Omega - Henri Exton
All conventional investigative methods had been tried and hit a brick wall. Halligen knew I was an expert in non-conventional investigative methodology and felt I could bring something to the table. Everything operational I was responsible for and everything technical Halligen was responsible for. His side was the undertaking of the technical elements.He didn't have contact with the sensitive operational side and the team on the ground didn't trust him, they didn't want to be in his company because he was a drunk and he bounced checks on them. While the team was in PDL, Halligen spent most of his time in DC, trying to persuade people to engage him.Halligen couldn't deliver his IT side, he said he would have satellite images not only on the day but retrospectively, the only thing he ever produced was a google map of PDL which is laugh thinking is this it ?Money would come in on the Monday and within minutes having it he was spending that money on refurbishing the Great Falls mansion and on 700 pounds lunches. All this money was going on non investigative stuff, given that I had people who were doing incredible work not being paid I was having to pay them, he was making excuses and it didn't matter that there was a little girl involved.
obtained Halligen's bank accounts...
He kept a suite at the Willard Hotel open permanently and he had a discounted rate of 700 dollars a night, it was just ostentatious beyond belief.
Exton lost more than a hundred thousand pounds 100 000 livres...
When I realised that he wasn't who he said he was and that he was taking the money, stealing the money and everything he was doing I started to investigate him. It was a concerted and coordinated private investigation which was privately funded and we spent a lot of private money ourselves looking for him. I was responsible for compiling the dossier of evidence and I took it to the FBI... He would be evasive if you tried to go into his background even subtly, when I first met him he was Kevin Halligen and when I went to the Red Defence office everybody called him Kevin. When he then invited me to go to America, people started to call him Richard and so when I came back to England the people in the office in London said "who's Richard ? I said it's Kevin, they said "why is he calling himself Richard ? I said I don't know, I asked Richard is it Kevin and he said I'm Kevin Richard Halligen, but Richard sounds better, I remember him saying that to me. Then people in America started calling him Halijem, not Halligen. His real name was Kevin Patrick Halligen and he was Irish, not English, he was reinventing himself in America.
He implied on the technical side that he'd worked in Iraq, that he'd worked at the Cabinet Office on technical side but he was very careful who he told which story to.His Pentagon pass was a fake and I found there was a partially constructed CIA pass on the computer, so it looked as if he ws trying to create a pass for the CIA, he was putting together his wallet litter for the right scenario to pull it out of his wallet and flash it to somebody.
12 novembre 2009 un grand jury du DC returned an indictment charging
Halligen with fraud and money laundering et il est arrêté le 25
novembre à Oxford.
n'est pas l'affaire MC qui a mené à son arrestation. KH avait
acheté une mansion en 2007 avec de l'argent volé à un client dans
une opération antérieure de kidnap et rançon
après avoir purgé une peine (?) de 44 mois de prison aux US s'est
refait une santé au UK et a offert ses services à Operation
Grange.... en vain.
le rapport de Operation Omega, dans les mains de SY (le docu est
diffusé en juin 2014).
Obviously I can't go into any details, but I suppose the regret is that the work we presented didn't solve the mystery of her disappearance, but the work that we did do provided significant opportunities to take it to the next level. Sadly the distraction of Halligen's behaviour somewhat undermined the very good work that was done.