Searching for Madeleine: A Dispatches Special
Channel 4 - 18th October 2007
Déclaration d'intention
Channel 4 - 18th October 2007
Déclaration d'intention
Madeleine MC a disparu le 3 mai à Praia da Luz. C'est un des très rares faits de ce fait-divers "star" de l'année 2007. Les parents de Madeleine sont passés de victimes d'une terrible tragédie à suspects formels dans la disparition de leur enfant.
Qu'est-il réellement arrivé au cours des 168 jours qui se sont écoulés depuis qu'on a perdu de vue Madeleine ?
Dispatches a envoyé à Praia da Luz une équipe formée par cinq des meilleurs enquêteurs britanniques. Sous la houlette de l'ex-Chief Superintendent Chris
Stevenson, qui, parmi 30 affaires criminelles, dirigea l'enquête de Soham sur les meurtres de Holly Wells et Jessica Chapman en 2002, les experts ont pour mission d'examiner le terrain, du volet soi-disant ouvert (ou forcé), aux statistiques sur les enlèvements d'enfant en passant par la visibilité de la porte-fenêtre, et d'envisager tout à tour plusieurs hypothèses.
Réunissant leurs compétences variées et leurs expériences dans des dizaines d'affaires criminelles au Royaume-Uni, les experts analysent devant la caméra les éléments accessibles d'une enquête vieille déjà de 6 mois et font savoir comment ils auraient réagi à la disparition de Madeleine et ce qu'ils auraient fait pour la retrouver. En s'aidant des témoignages de quelques observateurs, ils tentent de discriminer entre les faits et la fiction médiatique sauvagement spéculative.
1 - Les faits (nuit du 3 mai 2007)
Stevenson (Narrator) : On May 3rd, 2007, 3 year old Madeleine McCann
went missing.
MC : Please, if you have Madeleine, let her come home...
: 168 days later, that is the only undisputable fact about this
extraordinary case.
de Sousa (Spokesperson for the PJ) : I have no facts to sustain
whether the child is alive or dead...
: Tonight, Dispatches sends 5 leading criminal investigators to
Stevenson (former Detective Chief Superintendent, Cambridgeshire
Police) : If we got two thumb marks then that would have to be an
investigative priority...
: Their brief to bring 134 years of experience to the search for
Madeleine. The Portuguese village of Praia da Luz is a quiet holiday
resort, but for the last 6 months it has been at the centre of an
intense police investigation and a frenzy of media speculation.
Dispatches team of criminal experts arrives in Luz intending to shed
fresh light on what might have happened to 3 years old Madeleine
McCann in a case that has dominated the headlines.
: What we're looking to do is what we would have done had this been
reported in the UK.
Canter (Director, Centre for Investigative Psychology, University of
Liverpool) : I would really want to know an awful lot about the
typical patterns of activity of the families involved.
Barclay (Former Head of Physical Evidence UK National Crime and
Operations Faculty) : What you're talking about is: Did she leave on
her own? Was she taken by somebody else? Or was it none of the above?
: Portuguese secrecy laws prevent the police from revealing any details
about the investigation. Using information in the public domain and
from their own expert observations, our team will analyse what could
have happened to Madeleine. (1)
last photograph of Madeleine McCann was taken by her mother, Kate, at
the pool of the Mark Warner Ocean Club where they were staying with
Pennington (MW nanny) : They were a very social group and they seemed
all to be really respectful, nice, loving parents. Madeleine, I found
out to be quite bright... errm, quite shy... errm, very sweet, very
beautiful girl. On May the third, it was just Madeleine I was reading
a story to. I later saw them around lunchtime. That's the last time I
saw them together as a family. (2) Les propos de cette nanny doivent être pris avec une pincée de sel, comme disent les Britanniques. À la crèche, elle s'occupait des bébés et non du groupe d'enfants dans lequel était Madeleine. Son témoignage n'a pas été corroboré par d'autres et semble avoir surtout visé les 15 minutes dont parle Andy Warhol.
: The McCann's say that they put their children to bed at 7pm. It has
been reported that Madeleine shared her room with her younger sister
and brother.
8.30, Kate McCann and her husband, Gerry, joined friends for dinner
at the Ocean Club Tapas Bar. Between 9.05 and 9.30 Gerry McCann and
two friends checked the children 150 metres walk away. At 10'clock,
it was Kate McCann's turn to check on the children.
: I was working that night at something called 'Drop-in Creche'. We
had one child left and... errm, the mother came in, picked up the
child and just mentioned 'Hang on a minute, I've just seen a guy
who's run past me, who seemed really distressed and I recognised him
as being a guest at Mark Warner, but he was shouting out something
like 'Maddie' or 'Abbey' or 'Gabby'.
: Mark Warner staff were briefed and fanned out across the resort.
: I went straight to the apartment. I sort of walked in, did a quick
scan around and been told 'No, no. She's not here, she's not here'.
Kate McCann was outside and she was very distressed. She was saying
things like 'They've taken her' and 'She's gone' and, you know,
'Where is she? Where is she?' She was crying and there were tears
down her face and it was absolutely heartbreaking to see.
Wright (Luz resident) : I arrived at the Ocean Club reception at
around about ten to eleven. And at the time that we arrived a police
car arrived and, as the police officer got out, a man approached him,
who I now know is Gerry McCann, and said that his daughter had been
abducted; that there was no way that she could have opened the
shutters herself; she'd definitely been taken.
Gerald MC a raison : Madeleine n'aurait pas pu ouvrir les persiennes, eût-elle su comment faire, en raison de la force de traction à exercer sur la sangle. Au reste, si elle avait voulu sortir, elle avait le choix de la porte (nord) qui n'était pas fermée à clef et de la porte-fenêtre (sud) qui n'était pas fermée du tout.
: We started with three hypotheses: that Maddy had wandered off; that
she had been taken by...
: Based on the few details that have emerged from witnesses, and on
their own years of investigative experience, Dispatches' team of
experts apply British police procedure to develop a strategy for
their review.
: It really reinforces to me to get the full background... and make sure that we've got that all totally and clearly
: (to camera) It's very much a case of gathering as much
information as quickly as you can so that you can develop which of
the hypotheses is the most likely.
DC :
...and I think that when you can get that framework, you can begin to
see the various possibilities...
: Forensic psychologist, Professor David Canter has compiled offender
profiles in 150 serious criminal investigations including abductions
and murders.
DC : (to camera) There seems to me to be a range of possibilities from, on
the one hand, the child just wandered off. In other words, the child
is the cause of the disappearance, right the way through to the other
extreme where it's some organised network of criminals who've come in
from somewhere else looking for an opportunity and have taken the
child away.
: Based on DC's model, they resolve that there are three clear
that Madeleine wandered off on her own and got lost
that she was abducted
or that something happened to her which may have involved her family.
start by looking at the first hypothesis: that Madeleine woke up and
walked off by herself.
DC : ...for instance we need to know what the pattern of behaviour is, of
Madeleine. Did she wander at all? Was she likely to wake up at night?
If she did wake up, did she know her way to the pool? Could she find
it on her own? Would she have gone looking for her parents?
JS : The team visit the McCann's apartment in conditions similar to the
night that Madeleine disappeared. First they explore how she could
have got out of the apartment. Madeleine's bedroom window faced the
car park at the back of the apartment next to the main door. Reports
indicate that, according to the McCanns, the shutters were closed and
the door locked. The more likely exit route is through the patio
doors on the side of the apartment facing the resort pool. It has
been widely reported that these doors were closed but had been left
unlocked. The team explore the route she could have taken had she
left this way. The apartment is situated at a corner of two roads.
From the patio door, steps lead directly out onto the street. Former
police search adviser, Gary Ligg, believes it's most likely she would
have headed downhill towards the Ocean Club reception to the pool
area and Tapas Bar.
DB :
There's quite a slope on this road.
Ligg (Former Senior Search Adviser, West Yorkshire Police) : Yes. And
it takes you past the reception area if she's walking. We've a
tendency to walk downhill. If she's looking for her mum and dad, she
may have an inkling or some knowledge that they're in here because
this is where they went.
Le groupe des neuf et les huit enfants avaient dîné ensemble au Millenium le soir de leur arrivée. Si Madeleine avait cherché ses parents et puisqu'elle ignorait où ils étaient, il aurait été logique qu'elle prenne cette direction. Mais il semble vraisemblable qu'une enfant égarée se rapproche d'endroits éclairés.
: If she's coming down here, this is the first area of welcoming
GL :
It is.
: So a disorientated child would probably tend to home in on that.
: Among his thirty murder cases Gary Ligg has devised search plans for over 100 serious criminal
investigations. In this case he would immediately advise a wider
search of the area. (3)
GL : (to camera) if she is lost and she's a lot warmer than the ambient
temperature around, we're gonna use a helicopter with a
forward-looking infra-red.
DC : But why would a child wander off? A child would go to find her
parents. That's what she'd do, and she must know where the pool is.
Madeleine sait où se trouve la piscine, mais qu'y feraient ses parents la nuit ? Même en montant sur le petit parapet, elle est trop petite pour voir, du balcon, d'où viennent les éclats de voix que peut-être elle entend.
GL : Are you going to dismiss the possibility that she's wandered off at
this early stage?
: We can't do that David. We've got to look at that as a
possibility and that has to be a priority, however unlikely a
scenario that is.
: 2 hours after Madeleine was reported missing, the volunteers started
to look further afield for any sign of her.
JW :
Everybody that was in the village was out and they did a complete
sweep of the beach and all up the rocks and all up the backs of the
Matt King (Luz resident) : You could hear from one end of Luz to the other
end of Luz people should out Madeleine's name.
: Everyone was sort of on automatic rather than talking to each other.
MK :
If it was quiet at one end you could hear the others shouting at the
other end of Luz, or in every little alley way going around Luz.
JW : I kept thinking deep inside that she's gonna be found.
: Volunteers and Mark Warner staff continued searching into the early
hours of the morning.
: It was sort of like weird not finding her. This has never happened.
We've always found the child.
MK : As the night went on, it got colder and later and later. Everybody
started realising that this isn't going to be as good an outcome as
what we were hoping.
: It got really more, more and more 'Where is she?' and you'd walk past
people and they had tears streaming down their face.
JW : The police arrived with police dogs and it was very late then so I
don't think there was anything else that night that we could really
MK : Something was seriously wrong.
: At 4.30 am, the volunteers reluctantly abandoned their search for the
: If Madeleine had wandered off, I would definitely have expected
her to have been found by a member of the public. There are a lot of
other apartments over-looking the street and the exit from the
apartment down the stairs, and you would have expected someone to see
a small child and I would have thought, intervened.
: Dispatches' team of experts have tested one theory: That Madeleine
wandered off on her own. Next, they look at the possibility that she
might have been abducted and uncover some worrying leads.
2 - Enlevée ?
GL : But this time we are not talking about her wandering around, we're
talking about the open ground.
: Within ten hours, Madeleine's story was already causing ripples
around the world.
Garraway (presenter – GMTV) : We've got some more breaking news for
you this morning. A very serious story is developing and is coming
: News of Madeleine's disappearance reached the British media by 7.45
the following morning
KG :
...and it is thought that she MAY have been abducted.
Renwick (family friend) : ...the shutters had been broken open and
they've gone into the room and taken her.
: From the moment that Madeleine was reported missing, Kate and Gerry
McCann have been adamant that she was taken.
DC : The thing about a car is you are moving more towards this end (points
to organised group). It's surprising how many offenders, in all sorts
: Having considered it unlikely that Madeleine wandered off by herself,
the team of experts now look at whether abduction could indeed be a
: You can't rule out the possibility that this was a chance
abduction and somebody happened to stumble across her. You can't rule out the possibility that somebody had
targeted her having watched what happened on previous nights and
setting in place a plan to remove that child for whatever reason.
Madeleine s'est-elle trouvée au
mauvais endroit au mauvais moment (enlèvement d'opportunité) ou a-t-elle été ciblée pour une raison quelconque ?
: So the Tapas bar is over that sort of orangey-yellow roofed
building, just round there.
: The team want to see just how possible it would have been to abduct
Madeleine. How could someone get into her bedroom unnoticed? How
could they avoid being caught while people were checking on the
children? And how could they get away unseen if her parents were
watching the apartment from the restaurant?
Les parents étaient assis à table de telle façon qu'ils tournaient le dos à l'immeuble.
GL : To be sure of the line of sight is to either stand at the Tapas Bar
or at the doors, because of the elevation of the doors? So where's
the reception?
: Here, this is it.
: They head for the Tapas bar to find out just what the McCann's could
see of their apartment from their dinner table. To reach it, you must
go through the Ocean Club reception.
: Hello there, I'm an ex-detective from England... (comes out
again) ...We're not guests. They won't allow us to.
: Our team were not allowed into the Ocean Club, but local journalist,
Len Port, did get in the day after Madeleine disappeared. His
photographs show what the McCanns and their group could see of the
apartment from their table.
Port (local journalist): This picture here shows the scene from the
Tapas bar. It is more or less from the table they were sitting at.
: You can't see below half way down the door that they left
insecure. And you can't see the steps up there at all.
DB : No, not at all.
: So, somebody being wary could quite easily enter and leave.
DB : And depending on where you were with these umbrellas, you see even
less 'cause they stick up over the top of the fence.
: Professor Dave Barclay is a leading international forensic scientist.
He developed best practice in the UK. As well as the Omagh bombing,
he's advised in 225 cold case murders in the last 6 years. From the
photos he concludes the McCanns would not have been able to see an
intruder from their restaurant table. But would an intruder have
avoided being spotted by one of Madeleine's parents or their friends
on their regular visits to Madeleine's bedroom?
DB : It would be easy for someone to get in and out of there without
arousing any attention.
: And with the insecurity, we know that the time required to go
in there, remove a child... you could be in and out in less than a
DB : Yes
: Providing you'd done the necessary amount of pre-planning. Shall
we just walk around and have a look and see what we can see from the
road here.
: The team re-visit the apartment to see how much planning an abductor
would have needed in order to get in unseen. They start in the car
park at the back of the apartment. It has been widely reported that,
according to the McCanns, the back door was locked and the
shutters of the children's bedroom were closed. (4) If they had to force
entry, could an offender get in that way unseen?
DB : If you were a burglar you could just pass over that wall and you're
actually quite capable of getting in by the window.
GL : That's right. Anyone could fix that (mumbles amongst the team, camera
pans to other apartments).
GL : It's all overlooked.
It is all over-looked.
You wouldn't target that.
GL : That window and that shutter, when they left the property, was
secured. The front sliding windows were open and next to the front
sliding windows is a gate to the street.
: Search expert Gary Ligg thinks the much more likely entry point is on
the side of the apartment facing the resort (face sud). Here there are sliding
patio doors which were closed but left unlocked according to all the
reports. The patio steps lead directly to the road.
La question de la porte-fenêtre laissée ouverte est loin d'être résolue. Si elle était restée ouverte tous les soirs, comme raccourci pour les rondes, Gerald MC aurait-il déclaré dans sa première déposition qu'à 21h05 il était entré par la porte (principale) avec sa clef, comme l'avait fait Kate à 22h ? Selon Fiona WP, Kate était inquiète (au début du dîner, le 3 mai) parce qu'ils avaient laissé la porte-fenêtre ouverte afin que Madeleine puisse sortir et aller à leur recherche, car le matin-même Madeleine avait demandé pourquoi ses parents n'étaient pas venus lorsque son frère et elle avaient pleuré.
DB : If anyone can get in there through the sliding windows, why bother to
go through the shutters in the first place?
GL : Have a look here. It defies any logic that somebody would use the
rear entrance or exit when this is so secluded (isolé) and already
DB : That little gate, which doesn't seem to have any lock on it, goes
straight onto the road.
: Yes.
: Given the ease of entry and the seclusion of the pool side of the
apartment, the team begin to see abduction as a real possibility.
DC : ...if they were going to look/check on another child, where exactly
was it... ???
: The media quickly accepted the abduction theory as the most likely
explanation of what had happened to Madeleine.
S'il n'y a pas eu de controverse sur l'enlèvement, c'est grâce à la rumeur des persiennes et de la fenêtre forcées.
Please, if you have Madeleine, let her come home to her mummy, daddy,
brother and sister.
: Having looked closely at the location and possible ways an abductor
could get in, the team returned to the apartment at night to look at
how a person might use the dark to escape unnoticed.
DB : Is that where the alley comes in?
: While the bedroom side of the apartment is well lit, the steps
leading to the patio doors are in darkness.
DB : There's lots of light round that side and, erm, if you look in there,
there's shadows all the way up and it's easy to sneak out of this
gate as well.
: The team focus on the alley way along the pool side of the apartment
block. Team leader, Chris Stevenson, thinks it's an obvious escape
: With this alley way here, because it is out of synch of that
street light, it is quite dark isn't it?
DB : Yes. Once you are in here, or you've jumped over that wall, I don't
think anyone would see you. They certainly couldn't see you from the
Tapas Bar.
: Half way down this alley way they discover there's another one which
runs between the two apartment blocks and onto the car park.
: The only way, if you go down that alley way, of leaving is
through the car park because to go straight on is a dead end. There's
no other exit route. If you've got a car for instance parked in the
back car park, you're actually better off going out this way, through
between the two blocks of flats and onto the car. Whereas to go that
way (points left out of the gate) you're very much more subject to be
seen aren't you? (5)
DB : You are.
: The team pose another question. If spotted, would an intruder raise
GL : There was a report of somebody walking away from this area with a
child wrapped in a blanket.
Il n'est pas étonnant que les experts soient mal ou plutôt insuffisamment informés, car les médias britanniques ne pipèrent mot sur ce signalement-là, qui faisait planer un doute sur l'autre, le ravisseur officiel, Tannerman. L'homme, dénommé Smithman car il croisa la famille irlandaise du même nom, portait une petite fille en tous points semblable à Madeleine, mais elle n'était pas enveloppée d'une couverture.
DB : You then become a tourist then don't you... holding a child that's
sleepy. (6)
DC : (Pointing to a map of Praia da Luz) It has some very distinctive
localities in it and it wouldn't be...
: As the experts begin to think that an abduction is practical for
someone with local knowledge of the area, forensic psychologist David
Canter outlines what kind of person might target Madeleine.
DC : We haven't really talked about the victimology, about a 4 year old
girl being abducted. It's not a young baby that would be more
typically taken by a woman who's looking for some sort of substitute
or replacement child. It's not a teenager or a pubescent young girl
that really can be abducted in relation to very obvious sexual
activities. It is a much more ambiguous area, possibly more towards
the end of somebody who's a bit disturbed, a bit confused who would
take a child that they saw the opportunity to take.
On pourrait penser cela si Madeleine était sortie et avait erré dans les rues, cherchant ses parents.
On pourrait penser cela si Madeleine était sortie et avait erré dans les rues, cherchant ses parents.
DC : (to camera) There are people, very few and very rare, but there are
individuals who have some sort of sexual obsession and can even get
an obsession with a particular child or a child that has a particular
look about her and that seems to me to be a possibility within that
framework of somebody who's around that area who saw her and really
became obsessed with the need to take her.
Bridget O'D l'a éloquemment écrit dans The Guardian, notant qu'elle n'aurait su dire si Madeleine était parmi les enfants qui s'ébattaient sur le terrain de jeux : Toutes blondes, toutes en rose, toutes jolies... Lire ici.
DC : (to team meeting) Those people who abduct children around that sort
of age, very typically will release them after a while but my concern
is that, that individual would be totally shocked and over-awed by
hundreds of journalists being all over the place.
C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles la PJ était contre la médiatisation de l'affaire.
: If this was the case it would change the nature of the search.
Encarnação (Chief investigating officer) : At this moment, I can
confirm to you that this was an abduction but we believe the girl is
still alive and well.
: In the following days, police and volunteers widened their search to
the outlying areas of PDL.
MK :
We were literally searching everywhere and were having to look in
drainage holes. You'd have to be looking in the wells and in the
ruins. You knew you could have been looking for something not very
: With the volunteers operating on their own and without a brief of
what to look for, their effectiveness was limited. Although the
volunteers searched the beach on the night, Gary Ligg is concerned
that it wasn't followed by a more thorough police search.
GL : If you look down into this area, it's pitch black out there. There's
nooks and crannies and hidey holes. You can't rely that that area's
clear. It's got to be re-searched.
: Gary Ligg and Chris Stevenson soon find other places which should
automatically have been searched.
GL : (looking into drainage tunnel) There's about eight to ten of these
things. Now if they're all like this... that's clear visually for as
far as we can see which is what? Thirty yards? But then this is the
out-run. Are the drains this big underneath the entire village under
those manholes?
: You would always have to be looking at the possibility that
this child may have been the victim of a crime, may be dead and
therefore, the possibility of what we call a body deposition site is
something that you'd have to bear in mind with the searches that are
Les experts n'ont évidemment pas eu accès aux trois rapports de Mark Harrison. Les recherches d'une petite fille vivante, peut-être blessée et épuisée, qui ont duré une dizaine de jours, ont fait l'objet d'un rapport détaillé dont a pris connaissance le spécialiste des personnes disparues au NPIA, Mark Harrison, avant de lancer une recherche d'une petite fille assassinée. Il a lui-même parcouru le terrain avec des experts portugais et a fait venir les chiens spécialisés (EVRD et CSI) pour chercher les endroits où un corps pouvait avoir été dissimulé.
: Just outside the resort of Praia da Luz, the landscape takes on a
completely different look and in day-light, Gary Ligg finds yet more
potential hiding places.
GL : (looking at dilapidated buildings) Course, we are talking about
something that's been hidden. We are going to get down to the shell
of the building and get everything else out.
: In the dry countryside around Luz, there are hundreds of wells - a
perfect place to hide evidence, and another challenge for skilled
GL : (looking down a well) And having looked in it there, I can see the
reflection on the surface of the water. I can see there's nothing
there in that well above the surface of the water. I can't see under
the lid of course, But we've got water. We've no idea how deep it is.
By coincidence you've got water and a confined space and I've got
people that are dual trained in both.
: Back in town, our team discover another intriguing hiding place. They
spot large industrial bins all over the resort.
DB : (to camera) There have been cases in the UK where bodies have been
disposed of in wheelie bins and then taken directly to refuse bins
and dumped there in the hope that they would be covered up.
: We were told to search everywhere, including the bins and in Praia da
Luz they're quite big and scary-looking. Although I saw police
searching, I personally didn't see police looking in the bins like we
did. But I don't think we looked in every bin.
GL : There's a world of difference to looking in a refuse bin and tipping
it on its side, emptying it all out, looking in every bag and
re-filling it. When you've done that then you can say there's no
pyjamas, there's no body in there.
: Dispatches has learnt that the bins are emptied nightly between
midnight and 4am. And even though a major search for a missing child
was going on, they were still emptied on the night Madeleine
disappeared. Since the collections were not stopped, there's another
area Gary Ligg knows needs prompt attention but it's thirty
kilometres away.
Une dizaine de kilomètres séparent Praia da Luz de la station de transfert de Lagos. De celle-ci à la station de traitement du Barlavento, il y a une bonne trentaine de kilomètres. Sur l'organisation du traitement des résidus urbains, voir ici.
Dans la seule municipalité de Lagos sont collectés environ 18 mille tonnes de résidus urbains par an, soit en moyenne 48 tonnes par jour. La quantité totale de résidus urbains déchargés dans la décharge du Barlavento est de 122 mille tonnes par an. Cela signifie qu'environ 335 tonnes de résidus solides sont déversés chaque jour dans l'aire en activité de la station de traitement du Barlavento. Retrouver un corps ou un vêtement dans ces conditions après quelques jours est une tâche qui a déjà été entreprise en Amérique du Nord où a du reste fonctionné essentiellement la sérendipité.
Une dizaine de kilomètres séparent Praia da Luz de la station de transfert de Lagos. De celle-ci à la station de traitement du Barlavento, il y a une bonne trentaine de kilomètres. Sur l'organisation du traitement des résidus urbains, voir ici.
Dans la seule municipalité de Lagos sont collectés environ 18 mille tonnes de résidus urbains par an, soit en moyenne 48 tonnes par jour. La quantité totale de résidus urbains déchargés dans la décharge du Barlavento est de 122 mille tonnes par an. Cela signifie qu'environ 335 tonnes de résidus solides sont déversés chaque jour dans l'aire en activité de la station de traitement du Barlavento. Retrouver un corps ou un vêtement dans ces conditions après quelques jours est une tâche qui a déjà été entreprise en Amérique du Nord où a du reste fonctionné essentiellement la sérendipité.
GL : We need to find out where the land-fill site is; talk to the
authorities, find out where it went and try to identify which area of
the land fill these particular bins were emptied.
: (to camera) Ideally you would secure all of the bins in the
immediate area and make sure that the local authority don't dispose
of any of the contents until the search team have had the opportunity
to check them all.
: We asked the Portuguese police whether the bins and local landfill
had been searched. They chose not to comment.
Il se peut que la PJ n'ait pas commenté parce que deux fautes ont été commises : 1) la benne à résidus solides, qui passe toutes les nuits sauf le dimanche, a emmené comme d'habitude les résidus des conteneurs de PDL (il est vrai que tout le monde recherchait une petite fille vivante et il est vrai aussi que les prédateurs sexuels ne cachent pas le corps de leur victime, une fois leur forfait accompli) et 2) les conteneurs ont été examinés le 7 mai, soit après avoir été vidés trois fois. Il est important de savoir que le personnel chargé des opérations de collecte, compactage et enfouissement n'est à aucun moment en contact visuel et, dans une certaine mesure, olfactif avec les résidus. La benne n'emmène pas directement les résidus à la décharge, mais les achemine jusqu'à la "station de transfert" pour la région de Lagos (à Sítio do Paul) où ils sont enfouis afin d'être compactés et asséchés. Une fois cette opération achevée, un autre véhicule emmène les "galettes" jusqu'à la décharge de Chão Frio, qui couvre les besoins de la moitié ouest de l'Algarve (Barlavento) et est équipée d'une installation de récupération du biogaz. Les dépôts sont quotidiennement recouverts d'une géomembrane. Si des policiers allèrent interroger le personnel de la décharge, il n'y en a pas trace dans les PJFiles. Mais, compte tenu des tonnes quotidiennement déposées, la situation n'était pas simple. Aussi bien les forces de gendarmerie cherchaient une petite fille enlevée ou égarée, mais vivante.
OS :
I have no facts to sustain whether the child is alive or not. We are
searching for the child and until the moment she appears we can say
nothing more.
MC : (first appeal, May 7) Please, please do not hurt her. Please
don't scare her. Please tell us where to find her.
OS :
The Guarda Nacional Republicana inform that the searches are coming
to an end (10 mai).
DB : We just don't know what has happened because we haven't got the hard
physical evidence. I think we can realise that the two ends of the
spectrum are now vanishingly small. That she wandered off by herself
and is alive and well somewhere, or that some organised gang took
her. It's a strange place for them to take a child from. But we don't
know whether she met some harm within the immediate family circle
either accidentally or deliberate or whether somebody in the area did
break in through either the child's bedroom window or the sliding
doors and took her. It would be a really bizarre and strange crime if
that took place but bizarre and strange crimes do happen.
DC : We know from very many studies that, if the family's not involved in
the disappearance of a child, then it's very likely indeed that it's
somebody relatively local. Somebody who's seen the child before, who
knows the local situation, who knows the possibilities for getting in
and getting out; away with a child. So, to my mind, that's the most
likely possibility.
: The team have considered whether Madeleine wandered off and they take
seriously the possibility of abduction.
: (at the alley way) ...because to go straight on is a dead end.
There's no other exit.
: Next, they explore the theory an abductor could have been close to
3 - Ravisseur proche ou lointain ?
DC : At that time of night the shops would be open wouldn't they? You'd
have more than one sighting...
: Having dismissed the theory that Madeleine could have wandered off
and looked at the possibility that she had been abducted by an
outsider, they would now consider whether someone closer to home was
involved in her disappearance. Forensic psychologist, David Canter,
argues that, statistically, this is the most likely theory.
DC : It's surprising how many offenders, in all sorts of serious offences,
are very local. (to
camera) The most important aspect of a local individual abducting
Madeleine would be that they would be familiar with the locality and
that they were aware that she was there; and that they saw the
opportunity created by the fact that the parents weren't with
Madeleine all of the time. There could be an almost impulsive
possibility about it. What you find with some of these offenders is
that they have a whole notion of all the circumstances coming
together to allow them to abduct the child. And they would be alert
to all the possibilities and suddenly decide 'Now's the time to go
for it'. And then they would make their move. (to
team meeting) It seems to me the local offender is a real possibility
just because of the locality.
Une sorte de génération spontanée en quelque sorte.
Une sorte de génération spontanée en quelque sorte.
DB : I'd want to know if he's effectively stalked the house;
knowing that Madeleine's in there.
DC : It could be somebody who'd been wandering around looking out...
DB : Looking for an opportunity...
DC :
Yes, exactly. Looking for opportunities; who became aware of the
opportunity. But the really interesting thing there is how did he
become aware of the opportunity?
DB : How would you know there was a small child in there who was your
target? It must be that you've done some sort of pre-planning.
DC : Which makes you local in some ways. It makes you around the place at
least 24 hours, possibly for a much longer period, around and known
in the area.
: (to camera) You've got to add to this equation the fact that
the family were on holiday and had only been in the area for a few
days. If an offender was targeting Madeleine as a victim, then they
only had a few days to prepare. It could well be though that because
those apartments are regularly occupied by families that the offender
would know that somewhere in there was a child in the age range and
of the type that he was looking for.
: Nearly 2 weeks in the inquiry, Portuguese police also started
focussing on a local suspect.
In these ITV News pictures Robert Murat can be seen chatting to
police officers.
: Eleven days after Madeleine's disappearance, police called in local
resident Robert Murat. They searched his house.The
next day, he is formally declared an arguido - an official suspect.
OS :
...a 33 year old male, living in the area of the events, was named as
a formal suspect.
: Robert Murat lives near the McCann's apartment. Our experts went to
his house to consider the reasons the police may have targeted him as
a suspect. Could he fit their local offender theory? Did he have the
opportunity or access? Had he been seen behaving suspiciously?
: This guy is an English-speaking, bi-lingual individual who, to
all intents and purposes, offered assistance when he found out that
there was a missing girl. So was there something that we're not aware
of that led the police to declare him a suspect?
: On the night Madeleine disappeared, Robert Murat said he was at home
with his mother, but there were challenges to his alibi.
: There are two potential sightings where members of the party
say they saw Murat at the club.
Trois du groupe des neuf jurèrent avoir vu Robert M dans les parages du G5, la nuit du 3 et parler avec les gendarmes. Il déclara avoir passé la soirée avec sa mère. De nombreux témoins, dont les gendarmes, ne se souvinrent pas de l'avoir vu. Il y eût peut-être confusion de personne (voir note 32 ).
: Living so nearby, he was often seen near the apartment and there was
speculation that he could have been stalking the family. But David
Canter has another explanation.
Justement personne ne l'a vu près de l'appartement (voir les portraits-robots de Toothyman et de Spottyman, sortis tout droit de quelque Nightmare on Elm Street et vus près de l'appartement).
Justement personne ne l'a vu près de l'appartement (voir les portraits-robots de Toothyman et de Spottyman, sortis tout droit de quelque Nightmare on Elm Street et vus près de l'appartement).
DC : For him, the nearest coffee bar for him takes him past the apartment.
If he's going to go to the supermarket which is the only major
shopping nearby, he's got to go past that apartment. So he's gonna be
in this area.
: CS wonders if Murat could have tracked the family's
movements from his house.
: Some of the media have made an issue about the line of sight
from Robert Murat's house to the apartment.
JS :
Search expert, Gary Ligg, isn't convinced.
: From here you can see the apartment and a couple of windows
but that's all.
:But you can only just see part of the...
GL : Part of the window.
: From... the lounge window and part of the kitchen window on the
left-hand side.
GL : And the entrance patio. You can't see the back door. He
became a victim of the media pressure.
: No
: The team conclude the evidence against Robert Murat is thin. He
became a victim of the media pressure. Chris Stevenson notes
similarities with the Soham case where Ian Huntley also hung around
the investigation. (7)
: (to camera) It may well be that ten to twelve days into the
investigation there was an element of desperation. And this
individual was being identified as someone that lived in the area;
had come forward to help and close, tenuous links to Huntley's
behaviour led to him being identified and the police feeling obliged,
almost, to actually treat him as a suspect and investigate
Tapp : The tabloid media's perspective of what was happening here was very
much that that man is getting an inside-track on the investigation
because he's offered himself as an interpreter. And therefore...
: Matt Tapp is a Police Media Advisor. He handled the press for the
Soham case. In the absence of a structured strategy, he knows the
media will fill the vacuum with unhelpful speculation that can
seriously distract the police.
MT : If you look at the Washington Sniper
case - on day 10 of that inquiry, the Washington Post's headline was
'Clueless'. If you look at the Soham investigation, on day 10, the
headline in at least three tabloid newspapers in the UK was 'Not One
Clue'. On day 6 of this inquiry, there is at least one headline in a
UK paper that said 'Clueless'. That builds tremendous pressure and in
the midst of all of that is a little girl who's gone missing. And the
little girl who's gone missing is almost a forgotten story. The big
story is the incompetence of the investigation.
JS :
The police found no trace of Madeleine at Robert Murat's house. He
remains an official suspect but he has always protested his
innocence. Under Portuguese law he will be a suspect for 8 months
unless charges are brought or the situation is formally dropped.
DC : In terms of the family, we need to know what their pattern...
: With Robert Murat no longer significant to them, the Dispatches'
experts arrive at what in Britain would have been a first line of
enquiry in the case of a missing child - the family.
: (to camera) one of the reasons why any investigation into a
missing child must initially focus around the immediate family
members is because we know, from research, that..errr..something like
70% of child victims of homicide are in fact victims of family
members. And, therefore, it is a crucial area of any investigation
which has to be addressed very early on before the inquiry can
actually progress and spread further.
: The priority for forensic scientist Dave Barclay would be to test the
physical evidence to prove the accounts given by the family.
C'est ce que le Procureur a voulu faire en organisant une reconstitution.... un an après ! et avec des protagonistes aussi glissants que des anguilles.
C'est ce que le Procureur a voulu faire en organisant une reconstitution.... un an après ! et avec des protagonistes aussi glissants que des anguilles.
DB : Going back to your point about the forensics, when we look at the
stuff to do with the family, because they've all got legitimate
answers, there we'd be looking for things that don't fit - anomalies
between what they're saying happened and what we have found out from
our observations. And they could range from just difficulties because
you're overcome by emotion, to what we call 'staging'. The classic is
a domestic murder, husband and wife, and then the husband tries to
make it look like a burglary. Where he tries to clear up blood in the
kitchen and doesn't do it successfully enough: that's staging.
Si les experts avaient été rappelés après la publication des PJFiles, ils auraient vu les anomalies. Curieusement aucun journaliste d'investigation n'a étudié ce dossier.
Si les experts avaient été rappelés après la publication des PJFiles, ils auraient vu les anomalies. Curieusement aucun journaliste d'investigation n'a étudié ce dossier.
du pape ( 30 mai)
TV :
...the couple were placed in the front row of St Peter's Square.
: We're a month on. The McCanns were travelling around Europe to raise
awareness of Madeleine. But suspicion about them was mounting.
question en Allemagne (6 juin)
Sabine Müller (journaliste) :
How do you deal with the fact that more and more people seem to be
pointing the finger at you?
There is absolutely no way that Kate and I are involved in this
5A cherché à nouveau (6 août)
:With the arrival of British experts in Portugal, further DNA tests
were carried out as part of a review of the case.
Étrange omission de la venue des chiens, qui ont pourtant constitué un tournant dans l'enquête criminelle et ne sont pas passés inaperçus.
résultats forensiques (16 août)
reported that they discovered traces of blood in the Ocean Club
apartment, and traces of Madeleine's hair in a car that the McCann's
hired 25 days after Madeleine disappeared.
McCann is called in for questioning (6 septembre)
TV : Kate is insisting she welcomes every opportunity to advance
this beleaguered investigation.
: The following day her husband Gerry is questioned (7 septembre)
Hughes (chargé de communication des MC) : Kate and Gerry have both been declared arguidos with no bail
conditions and no charges have been brought against them. The
investigation continues.
Journalist :
David, are they insisting on their innocence?
DH :
They certainly are. No further comment.
: From early May, the abduction theory was immediately accepted because
the McCann's reportedly said the shutters on Madeleine's bedroom
window had been forced open.
On sait que les rumeurs, lorsqu'elles sont démenties, ce que s'est efforcé de faire le gérant de l'Ocean Club, John Hill, en indiquant qu'il n'y avait pas de signe d'effraction, ce qui est de l'intérêt de l'OC, ne font que se renforcer.
Renwick (family friend speaking to GMTV) :The shutters had been broken open and they've gone into the room and taken Madeleine.
JW : (referring to Gerry's words to the police) ...that there was no way
she could have opened the shutters herself. She'd definitely been
: But with questions being asked about how an abductor could get into
the apartment, our experts take a closer look at the shutters.
DB : The shutters go into the window frame. And there's... I'll just stop
that there. That's the bottom of the shutter. Those two finger marks
off to the right do look as if they're from the inside, and pad marks
- finger marks.
: And they're some distance apart.
DB : Yes
: Okay. They're not two thumbs are they?
DB : They look 'thumby'. If I'm inside, I'm doing this. I'm gonna be like
that aren't I? So is that from the outside?
: Doing it that way...
DB : ...and trying to push it up?
: Yes
DB : You might try and help the shutter down mightn't you? If the window's
open and you are reaching it from inside you'd get that.
: Because they weren't allowed in the apartment where the McCanns had
been staying, Chris Stevenson and Dave Barclay test their theories at
another apartment block. These shutters, unlike the ones in the
McCann's apartment, are operated electrically. But Dave Barclay
believes they could provide vital evidence in working out how the
McCann's shutters could have been handled.
DB : We've some great stuff here because this is aluminium - light-weight
aluminium with a fine coating of a synthetic polyurethane paint or
something like that. It would mark really easily, and it does.
: Perhaps we need to just look at the change of angle of the
thumbs because now they're in a V-shape.
DB : And they're pretty well - you've pretty well got the whole of the
thumb against it. If you go back the other way, and do the same thing
again, right, now you've only got the outside of your thumb on it. I
believe it's from the inside. (to
camera) We must be very careful that we're not saying this is
actually staging, but it is difficult to see how anybody could have
interfered with those shutters from the outside without leaving some
trace. In fact, having looked at them, I think it's almost
Mais pourquoi soulever manuellement le volet de l'intérieur, au lieu d'utiliser la sangle ?
CS : If there was somebody's that was actually within the family living in the apartment then it would be difficult to draw any inference other than the fact that the person whose marks they are had at some time raised or lowered the shutters which, living in the apartment is probably, or could be, a daily occurrence.
Ce que les experts ne savent pas, c'est qu'à la lumière des dépositions de Gerald et Kate MC, ni l'un ni l'autre n'a touché à la fenêtre et au volet de la chambre des enfants au cours du séjour. C'est le genre de détail (incohérence entre déposition et scène de crime) qui retient l'attention des enquêteurs.
CS : If there was somebody's that was actually within the family living in the apartment then it would be difficult to draw any inference other than the fact that the person whose marks they are had at some time raised or lowered the shutters which, living in the apartment is probably, or could be, a daily occurrence.
Ce que les experts ne savent pas, c'est qu'à la lumière des dépositions de Gerald et Kate MC, ni l'un ni l'autre n'a touché à la fenêtre et au volet de la chambre des enfants au cours du séjour. C'est le genre de détail (incohérence entre déposition et scène de crime) qui retient l'attention des enquêteurs.
: The Portuguese police chose to interview Kate and Gerry McCann on the
basis of physical evidence. Specks of blood in the apartment and hair
in the hire car. But even if the blood was Madeleine's, our experts
believe it's far from clear how it was shed.
: You wouldn't necessarily, automatically expect to find blood if
there'd been something happened inside though. Just because we don't
find blood doesn't mean to say that there hasn't been some sort of
DB : No. And indeed, if we did find blood. It's not unusual for children
to trip and get a bloody nose and so on. If you found, in particular
I think in this case, or any case like this, blood on the floor where
efforts had been made to clean it up and the parents did not say
they'd done that (as long as it was a child's blood) then that would
be very significant indeed.
: Yes.
: Dave Barclay maintains that while the DNA results will tell you who
the blood belongs to, without context they can't explain how it got
DB : Remember, forensic science is not just A single test result, it's
setting it in context. So if you get a result that seems to indicate
one thing, you'd want to confirm it by other tests from other areas.
: Rumours about the forensic evidence go unchallenged. This week there
was a report that body fluids were allegedly found in the McCann's
hire car.
DB :
I still find it very difficult to conceive how those results got in
the boot of the hire car if they're as reported - and I'd like to
keep my options open. You still have to work out where the body has
been and how it got transported in that hire car that wasn't hired
for 25 days. Just almost incomprehensible. So we should just wait and
see what the results show. It's not completely beyond the bounds of
possibility that they will completely exonerate the McCanns.
MC rentrent chez eux (9 septembre)
: Now official suspects in their daughter's disappearance, the McCann's
return home to Leicestershire; determined to challenge the forensic
results and clear their names.
next day, the Portuguese police passed their case files to the public
prosecutor. (8)
speculation continues unabated and new theories emerge almost daily.
newspapers suggest that the Portuguese police are about to charge the
À en lire les journalistes britanniques et états-uniens sur le terrain lorsque les MC furent constitués arguidos, les seules informations obtenues leur avaient été fournies par trois sources : la PR des MC, Justine McGuinness, Philomena MC et un ami de la famille, Jon Corner. La PJ avait refusé catégoriquement de répondre.
less than two weeks after being made suspects, the public prosecutor
announces the McCann's will not be re-questioned. With the confusion
surrounding the evidence against the McCanns, what do our team make
of the Portuguese investigation as a whole ? Having considered all
three possible theories for Madeleine's disappearance, which one do
they think is most plausible?
4 - L'information a horreur du vide
media consultant Matt Tapp thinks the Portuguese police's lack of
communication with the media hampered the investigation.
MT : Going back to basics, a crime has happened, you need as much
information and intelligence that's accurate as possible. And we're
used to, in the UK, to securing that information and intelligence -
partly through media appeals. None of that actually happened because,
the police say, because of their laws of secrecy, and they were bound
to say nothing.
: (to camera) It is crucial to do, not just on-the-record
briefings, but to be able to provide some background information to
ensure that their approach is focussed and in-line with the
investigation approach. Because, if that isn't the case, the media
can be extremely disruptive.
MT : One day in August, here are two English newspapers, The Sun, The
Daily Express. What's the Sun's front page? She may be dead.
The same day : She is alive. Here is, I think, the
demonstration of what you can anticipate when the police choose, or
are not allowed to fill the void, and others fill it in their place.
: The large sewers and industrial bins are still Gary Ligg' main worry.
GL : It's not clear if the bins were searched to a degree where you could
be confident that she wasn't in one.
Il est très clair que des poubelles ne peuvent être inspectées, sans lumière, au milieu de la nuit. Deux heures avant le lever du jour, les poubelles avaient toutes été vidées.
And if they were removed, there's been no suggestion of a follow-up to find out where they are and to search the landfill there.
Il est très clair que des poubelles ne peuvent être inspectées, sans lumière, au milieu de la nuit. Deux heures avant le lever du jour, les poubelles avaient toutes été vidées.
And if they were removed, there's been no suggestion of a follow-up to find out where they are and to search the landfill there.
: Forensic scientist Dave Barclay considers what might have happened to
DB : Having seen the circumstances and the lay-out of the apartment, it
looks to me more likely, the priorities are higher, that some harm
happened to her within the apartment. No more than that.
: Right
: He argues that the Portuguese police's forensic work may have
compromised the investigation.
DB : It's clear that the forensics examination on the first day wasn't
what we would have expected. There were opportunities missed, and one
of those opportunities did a great dis-service to the McCanns. Had
they been more aggressive in protecting the apartment and gaining a
full forensic examination of that apartment, it may have been that
the McCanns were put completely out of it on day one.
La scène du crime a été polluée avant l'arrivée de la police, mais le pollueur numéro un a été Gerald MC. S'il est vrai que le volet laissé fermé était ouvert, il devenait un élément-clef de la scène du crime, il ne fallait surtout pas y toucher. Au lieu d'appeler la police sur le champ, il a immédiatement essayé de soulever le volet roulant de l'extérieur. Puis il s'est étonné que cela fût possible. Il aurait dû ajouter qu'une fois lâché le volet retombait, car la sangle, qui est à l'intérieur, est indispensable à l'enroulement. Donc, oui, des opportunités ont été perdues, mais en attribuer la pleine responsabilité à la police portugaise brosse un tableau factice de la situation.
camera) We really need to wait until we get the actual results. I
have seen comments that the Forensic Science Service has said 'this
or that' and I worked for them for twenty-odd years. I never knew any
forensic scientist to give details of case results in a live case. So
I think, I hate to say this, but possibly quite a lot of it has been
made up by the media.
: Team leader Chris Stevenson thinks that the Portuguese police may not
have been prepared for a case of this magnitude.
: They only have a very small number of cases of child abduction
and child murder and, therefore, it's inevitable that they won't have
the same expertise and experience as we have in the UK. There did
seem to be a lack of grip almost in the first few hours and we know
from our experience here, that is a crucial part of any
DC : It is not a young baby that would be more typically taken by a woman
who's looking for some sort of substitute or replacement child.
: Forensic psychologist Dave Canter thinks that the unprecedented media
attention put pressure, not only on the investigation, but on the
potential abductor.
DC : (to camera) In the past when young children have been abducted by a
stranger, by somebody who is obsessed and wants to abuse the child,
they tend to have kept the child and often, in fact, to have allowed
the child to go free after some time. But I would have thought that
such a person would've been totally over-awed and horrified by the
media storm that so quickly descended on that locality and I think
such an individual would have got very frightened indeed about the
consequences of their actions and may well have done something they
never intended to do.
jours après le signalement de la disparition de Madeleine MC, il y a
trois arguidos qui se disent innocents et une enquête criminelle qui
attend d'autres résultats du Forensic Science Service de Birmingham.
(1) On remarquera que la production, contrairement à celle de Panorama, un mois après, a respecté ce principe et n'a pas interrogé les principaux témoins, eux aussi tenus au secret de l'instruction.
(2) Les propos de cette nanny doivent être pris avec une pincée de sel, comme disent les Britanniques. À la crèche, elle s'occupait des bébés et non du groupe d'enfants dans lequel était Madeleine. Son témoignage n'a pas été corroboré par d'autres et semble avoir surtout visé les 15 minutes dont parle Andy Warhol.
C'est ce que firent les gendarmes, la police maritîme, etc.
L'hélicoptère équipé d'infra-rouges fut envoyé, mais pas cette nuit-là.
(4) La description des lieux n'est pas exacte. La façade de l'immeuble était isolée de la rue par un parking privé, l'immeuble étant en contrebas par rapport au parking. Les portes d'entrée des appartements du rez-de-chaussée donnaient sur un corridor logeant la façade et séparé du parking par un mur. La porte (principale) de l'appartement, non fermée à clef, était facile à ouvrir de l'intérieur, même pour un petit enfant. L'autre porte, en fait une porte-fenêtre coulissante, était, selon les MC, entrebaîllée, faute de poignée extérieure pour la faire glisser de l'extérieur.
(5) Le passage entre les immeubles aboutit au parking du G5 où quelques marches permettent d'accéder au parking du G4 (plus haut). Il semble que si Smithman emportait Madeleine, il a pris le chemin obscur décrit par les experts.
(6) Il est juste de penser que c'était le meilleur déguisement pour partir avec sa proie. Un sac de sport, à cette heure, eut attiré l'attention.
(6) Il est juste de penser que c'était le meilleur déguisement pour partir avec sa proie. Un sac de sport, à cette heure, eut attiré l'attention.
(7) Robert M fut pointé du doigt par une "journaliste" du Mirror, Lori C., qui confia ses soupçons au Leicestershire Constabulary qui, de son côté, avertit la PJ. La pression médiatique et consulaire eurent raison du bon sens.
(8) Toute enquête criminelle est dirigée par le ministère public et non par la PJ, qui exécute.
Deux jours après la diffusion du documentaire, l'un des experts, le psycho-criminologue David Canter, plutôt qu'émettre une réserve légitime, puisque le dossier était alors sous secret de l'instruction, publia, comme un remords, l'article suivant dans The Sunday Times. On sent toutefois qu'il tente, presque pathétiquement, d'inventer une solution l'autorisant à croire que les parents de MMC sont innocents. Rude tâche à laquelle chacun échoua.
Deux jours après la diffusion du documentaire, l'un des experts, le psycho-criminologue David Canter, plutôt qu'émettre une réserve légitime, puisque le dossier était alors sous secret de l'instruction, publia, comme un remords, l'article suivant dans The Sunday Times. On sent toutefois qu'il tente, presque pathétiquement, d'inventer une solution l'autorisant à croire que les parents de MMC sont innocents. Rude tâche à laquelle chacun échoua.
It is time to discard the myths and half-truths, Madeleine McCann was taken
October 18, 2007
Five months after
her disappearance, we are no further towards knowing exactly what
happened to Madeleine McCann and
we may never know the
truth. However, after spending many days in Praia da Luz while making a Dispatches documentary
about the case, I have
come to the conclusion that the greatest likelihood is that she was
abducted, and probably by a local
There are a number of indicators that have led me to this conclusion.
The days that I
spent in Praia da Luz speaking to those who were there soon after that
dreadful night in May, and with
experienced police
officers and a forensic scientist, have helped to clear away many of the
myths and half-truths that have
driven the accounts of
Madeleine's disappearance.
If you stand
outside the apparently unremarkable apartment from which Madeleine
vanished, the reality of unexpected horror
hits home. The tidy
walls and hedges that divide the apartments from the swimming pool, on
the far side of which the family
were eating tapas on May
3, take on a much more sinister form when you realise that they hide
any clear view of the room in
which the McCann
children were sleeping.
An abductor who
knew the complex would have had to be quick to remove the child from her
apartment without being seen,
but he could have done
it. After passing through the alleyway that ran beside the apartment, he
would then have found it simple
to dash across the
deserted road behind the resort and through a small car park to a
network of alleyways sheltered by high
David Cantor compte trop sur l'obscurité (sans pour autant réaliser qu'il n'est pas facile de dérober un enfant dans un appartement inconnu et non éclairé), et néglige l'aspect sonore.
David Cantor compte trop sur l'obscurité (sans pour autant réaliser qu'il n'est pas facile de dérober un enfant dans un appartement inconnu et non éclairé), et néglige l'aspect sonore.
These alleyways,
decorated with lush bougainvillea, provide an ideal rat-run that would
be well known to local criminals.
Late in the evening it
would have been a simple thing to pass through these alleyways to a safe
house or a car parked near
Possible escape
routes aside, one of the most convincing arguments I have heard for an
abduction by a local came from
my colleague at
Liverpool University, Professor Kevin Browne, who advises many
international agencies including the WHO and
Unicef on child
protection. He made clear that this quiet village could harbour a number
of child abusers who had been released
into the community
rather than convicted.
The situation in Portugal was, he pointed out, very different from that in Britain today, being more the way it used
to be here a decade or more ago. Compared with other
countries in Western Europe, Portugal convicts a much smaller
proportion of child abusers. Children
are more likely to be
removed from their families, ending up in institutions while their
abusers walk free. As a consequence,
there are not only
potentially more abusers within society unmarked and unmonitored, but a
of whole new generation of people
with an increased
likelihood of becoming abusers because of their own experiences.
Il est absolument extraordinaire d'oser écrire, sans citation, ce qui n'est donc qu'une opinion sur un pays étranger.
Il est absolument extraordinaire d'oser écrire, sans citation, ce qui n'est donc qu'une opinion sur un pays étranger.
Si DC s'était informé, il aurait appris qu'il y avait une centaine de prédateurs sexuels britanniques en Algarve, selon une liste confidentielle fournie par les autorités britanniques qui, lorsque disparut la petite Joana, quelques années plus tôt, se gardèrent bien de mettre en garde les autorités portugaises. Tous ces prédateurs furent investigués.
There are limited
possibilities for what happened to Madeleine. I think of these along a
continuum from those, at one
end, in which she played
a significant role, to the other extreme at which would lie an
organised network of traffickers who
come to Praia de Luz
specifically to find a victim. The family or close
associates distance us from the possibilites involving the girl
herself. Those who know the family
but are not really known
to the family themselves, such as service staff, lead us a step closer
to the possibilities of a
distant criminal
network. However, there is a crucial prospect of a person who had no direct contact with the family, observing them from afar,
although not part of any criminal organisation. Each possible explanation for the disappearance is driven by different assumptions.
If she had woken up
in distress would she have sat and cried or wandered off into the town?
If she had wandered off it
would have been to try
to find her parents – along a probably familiar route to where they were
eating. Mais elle ne savait pas qu'ils dînaient dehors ni où ! It would have
been a terrible
coincidence if she had been abducted on such an unlikely journey. The prospect of
family or friends' involvement beggars belief. Là il faut donner raison à DC, a fortiori parce que les compagnons de voyage des MC n'étaient pas des amis, ils se connaissaient à peine, deux d'entre eux exceptés. On appréciera comme l'hypothèse "parents" est vite passée sous silence. For a start, if the child
had been killed in some accident,
possibly as a result of
an overdose, then her medically trained parents would have had to be
exceptionally incompetent, for
which there is no
evidence. Il y a preuve du contraire, Kate MC a fait un stage comme anesthésiste. Furthermore, the friends who were with them would all have had
to be willing to risk their professional
careers to keep such a
appalling secret for such a long time. Insensé.
Organised networks
of people traffickers, sadly, have much more obvious opportunities for
finding vulnerable children
who would not be missed
on the streets of many developing countries, or even in the orphanages,
and sometimes the streets
of Eastern Europe. Why
risk being caught in a quite middle-class holiday resort? Against this
backdrop, it became clear to me that the police in the Algarve simply do
not have the resources to deal
with crimes of this
magnitude. Their expertise lies in dealing with the drug smuggling that
occurs frequently between North
Africa and here. But
resources that the English police can bring to bear quickly are unlikely
to be available to the Portuguese
police in any serious
DC oublie, pourtant ce n'était pas un secret, que des OPJ britanniques ont collaboré avec les portugais...
DC oublie, pourtant ce n'était pas un secret, que des OPJ britanniques ont collaboré avec les portugais...
Detective Chief
Superintendent Chris Stevenson, who headed the Soham investigation into
the murders of Holly Wells and
Jessica Chapman in 2002,
made clear in his contribution to the documentary that the British
police would have followed the
detailed procedure laid
down in an inch-thick "murder manual" – a painstakingly systematic
approach that can send the
cost of the average
murder inquiry to £1 million.Without these
resources, the Portuguese police have had to proceed very differently.
They have to find ways of taking
the short cuts that
detectives in fact and fiction have always had to take in the past. This
consists of forming a view of
what the likely cause of
the crime is and using that in the search for clues.
For me the most
obvious possibility is the local offender quickly escaping down the
rat-run of dark alleys. Un rat silencieux... One witness
is reported as seeing a
man rushing away from the complex with a child wrapped in a blanket
shortly after the last reported
sighting of Madeleine. Tannerman, mais il n'y avait pas de couverture et d'ailleurs le Yard a éliminé ce ravisseur hypothétique-là. The days spent
discussing the disappearance of Madeleine in the actual location where
the McCanns had been on holiday
provided a rather
different perspective from the one heralded in the British media. The
little girl may just have been in
the wrong place at the
wrong time. Voilà une conclusion qui sonne comme un aveu d'incompréhension. On songe au principe raisonnable de Sherlock Holmes : une fois qu’on a éliminé l’impossible, ce qui reste, aussi improbable que cela soit, doit être la vérité. Toute douloureuse à admettre qu'elle puisse être.
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Tout prétendant à la résolution des 3 énigmes, s'il se trompait, avait la tête coupée. |