détails ? L'argument "nuire à la recherche de Madeleine" sert à tout. Quand ils ont appris que les PJFiles seraient accessibles à tout un chacun, et pas seulement à eux, ils ont immédiatement avancé que cela "nuirait à la recherche, les gens se taisant à cause du risque d'entrer dans les PJFiles".
DS : And just finally, can you update people: where are you now? I mean recently you... you went over to Germany; you translated all your literature into German. So, how... can you update people? Where are you now? Have you got any new leads? What's happening with your investigation?
GMC : Well, I
mean, I'd like to say to you that we did have some hot leads but the
very fact that we're calling for a complete review to identify
further areas for investigation is telling you that, you know, more
needs done. All the information needs to put onto one database
because that may be the... the way that we find the key bit of
information, a missing piece of the jigsaw.
Remarquablement Gerald perd ici une occasion de dire qu'ils ont des portraits-robots d'un homme portant une fillette correspondant tout à fait à la description de Madeleine. Si ce n'est pas un "hot lead" qui pourrait mener à MMC, qu'est-ce ?
Remarquablement Gerald perd ici une occasion de dire qu'ils ont des portraits-robots d'un homme portant une fillette correspondant tout à fait à la description de Madeleine. Si ce n'est pas un "hot lead" qui pourrait mener à MMC, qu'est-ce ?
DS : So, at the
moment, you're worried that... that, errm... there isn't even a
central database, so the information won't be... not getting cross
referenced, not checked..?
KMC : Well,
there's... Yeah, I mean there's information in lots of different
centres that hasn't been brought together, and there could be two key
bits of information that individually don't seem key but, put
together, could give you some valuable information that could take
you that one step closer to finding Madeleine. So, it just seems an
obvious and crucial thing to do, and this is why reviews are done
time and time again in this country on major investigations.
DS : So, you
must be frustrated that the government has carried out a scoping
study into whether there should be... be a review and no action has
been taken?
GMC : Yeah, I
mean that's what we're asking for. We want to see what action; we
want metrics; we want deliverables; and we want the government to do
more. Madeleine's a British subject; the government should be doing
more to look out for her best interests.
DS : And, I was
just wondering, how can people sign the petition? Is it on the...
GMC : So, it's on
ipetitions, errr... website. So, it's and then,
errr... forward slash, peshish... petitions, but its quite a complex
DS : We'll put
it on our website.
GMC : Thank you.
Interview ITV News
03.11.2010 - Paul Daviestranscrit par Nigel Moore
Paul Davies : [voice over]
Three and a half years on, Kate and Gerry McCann refuse to give up
hope of finding Madeleine alive but that's exactly what they think
the authorities in Portugal, and in Britain, have done.
KMC : I do, if I'm
honest, I do, and I expected more. And whether my expectations were
higher than... than they should have been? I don't believe so,
because we are British citizens and even opening Madeleine's
passport, on the front page, it says that: 'we will provide you with
assistance and protection', and I feel she could have a lot more.
PD : [voice over]
The McCanns believe it's two and a quarter years since either the
Portuguese or British police did anything proactive to search for
Madeleine. They're sure there's information to be found and pieced
together and are asking for a full case review.
GMC : I want to
make it absolutely clear we don't want to have a review to look over
mistakes, and saying 'apportion blame'. Its nothing about that. It's
about identifying areas for further investigation.
PD : [voice over]
The public is being asked to sign an online petition to lobby the two
governments. Kate and Gerry McCann say they have met three Home
Secretaries but need more than worthless words now.
KMC : Thoughts and
words are not good enough, particularly when they are in a position
that they can actually do something about it.
GMC : For the...
the authorities now, errm... if Madeleine was found, it would almost
be by chance, and it shouldn't be right that this crime is solved by
another child being abducted.
PD : [voice over]
The Find Madeleine Fund which pays for private investigators and an
internet campaign is due to run out of money next spring. The McCanns
say there are bad days when it's Madeleine's twin brother and sister
who are now five who keep them going.
KMC : They're
unbelievable. They really are amazing, errm... and they still talk
about when Madeleine comes home, you know. How will they share the
bedrooms? Will the three of them be together? Will... you know? What
colour bedroom will we have, you know? They keep us going and this
would be so much harder, or unbearable in fact, if it wasn't for Sean
and Amelie.
Interview BBC News
03.11.2010 – transcrit
par Nigel Moore
KMC : Yeah, Sean
and Amelie are incredible really and, errm... I mean, it doesn't bear
thinking about, really, how we'd be if it wasn't for Sean and Amelie.
Errm... They give us a focus, they give us hope, errm... they bring
us joy, you know, and they're doing brilliantly. I mean, they've...
they've taken it all on board, they seem to handle it, you know,
perfectly well. They're incredibly well adjusted, errm... and they
talk about Madeleine, even now; every day they'll talk about
Madeleine. You know, she's in their role play. You know, they'll spot
Madeleine stickers and say: 'That's my sister!', you know, and they
haven't forgotten her, you know.
Interview Liverpool Echo
03.11.2010 – Beth Littlertranscrit par Nigel Moore
Beth Littler : [voice
over] Three-and-a-half years after she went missing, the parents of
Madeleine McCann are again stepping up their search. Kate and Gerry
McCann are launching a petition asking the UK and Portuguese
governments to do more.
GMC : For the
last two-and-a-half years, errr... the authorities have not been
doing anything proactive to find Madeleine, errm... that's been
despite our best efforts to encourage them to do so and, errr... I
don't think it's right that the onus should fall on us; the
authorities really should be doing more.
KMC : I mean, we
had mentioned, obviously, we've met several, errm... home secretaries
and we met Alan Johnson previously and he actually commissioned the
report - the scoping exercise to be carried out by CEOP - basically
to see if a review would be helpful, errr... to the search for
Madeleine. So we did actually feel we were making progress and that
report was carried out, errm... we haven't seen the results of it and
it has actually been sitting with the government since March. Now,
admittedly, we've obviously had a change of government since then but
it's six months now and nothing has been done with the report. We're
not even sure if it's been read, yet. It certainly hadn't been read
in August we were told, so...
GMC : I think
it's fundamental, you know, there hasn't been a formal case review
and I think for such a serious case as this and particularly with the
profile of it and the international aspects that that should be
carried out and, errr... further inquiries, errr... should be
determined as a result of the review.
KMC : I mean,
Madeleine's still missing, you know; she's a little girl. Her
abductor is still out there, so, potentially, you know, by not
carrying on with the investigation we're putting other children at
risk. Errm... I think more needs to be done.
Mais elle ne s'est pas dit ça quand ils se sont dérobés à la reconstitution.
Mais elle ne s'est pas dit ça quand ils se sont dérobés à la reconstitution.
GMC : I... I
think you're right. What we... we actually asked at the last meeting
was to have some metrics, errr... by which to judge prose... errr...
progress and at the minute there's no time scales, there's no
deliverables, and its really difficult to see what the governments
are actually doing.
Interview Guardian
transcrit par Nigel Moore (c'est la même entrevue, mais la sélection des répliques n'est pas tout à fait la même)
KMC : I mean, Sean and Amelie are great, you know, they're just... they're doing really well, errm... they seem to have taken everything on board and coped incredibly well with it all, really, and maybe that's one of the attractions of youth, really, errm... You know we're doing OK, I mean we obviously make the best of it, you know; life's not normal, if.. but... although it's kind of... I guess it's a new normal, errm...
GMC : It's hard, 'cause Sean and Amelie are great, there's no... absolutely no doubt about that, errr... Madeleine's still a big part of their life, errr... they very much want her back home as well, and our life is an awful lot busier now than it was before we went to Portugal, with the efforts that we're putting in and looking at ways to continue the search, so... But we, you know, certainly haven't given up on Madeleine like the authorities seem to have.
GMC : We're launching a petition asking the UK and the Portuguese governments to do more. Errr... essentially, for the last two and a half years, errr... the authorities have not been doing anything proactive to find Madeleine, errm... that's been despite our best efforts to encourage them to do so and, errr... I don't think it's right that the onus should fall on us; the authorities really should be doing more.
KMC : I mean, we had mentioned, obviously, we've met several, errm... home secretaries and we met Alan Johnson previously and he actually commissioned the report - the scoping exercise to be carried out by CEOP - basically to see if a review would be helpful, errr... to the search for Madeleine. So we did actually feel we were making progress and that report was carried out, errm... we haven't seen the results of it and it has actually been sitting with the government since March. Now, admittedly, we've obviously had a change of government since then but it's six months now and nothing has been done with the report. We're not even sure if it's been read, yet. It certainly hadn't been read in August we were told,
GMC : I think it's fundamental, you know, there hasn't been a formal case review and I think for such a serious case as this and particularly with the profile of it and the international aspects that that should be carried out and, errr... further inquiries, errr... should be determined as a result of the review, errr... and that's what we're asking for, and it's really... the onus is on the UK and Portuguese governments to, errr... sort that out.
KMC : No, I don't want to be appeased and that's what I feel, you know, that what we're getting at the moment. I mean, we need action. I don't need fluffy, worthless words. We need somebody to do something. I mean, Madeleine's still missing, you know; she's a little girl. Her abductor is still out there, so, potentially, you know, by not carrying on with the investigation we're putting other children at risk. Errm... I think more needs to be done.
GMC : I... I think you're right. What we... we actually asked at the last meeting was to have some metrics, errr... by which to judge prose... errr... progress and at the minute there's no time scales, there's no deliverables, and it's really difficult to see what the governments are actually doing. Errm... And it... without seeing what they're doing, it seems like they're doing nothing.
KMC : Well, you'd like to think we're all par... you know, we're in the European Union here, you know, we're all within Europe. Surely, countries can work together, you know. I don't... I don't understand why that should be a problem. Errm... I'd like to assume that both governments value children; feel that finding a missing child is a worthwhile cause, and obviously if people work together we're more likely to get a result. I mean, what I'd like to know is why they don't want to do... to do a review, if that's the case, because, at the minute, we're not getting any reasons for or against.
L'opinion publique aurait aussi aimé comprendre pourquoi KMC n'avait pas voulu répondre aux questions de la PJ, quand l'enquête était "chaude".
GMC : Yeah, I mean, I think the best thing is for this case to be solved and, at the minute, errm... you know, the authorities are not doing anything proactive to try and do that.
KMC : Children do get found, years down the line, you know. There's no evidence to say Madeleine's not out there alive, so it's just heartbreaking to think that nothing is getting done other than what we're having to do... what our small team is doing itself. For, obviously, a small team has limitations, you know. If we had a review, if we had help from the authorities, the chances of us finding Madeleine would be much greater, I think.
10 ans après la preuve n'a pas été faite. Aurait-il mieux valu ne pas gaspiller l'argent du fonds dans des assignations en justice et investir dans la recherche ?
GMC : Well, you know, we have that; a small team who have been working away and, errm... they're paid out of the fund and, errm... you know, there are substantial costs associated with that. I mean, today we are really asking for help in terms of people signing the petition; fundraising is a secondary objective at this point. But, you know, it's about the petition, asking people to help to put pressure on the authorities, errr... to do what they should have done all along. Errr.... But, you know, in the interim, we're carrying on, errm... with inquiries, we're interviewing witnesses, dealing with new information and continuing... continually reviewing the information available to us. But it's also important to emphasise that we do not have all of the information. There is, errr... information that went into the inquiry, errm... that was not made public when the file was disclosed and therefore it's impossible for our team to review everything because we simply don't have access to it. One of the questions is, we don't know how much information there is but there's a number of, errr... instances where we know that... we know information went in and it wasn't put into the file.
Reporter : So, have you, kind of, have you got these missing pieces of the jigsaw that you're trying to get...
GMC : Absolutely. And, of course, the team also does not have any statutory authority; no-one has to speak to them. Errm... so, I think, you know, what we're asking for the governments to do is to organise an independent, thorough and, hopefully, transparent review.
KMC : You know, this is something that's not uncommon in our country; is to do a review. Reviews are done frequently which indicates both the governments and the authorities think it's a worthwhile, you know, tool really, to aid an investigation. We're three and a half years down the line and there hasn't been one single review. So...
Reporter : And you'd like to know why?
KMC : Well, I'd like to know why and I... I'd like it to be done because we truly believe it will...
GMC : [interrupting] We'd like to know...
KMC : ...take us that step closer to finding Madeleine.
GMC : We'd like to know why not? Why are they not doing it?
KMC : It's not that the boulder gets any lighter, you just get stronger, your legs are able to carry it; and I think that's true. And I think you... you adapt to the situation really, you learn different coping mechanisms, errr.... it doesn't mean that the pain's any less, it doesn't mean that the... you know, the whole issue is any less important. Of course, it's not, you know. We haven't got our daughter; Sean and Amelie haven't got their sister. I mean, our family's not complete and we can't stop, you know, it doesn't matter how tired you are, we're on this treadmill and we can't stop until we find Madeleine, or at the very least find out what's happened. You know, but that... that ordeal would be, you know, much more bearable if we had more assistance.
UTV - Partie 1
GMC : It's hard, 'cause Sean and Amelie are great, there's no... absolutely no doubt about that, errr... Madeleine's still a big part of their life, errr... they very much want her back home as well, and our life is an awful lot busier now than it was before we went to Portugal, with the efforts that we're putting in and looking at ways to continue the search, so... But we, you know, certainly haven't given up on Madeleine like the authorities seem to have.
GMC : We're launching a petition asking the UK and the Portuguese governments to do more. Errr... essentially, for the last two and a half years, errr... the authorities have not been doing anything proactive to find Madeleine, errm... that's been despite our best efforts to encourage them to do so and, errr... I don't think it's right that the onus should fall on us; the authorities really should be doing more.
KMC : I mean, we had mentioned, obviously, we've met several, errm... home secretaries and we met Alan Johnson previously and he actually commissioned the report - the scoping exercise to be carried out by CEOP - basically to see if a review would be helpful, errr... to the search for Madeleine. So we did actually feel we were making progress and that report was carried out, errm... we haven't seen the results of it and it has actually been sitting with the government since March. Now, admittedly, we've obviously had a change of government since then but it's six months now and nothing has been done with the report. We're not even sure if it's been read, yet. It certainly hadn't been read in August we were told,
GMC : I think it's fundamental, you know, there hasn't been a formal case review and I think for such a serious case as this and particularly with the profile of it and the international aspects that that should be carried out and, errr... further inquiries, errr... should be determined as a result of the review, errr... and that's what we're asking for, and it's really... the onus is on the UK and Portuguese governments to, errr... sort that out.
KMC : No, I don't want to be appeased and that's what I feel, you know, that what we're getting at the moment. I mean, we need action. I don't need fluffy, worthless words. We need somebody to do something. I mean, Madeleine's still missing, you know; she's a little girl. Her abductor is still out there, so, potentially, you know, by not carrying on with the investigation we're putting other children at risk. Errm... I think more needs to be done.
GMC : I... I think you're right. What we... we actually asked at the last meeting was to have some metrics, errr... by which to judge prose... errr... progress and at the minute there's no time scales, there's no deliverables, and it's really difficult to see what the governments are actually doing. Errm... And it... without seeing what they're doing, it seems like they're doing nothing.
KMC : Well, you'd like to think we're all par... you know, we're in the European Union here, you know, we're all within Europe. Surely, countries can work together, you know. I don't... I don't understand why that should be a problem. Errm... I'd like to assume that both governments value children; feel that finding a missing child is a worthwhile cause, and obviously if people work together we're more likely to get a result. I mean, what I'd like to know is why they don't want to do... to do a review, if that's the case, because, at the minute, we're not getting any reasons for or against.
L'opinion publique aurait aussi aimé comprendre pourquoi KMC n'avait pas voulu répondre aux questions de la PJ, quand l'enquête était "chaude".
GMC : Yeah, I mean, I think the best thing is for this case to be solved and, at the minute, errm... you know, the authorities are not doing anything proactive to try and do that.
KMC : Children do get found, years down the line, you know. There's no evidence to say Madeleine's not out there alive, so it's just heartbreaking to think that nothing is getting done other than what we're having to do... what our small team is doing itself. For, obviously, a small team has limitations, you know. If we had a review, if we had help from the authorities, the chances of us finding Madeleine would be much greater, I think.
10 ans après la preuve n'a pas été faite. Aurait-il mieux valu ne pas gaspiller l'argent du fonds dans des assignations en justice et investir dans la recherche ?
GMC : Well, you know, we have that; a small team who have been working away and, errm... they're paid out of the fund and, errm... you know, there are substantial costs associated with that. I mean, today we are really asking for help in terms of people signing the petition; fundraising is a secondary objective at this point. But, you know, it's about the petition, asking people to help to put pressure on the authorities, errr... to do what they should have done all along. Errr.... But, you know, in the interim, we're carrying on, errm... with inquiries, we're interviewing witnesses, dealing with new information and continuing... continually reviewing the information available to us. But it's also important to emphasise that we do not have all of the information. There is, errr... information that went into the inquiry, errm... that was not made public when the file was disclosed and therefore it's impossible for our team to review everything because we simply don't have access to it. One of the questions is, we don't know how much information there is but there's a number of, errr... instances where we know that... we know information went in and it wasn't put into the file.
Reporter : So, have you, kind of, have you got these missing pieces of the jigsaw that you're trying to get...
GMC : Absolutely. And, of course, the team also does not have any statutory authority; no-one has to speak to them. Errm... so, I think, you know, what we're asking for the governments to do is to organise an independent, thorough and, hopefully, transparent review.
KMC : You know, this is something that's not uncommon in our country; is to do a review. Reviews are done frequently which indicates both the governments and the authorities think it's a worthwhile, you know, tool really, to aid an investigation. We're three and a half years down the line and there hasn't been one single review. So...
Reporter : And you'd like to know why?
KMC : Well, I'd like to know why and I... I'd like it to be done because we truly believe it will...
GMC : [interrupting] We'd like to know...
KMC : ...take us that step closer to finding Madeleine.
GMC : We'd like to know why not? Why are they not doing it?
KMC : It's not that the boulder gets any lighter, you just get stronger, your legs are able to carry it; and I think that's true. And I think you... you adapt to the situation really, you learn different coping mechanisms, errr.... it doesn't mean that the pain's any less, it doesn't mean that the... you know, the whole issue is any less important. Of course, it's not, you know. We haven't got our daughter; Sean and Amelie haven't got their sister. I mean, our family's not complete and we can't stop, you know, it doesn't matter how tired you are, we're on this treadmill and we can't stop until we find Madeleine, or at the very least find out what's happened. You know, but that... that ordeal would be, you know, much more bearable if we had more assistance.
UTV - Partie 1