01 : 35 Titres dont 1 PT
Hair behind couch decisive for PJ - Jornal de Noticias
Girl in Morocco is not Madeleine - Algarve Resident
'Steps Plunge Slur' - The Sun
150 Days....We Pray for Maddie - The Sun
Maddy Slurs Fury - Daily Mirror
McCanns Pray For Help On Hunt Day 150 - Daily Mirror
Papers Print Poison, by Tony Parsons - Daily Mirror
She's dead. . .She's alive - Daily Express
Charles gets a tip-off. - Daily Express
Madeleine: She is in Morocco - Daily Express
Now police say she fell down the steps - Daily Express
Killer Steps - Daily Star
TV psychic offers help - Daily Star
Madeleine IS in Morocco, says British tourist - Daily Mail
MCs 'treating seriously' psychics' claims - Daily Mail
The readers' editor on ... a decision to cut threads - Guardian
MMC drugged, says grandmother [Eileen McCann] - Telegraph
Madeleine died after fall down steps, say detectives - Telegraph
A sacked maid seeking revenge is latest suspect over MMC - Times
Relative Says Madeleine 'Drugged' - BBC
MC grand-mère : "Je crois vraiment qu'ils (celui qui l'a prise) lui ont donné de la drogue. Il n'y a aucun moyen qu'ils l'aient emmenée de là sans son réveil. Si elle avait été emmenée alors qu'elle dormait par quelqu'un qu'elle ne connaissait pas, elle aurait crié l'endroit."
Cela semble du pur bon sens.
McCanns Could Turn To Psychics For Help - Sky
McCanns To Launch New Madeleine Campaign - Sky
Fury as McCanns Accused Of Burying Body - Sky
Madeleine's Parents Spooked - Channel 4
McCanns to use psychics in Maddie hunt - Metro
McCann abduction theory slammed - Metro
Madeleine police probe grudge-kidnap claims - Leicester Mercury
Parents take advice from psychics - Liverpool Daily Post
Psychic Barber: I Will Help McCanns - Daily Record
Madeleine McCann coverage: Did we get it right? - Press Gazette
Long legal fight and Top PT legal team - Law Fuel
Le couple a embauché une équipe juridique portugaise de haut niveau, dont le président de l’association du barreau du pays, pour préparer leur défense et a exprimé l’espoir qu’ils pourraient être blanchis «bien avant» Noël. Mais les avocats n'ont pas suivi en fait ils ont dû expliquer qu'une fois arguido dans une affaire on devait le rester jusqu'au bout les suggestions d'une fin précoce de leur calvaire et le porte-parole des McCann, Clarence Mitchell, a déclaré qu'ils acceptaient qu'ils pourraient toujours être suspects l'année prochaine.
Catherine Meyer, Founder of PACT - Hello! Magazine The MMC Mystery: Keeping a Brave Face - People Magazine (US)
McCanns face grilling over unanswered questions - The Star (SA)
Royal tip in search for Maddie - Courier Mail (Aus)
GMC's Blog :
Day 151 - 01/10/2007 -Monday
Yesterday marked 150 days since Madeleine was taken. For our family it was just another painful day without our beautiful daughter. The questions we ask are pretty much the same as those we asked in the first few days. Who took her, why did they take her and where is she? Without wanting to be boringly repetitive we believe that someone out there knows something that could answer these questions.
I am still amazed at the irresponsible reporting going on in the press with unsubstantiated reports from unreliable sources being repeated in the UK and Portuguese press unquestioningly. It is simply untrue that the twins think that Madeleine has gone on a ‘little trip’. They clearly miss their big sister and have asked on numerous occasions where is Madeleine?’. Kate I and have told them that we don’t know where she is but lots of people are looking for her and we hope that we will find her. They are not traumatised by her continued absence, simply being too young to comprehend the situation but we are well aware that their insight will change as they continue to develop rapidly.
At the weekend we again had lots of visitors with kids, which was great for Sean and Amelie. After attending mass yesterday morning we had a family lunch and then spent a couple of hours in the garden playing. There are still a few photographers hanging around at the end of our street taking daily pictures of Kate and I. We are managing to get out and about in the village and we have lots of support from the local community. On Saturday we decided to go for a run but drove nearby and parked the car but we were ‘snapped’ at the end, when I was certainly looking wearier than Kate!
02 : 39 Titres dont 3 PT
UK police say they continue to support PJ, in spite of criticism - Lusa
PJ accuses UK police of favouring the MCs - Diário de Notícias
Searches in Huelva to find cadaver - Correio da Manhã
Madeleine: Lawyer 'breaks' silence - Observatorio do Algarve
Justice minister : police relationship still strong - Algarve Resident
Gerry McCann "negligent" over abductor claim - Algarve Resident
'Kidnapper Drugged Maddie' [says Eileen McCann] -The Sun
Ask Psychic to Find Madeleine - The Sun
Madeleine cop launches attack on British police - Daily Mirror
McCanns call on psychic - Daily Mirror
Madeleine must have been drugged, says Gran - Daily Mirror
Mccann abduction theory slammed - Daily Express
She was drugged . . . but not by her parents - Daily Express
Madeleine: Now psychics used in hunt - Daily Express
Maddie's Parents Call for Psychic Barber - Daily Star
Leading officer 'enjoys boozy lunches and half days' - Daily Mail
Scientist says 'no evidence' against Madeleine's parents - Daily Mail
PT police following up 150 tip-offs from psychics in hunt - Daily Mail
MMC was drugged by her abductor, says grandmother - Daily Mail
Police chief accuses MCs of hindering inquiry - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann detective attacks UK police - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann chief detective sacked - Telegraph
Kate and Gerry McCann ‘considering psychic help’ - Times
Police in Portugal 'now at war' with British detectives - Times Online
Top Madeleine Cop Sacked After Outburst - Sky
Psychic Barber: 'I've Had No Contact.' - Sky
Portuguese policeman slams McCanns - Metro
Parents to stay suspects for long-term - Liverpool Echo
McCanns 'could still be suspects next year' - Yorkshire Post
Officer slams MC room abduction theory - Evening Times (Scotland)
PTe police hit out over dad's claims - Aberdeen Evening Express
Gail Walker: Morocco 'Sighting' A New Low - Belfast Telegraph
Chief investigator dismissed - ABCmoney.co.uk
PT and Spanish Police are meeting in Huelva - Typically Spanish
Spanish Govt denies meeting with PT Police - Typically Spanish
McCanns seek to get suspect status lifted - Peninsula Qatar
Top cop booted from Madeleine McCann probe - NY Daily News
Portuguese Detective Ordered Off Madeleine Case - ABC
Top cop removed from Madeleine case - IOL
03 : 39 Titres dont 3 PT
Successor of Gonçalo Amaral will be known next week - Lusa
The whole truth about MMC (Opinion) - Observatorio do Algarve
Opinion article by Moita Flores: Rubbish - Correio da Manhã
Une interview a décapité le coordinateur de l'enquête sur l'affaire Maddie, et elle révèle deux choses. La première est que la PJ continue de ne pas comprendre que la connexion avec les médias doit être établie par des professionnels de la communication et non par des policiers. C'est un problème qui traîne depuis des années. Personne n'a encore compris dans cette maison que le monde clos, clandestin et étrange a pris fin le jour où les médias ont explosé, à savoir les télévisions privées, les radios et les journaux. Et personne ne s'en soucie. Il en a toujours été ainsi, il en sera toujours ainsi. Gonçalo Amaral est un policier, il est un enquêteur criminel et il a été insulté, pendant des mois, par un policier anglais à la retraite, qui lui a sauté dessus comme un chat saute sur de la viande [expression populaire portugaise]. Je ne doute pas qu'il doit être difficile de vivre avec quelqu'un, assis en Angleterre, détruisant la bonne réputation et la carrière d'un professionnel engagé. Et comme il ne sait pas mieux, et que personne ne le lui demande, il a donné une réponse forte dans l'interview.
C'est là qu'il s'est lui-même détruit. Parce qu'il doit enquêter, car c'est sa profession, et sa réputation doit être défendue par l'institution pour laquelle il travaille. L'entretien s'est mal passé, il n'a pas clairement fait valoir son point de vue et ce qui en est ressorti a été un coup de feu contre la police britannique. Et Gonçalo Amaral et la PJ savent que leurs collègues anglais ont travaillé très dur sur cette affaire.
La direction de PJ a suivi la voie naturelle: ils l'ont retiré de l'affaire. Mais ce qui serait vraiment, vraiment naturel, c'est que la direction comprenne qu'elle ne peut pas laisser les enquêteurs sous le feu de personnes engagées par une partie. Ce détective anglais à la retraite est attaché à sa xénophobie, à sa propre vanité, et assis sur les gradins, il tire sur les joueurs. C'est un imbécile.
Gonçalo Amaral était en colère contre un imbécile, et il a fait exactement ce que ceux qui ne voulaient pas que le proces soit clarifié, voulaient qu'il fasse. Je ne doute pas que la colère contre la police portugaise augmentera demain. Est-ce la faute de Gonçalo? Oui, accidentellement. La culpabilité incombe à ceux qui insistent pour ne pas percevoir l'ébullition des nouvelles dans le monde et qui continuent de vivre dans un abri fait de silences. Ce sont aussi des imbéciles.
Maddie rant cop gets the sack - The Sun
The Madeleine McCann "investigation" so far - The Sun
Cop demoted after McCanns outburst - Daily Mirror
Cop kicked off case after blasting British police - Daily Express
Hair-raising truth about the psychic barber - Daily Express
Boozy lunches and unchecked leads - Daily Express
Inspector Clueless Gets Boot - Daily Star
Twins know MMC missing and people looking for her - Daily Mail
Police chief sacked after attack on British detectives - Daily Mail
Search in chaos after police chief is axed by fax - Daily Mail
Detective leading hunt sacked after blast at UK police - Guardian
Inquiry chief sacked after attack on British police - Telegraph
Madeleine: Delay in naming new police chief - Telegraph
Time to refocus on Madeleine, McCanns say - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann detective sacked after outburst - Times
MC hope sacking of chief is turning point in probe - Times Online
Lead Detective dropped from case after outburst - Independent
Madeleine Police Chief Removed - BBC
'Let's Get Out There And Find Madeleine' - Sky
McCann Detective Removed From Case - Channel 4
New McCann chief should refocus inquiry' - ITN
Top Maddie detective sacked after a tirade - Metro
Maddy toys sent to orphanages - Metro
Madeleine detective is taken off the case - Leicester Mercury
Madeleine McCann: Family’s plea after new twist - Liverpool Echo
Family appeal for police to 'refocus' - Liverpool Daily Post
Police chief removed from inquiry - Yorkshire Post
Madeleine: Detective In Charge Is Taken Off the Case - The Scotsman
Madeleine Cop Kicked Off The Case - Daily Record
Madeleine police chief is 'removed' - Evening Times (Scotland)
'Focus on finding our Madeleine' - Aberdeen Evening Express
L.McDowell: Is Spy-In-The-Sky A Maddy Case? - Belfast Telegraph
Lead Detective dropped from case after outburst - Belfast Telegraph
Police officer removed from case - Irish Independent
Review - Wednesday October 3 2007 - Typically Spanish
It's 'ludicrous nonsense' say McCanns - IOL
04 : 27 Titres dont 1 PT
MCs constituted arguidos with the approval of UK police - Publico
Police chief removed from Madeleine case - Algarve Resident
Maddie cop, good riddance - The Sun
Cops in muddle without leader - The Sun
Snub Portugal till brains are put on case, Kelvin Mackenzie - The Sun
New Cop Gives McCanns Renewed Hope - Daily Mirror
Madeleine McCann Cop Asks To Leave Investigation - mirror.co.uk
Kate and Gerry: We’ll fly back to Portugal - Daily Express
Madeleine: Nobody in charge for a week. - Daily Express
Get Sarah Cop to Find Maddie - Daily Star
Fresh setback in Madeleine investigation - Guardian.co.uk
Madeleine case in disarray after sacking - Telegraph
MCs must now refocus attention to finding Madeleine - Telegraph
Kate McCann: I cry about Madeleine every day - Telegraph
News in Brief: Madeleine inquiry stalls over new chief - Times
Kate Tells Of Tears For Missing Madeleine - Sky
Second Senior Madeleine Cop Off The Case - Sky
Kate: 'I cry nearly every day over Maddie' - Metro
Your help carried us through the worst times - Leicester Mercury
MCs: Support has kept us going - Liverpool Daily Post
Lay Off Maddie's Parents And Find Her Instead - Daily Record
'Every time I close my eyes I see Maddy's face' - Belfast Telegraph
Diary. Anne Enright - London Review of Books
Exclusive interview MCs to Leics Mercury - HoldTheFrontPage
Portuguese lawyer for the MCs speaks in Palma - Typically Spanish
Desperate Days: The MMC Mystery - People Magazine (US)
McCanns Moved By Public Support - IOL
05 : 33 Titres dont 1 PT
English police also believes in death. Sensor looked for body - CdM
Now Maddie Cop Number 3 Quits - The Sun
Anguished mum opens heart - The Sun
Kate McCann's Most Emotional Interview - Daily Mirror
Any day CEOP intervenes to stop a child being abused - Daily Mirror
I cry every day says Kate - Daily Express
Daily Star Says: Just call our cops - Daily Star
Finding Maddie far worse than being named suspect - Daily Star
Madeleine probe in chaos as second police chief quits - Daily Mail
Kate McCann: Some days I just can't stop the tears - Daily Mail
For child hunt expert called by MCs M still in Portugal - Daily Mail
MCs anger at PT police 'Madeleine is dead' dirty trick - Daily Mail
'Discovering her gone was worse than named suspects' - Daily Mail
Piers Morgan: The Insider - Daily Mail
Sacked Madeleine detective's deputy seeks leave - Guardian
Madeleine police chief tells of 'daily crises' -Telegraph
Madeleine police team shrinks from 200 to 3 -Telegraph
Twins are the only part of our lives normal - Times
Second Officer Steps Down From Madeleine Inquiry - Independent
'Nothing Worse Than Night Madeleine Disappeared' - Sky
On s'attendrait à ce que, le temps passant, ce soit pire précisément.
Madeleine's Father Fears For The Twins - Sky
Madeleine mother: My daily torment - Metro
KMC only hours from locked up in cell - London Evening Standard
Detective to leave his post - Leicester Mercury
Kindness Of Strangers A Big Help Says KMC - Liverpool Echo
KMC relives moment she was name a suspect - Liverpool Daily Post
Support keeps us strong – McCanns - Yorkshire Post
Kate: Nothing Worse Than Night Maddie Disappeared - Daily Record
Super-Cop To Probe Search For Madeleine - Daily Record
Maddie's mum tells of daily torment - Evening Times (Scotland)
Our Twins Help Bring Us Back To Normality - Irish Independent
Mom: Madeleine Had "Sense Of Danger" - CBS
MCs give exclusive interview to Mercury - HoldtheFrontPage
GMC's Blog :
Day 155 - 05/10/2007 -Friday
06 : 17 Titres dont 1 PT
Portuguese authorities still wait - despair - for forensics - 24Horas
Top Madeleine Officer Demoted - Portugal News
Madeleine Hunt: Case Meltdown - The Sun
Copper meant to find Maddie hunted down parents instead - The Sun
Set Us Free - Daily Mirror
Tired McCann cops need hols - Daily Mirror
McCanns plea to talk as cop case collapses - Daily Mirror
Former PR adviser backs McCanns - Daily Express
Truth about the Madeleine police - Daily Express
Madeleine hunt: We have a crisis every day - Daily Express
Maddie Died in Hol Apartment - Daily Star 06-10-07
Police wanted KMC jailed over Madeleine questions - Daily Mail
"If MCs were acting they deserved an Oscar" - Times Online
McCanns' Composure 'Hid Their Turmoil' - Sky
Former PR adviser backs McCanns - Metro
An 'opportunity' in search for Madeleine - Leicester Mercury
Maddie's Parents Want Legal Gag Lifted - Daily Record
It has been a quieter week for Kate and I. We did go into the Leicester Mercury on Wednesday to pick up a cheque for Madeleine’s Fund from donations for green and yellow wristbands. We did our first interview since returning from Portugal to say a huge thank you to everyone, especially here in Leicestershire, for supporting us during these last few dark weeks and months. Click here to read the interview. We have talked a little of life returning to ‘normal’ in Rothley. Several photographers are still in the village but otherwise it has been very quiet.
Kate and I will be going through the judicial process in Portugal to try and clear our name as quickly as possible. Obviously it is encouraging that the prosecutor has stated that all lines of enquiry are open. It is likely that we will be ‘arguidos’ for some time since this status remains until charges are brought or up to 8 months if no charges are made. The investigation will have a new coordinator appointed to replace chief inspector Amaral. We are happy to continue cooperating with the Portuguese authorities and in fact as arguidos, we can request that certain investigations are carried out.
06 : 17 Titres dont 1 PT
Portuguese authorities still wait - despair - for forensics - 24Horas
Top Madeleine Officer Demoted - Portugal News
Madeleine Hunt: Case Meltdown - The Sun
Copper meant to find Maddie hunted down parents instead - The Sun
Set Us Free - Daily Mirror
Tired McCann cops need hols - Daily Mirror
McCanns plea to talk as cop case collapses - Daily Mirror
Former PR adviser backs McCanns - Daily Express
Truth about the Madeleine police - Daily Express
Madeleine hunt: We have a crisis every day - Daily Express
Maddie Died in Hol Apartment - Daily Star 06-10-07
Police wanted KMC jailed over Madeleine questions - Daily Mail
"If MCs were acting they deserved an Oscar" - Times Online
McCanns' Composure 'Hid Their Turmoil' - Sky
Former PR adviser backs McCanns - Metro
An 'opportunity' in search for Madeleine - Leicester Mercury
Maddie's Parents Want Legal Gag Lifted - Daily Record
07 : 20 Titres dont 1 PT
3D video dismisses abduction theory - CdM
Madeleine case PJ officer takes extended leave - Algarve Resident
Cops and ministers to hold UK crisis summit - News of the World
Exclusive: Maddie was alive on beach - News of the World
I Traced Maddie DNA To The Sea - News Of The World
£51k For 89 Days Work..Gerry Hit The Roof - The People
Pair's 'Cool' Hiding Agony - The People
I Have Traced Her To Beach - The People
Man Uses Device in Maddie Hunt - The Sun
I know where body is - Sunday Mirror
Warning over cop shambles - Sunday Mirror 07-10-07
PT police fly in supercop to solve the mystery - Sunday Express
'I know where M is buried' says finder hired by MCs - Mail on Sunday
Forensic DNA tests 'reveal traces of body on beach' - The Observer
Police have open minds, insists Kate McCann - Sunday Telegraph
Detective who suspected MCs may lead hunt - Sunday Times
Search Uncovers 'Forensic Trail' - Sky
Mr Locator joins hunt for Maddie - Metro
Madeleine McCann's DNA Found on Beach - novinite.com
Former adviser rejects suspicion over McCanns - inthenews.co.uk
08 : 23 Titres dont 3 PT
Krugel - I know where the body is - Correio da Manhã
MCs already have two million euros to spend. Savings plan - 24Horas
Kidnapping "not very consistent" - Academical study - SIC
New DNA Puts Spotlight Back on McCanns - The Sun
McCanns fear years of suspicion - Daily Mirror
Don't Trust The Bodyfinder - Daily Mirror
A Time to Let Di Die, by Tony Parsons - Daily Mirror
New chief heads Madeleine inquiry - Daily Express
Police rely on new program - Daily Express
Maddie Cops Get Hi-Tech 'Cracker' - Daily Star
New DNA evidence 'provides fresh link to parents' - Daily Mail
Madeleine McCann: Parents could visit Portugal - Telegraph
McCanns fear suspicion will never end - Telegraph
Head of Madeleine McCann inquiry faces trial - Telegraph
[Madeleine questions] Papers consider PM's credibility - BBC
New evidence 'links parents' in Maddie case - Metro
Inventor joins hunt for Maddy - Leicester Mercury
'Missing people machine' used to hunt - Liverpool Daily Post
McCanns Fear Madeleine Will Never Be Found - Daily Record
GMC 'put off job return' when named as suspect - Irish Independent
Spain Papers Review - Monday October 8 2007 - Typically Spanish
Maddie: SA group asked to help - News 24 (S. Africa)
Investigator taken off McCann case - CNN
09 : 42 Titres dont 3 PT
Paulo Rebelo nominated coordinator in Portimao - Jornal de Noticias
Alipio Ribeiro chooses his Right arm - Diario de Noticias
Judiciaria certain that M was not only with her siblings - 24Horas
New detective for Maddie - The Sun
McCanns 'live in twilight world' - The Sun
New police chief for Madeleine inquiry - Daily Mirror
McCanns Deny New DNA Link - Daily Mirror
Cops Gave up Search Three Months Ago - Daily Mirror
DNA puts parents in frame - Daily Express
How the hunt was called off 3 months ago - Daily Express
New police chief is accused of torture - Daily Express
Maddie: Shock New DNA Clue - Daily Star
MCs fear 'cloud of suspicion' will never leave them - Daily Mail
M detective tried over alleged man beating in interview - Daily Mail
M 'was left in room with six other younsters' [sic] - Daily Mail
MCs call in own forensic team to fight DNA linking - Daily Mail
Top officer takes over in McCann case - Guardian
New DNA findings put focus on MCs (The Wrap) - guardian.co.uk
Portuguese police 'right to focus on McCanns' - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann police 'ask for British tourists' DNA' - Telegraph
New Search At Madeleine McCann Apartment - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann's parents hire DNA experts - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann evidence inconclusive - Times
McCann children 'were not alone in apartment' - Times Online
Reconstruction 'casts doubt on MMC kidnapping' - Times Online
New Police Chief For McCann Case - BBC
[DNA tests] Papers ponder troop number cuts - BBC
[MWT] Doubts Raised Over Madeleine 'Locator' - Sky
Parents Thank Affleck Over Film - Sky
Affleck attends US film premiere - ITN
New chief heads Madeleine inquiry - Metro
Top Portuguese detective to join Maddie hunt - Metro
MC lawyers travel to Portugal to clear couple - Leicester Mercury
Bid To Get Parents' Suspect Status Lifted - Liverpool Echo
McCanns try to get suspect status lifted - Yorkshire Post
McCanns In Legal Move To End Suspicion - The Scotsman
New police officer assigned to case - Irish Independent
MWeb Link Unlocks Doors For Mercury - The Newspaper Society
PT Detectives Launch New Search At G5A- Product Reviews
New Leader For Missing Madeleine Case - CNN
Quotes of the Day: Clarence Mitchell - Time Magazine
New Portuguese Officer Heads McCann Probe - IOL
10 : 44 Titres dont 4 PT
ASFIC accuses UK press of "incoherence" & news to "sell" - SOL
Rebelo takes over the direction of investigation - Jornal de Noticias
PJ reconstitute the night of May 3 - DN
The children were given tranquilizers. laboratories - 24Horas
New police chief for Madeleine investigation - Algarve Resident
Missing kids TV launched - The Sun
Maddie cops call for more tests - The Sun
7 kids were left in McCann flat - The Sun
McCanns flat searched for five hours - Daily Mirror
McCanns Welcome New Police Chief - Daily Mirror
Kate vigil goes on - Daily Mirror
Madeleine sedative claims 'hurtful' - Daily Express
Detectives seek DNA from British tourists at resort - Daily Express
Daily Star Says: Solve this for Maddie - Daily Star
New Maddie Cop: Bring Them Back to Portugal - Daily Star
Police launch new search of McCann's holiday apartment - Daily Mail
KMC 'rejected husband's pleas to leave Portugal ' - Daily Mail
Fresh fears for KMC looking thinner than ever - Daily Mail
McCanns praise Ben Affleck for shelving 'Madeleine' film - Daily Mail
McCanns deny reports that Gerry is not M's father - Telegraph
Police in fresh search of McCanns' apartment - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann detectives ask for British tourists’ DNA - Times
Centres show missing child images - BBC
Madeleine's Parents Call In 'The Locator' - Sky
Top Cop Takes Over Madeleine Investigation - Sky
McCanns Threaten Legal Action Over Drug Claims -
Madeleine: Police Appeal For Tourists' Prints - Sky
McCann: 'Tourists asked for DNA samples' - ITN
Madeleine: Tourists asked for DNA - Metro
Madeleine sedative claims 'hurtful' - Metro
McCanns may sue over sedatives claim - Metro
Tourists 'asked provide DNA' - Leicester Mercury
Top detective takes charge of investigation - Yorkshire Post
Time for McCanns to face facts. Burnley Citizen - Burnley Citizen
Top Detective To Lead Maddie Case - The Scotsman
McCann Police Ask Tourists For DNA Samples - The Scotsman
New Madeleine Cop Orders Flat Search - Daily Record
DNA appeal in hunt for Madeleine - Evening Times (Scotland)
Tourists asked for DNA samples - Aberdeen Evening Express
Madeleine police seek DNA from British tourists - Irish Independent
British tourists at Maddie resort asked for DNA: report - AFP
Evidence inconsistent with kidnapping theory - TransWorldNews
Search for Madeleine intensifies - IOL
'No breakthroughs' in search for Maddie - Sydney Morning Herald
GMC's Blog :
Day 160 - 10/10/2007 -Wednesday
11 : 37 Titres dont 1 PT
Gerry is not Maddie’s father - 24Horas
McCanns’ daily switching from victims to suspects - Algarve Resident
Gerry's Anger at 'Dad' Lies - The Sun
Maddie: Cop raid on pervs - The Sun
Too poor to get help like Maddie - The Sun
'I am Madeleine's father', says Gerry McCann - Daily Mirror
McCann 'refused to leave' - Daily Mirror
Ben,,, 16 years on - Daily Mirror
Sick images as child-porn ring is smashed - Daily Express
If as much effort had gone into looking for my Ben - Daily Express
Anger of lost Ben's mum - Daily Star
Maddie Cops Raid Paedos - Daily Star
MCs threaten to sue over PT claims on sedation - Daily Mail 1
Portuguese police finally target local paedophiles - Daily Mail
Madeleine police turn spotlight back on to paedophiles - Telegraph
Missing children TV hopes to jog patients' memories - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann police return to kidnap theory - Times
Gerry: 'I'm Madeleine's Real Father - Sky
Police Raid Homes Of 80 Paedophiles - Sky
Paedophile raids 'encourage' McCanns - ITN
I am Maddie's father, insists Gerry McCann - Metro
McCanns heartened by paedophile ring bust - Metro
Madeleine police on alert after porn raids - Leicester Mercury
Kate and Gerry McCann Hail Raids on Paedophiles - Liverpool Echo
MCs may sue over Madeleine sedation claims - Liverpool Daily Post
Madeleine police team is cut to six - Yorkshire Post
GP surgeries to show images of lost children - Yorkshire Post
MCs deny giving sedatives to Madeleine and twins - The Scotsman
Maddie Cop Team Cut Back - Daily Record
McCanns Encouraged By New Madeleine Push - Daily Record
Perv ring swoop boosts McCanns - Evening Times (Scotland)
GMC denies report he's not Madeleine's father - Irish Independent
Paedophile ring smashed after Portuguese raids - Irish Independent
Police return to theory paedophile took Maddy - Irish Independent
Police hope for breakthrough in McCann case - IOL
MMC may have been in room full of children - news.com.au
Pedophile ring examined for Maddie links - ninemsn
12 : 22 Titres dont 4 PT
Case did not motivate "Operation Predator" - Jornal de Noticias
Couple guarantees Gerry is Madeleine's father - Diario de Noticias
PJ invests in homicide theory. Team reinforcement - CdM
Maddie's real father was identified - 24Horas
Holidaymakers asked for DNA samples - Algarve Resident
Gerry: I’m 100% Maddie’s father - The Sun
McCanns 'Still Chief Suspects' - Daily Mirror
Parents are still the main suspects - Daily Express
Maddie: Who's Her Daddy? - Daily Star
McCanns ready to sue Portuguese paper over 'lies' - Daily Mail
DNA tests for ALL British tourists - Daily Mail
GMC rejects claims sperm donor was used for IVF - Daily Mail
New police chief recruits murder experts to crack case - Daily Mail
Why my 'Madeleine' film had to be pulled - Telegraph
Paternity 'slur' angers McCanns - Telegraph
News in Brief: Madeleine [paternity] claim - Times
McCann Suspect Appeals To Police - BBC
New Crack Police Team For Madeleine Case - Sky
Madeleine's family dismiss latest claim - Leicester Mercury
I am Madeleine's biological father, says GMC - Yorkshire Post
I am Maddie's father, says Gerry McCann - The Newcastle Journal
Maddie's Parents Still Top Suspects Say Police - Daily Record
13 : 21 Titres
All Lines Of Investigation Open, Says PJ Chief - Portugal News
CSI: Portugal for Maddie Cops - The Sun
Maddie brings back sadness over Ben, by Lorraine Kelly - The Sun
Kate McCann's Agony Over New Smear - Daily Mirror
Madeleine: Police in new hunt - Daily Express 1
I want my life back, pleads suspect No 1 - Daily Express
Maddie: New Dig For Body - Daily Star 13-10-07
How low can the Portuguese sink? (Amanda Platell) - Daily Mail
RM breaks silence as police bring in CSI-style expert - Daily Mail
Searching For M: A Dispatches Special 9pm, Channel 4 - Guardian
After Madeleine, why not Bin Laden? [Danie Krugel] - Guardian
Madeleine McCann: Murat in plea to police - Telegraph
News In Brief: Madeleine inquiry gets fresh impetus - Telegraph
The week on the web: Times Online most read - Times
Madeleine Suspect Pleads With Portuguese Police - Sky -
Bloody footprint found in MCs' flat - London Evening Standard
Maddie Suspect Speaks Out - Liverpool Echo
Madeleine suspect in police plea - Yorkshire Post
Madeleine suspect breaks silence in bid to clear his name - The Scotsman
Kate McCann: Leave Us Alone To Find Maddie - Daily Record
Suspect speaks out for First time - Aberdeen Evening Express
14 : 25 Titres dont 3 PT
PJ do new searches. Rebelo takes 6 new inspectors into the case - DN
Team has already arrived in the Algarve - Correio da Manhã
DNA evidence will only arrive next week - 24Horas
'Ghost' shame of cops - News of the World
Exclusive: Maddie kidnap: The Proof - News of the World
Maddie was still alive - News of the World
Twins' prayer for sis - News of the World
Taking Heart - The People
Maddie Cops: She Was Thrown Off Boat - The People
Maddie 'Abducted Alive' - The Sun
Cops probe Kate & Gerry's Student Days - Sunday Mirror
Cops probe nanny's dumped at sea claim - Sunday Mirror
Bloody footprint found in Maddy flat - Sunday Express
The nanny who could help clear the MC name - Mail on Sunday
Police to search remote reservoir after phone 'clue' - Mail on Sunday
KMC knew M was snatched 'cause sheets not messy - Mail on Sunday
The readers' editor on... DNA and the hunt - The Observer
Madeleine McCann police to trawl reservoir - Sunday Telegraph
McCann case detective faces ‘torture’ trial - Sunday Times
Police order fresh searches in hunt - Sunday Times
Police have '100 questions' for McCanns - Metro
Bloody footprint found in apartment - London Evening Standard
UK Police Poised To Quiz Hundreds In Inquiry - The Scotsman
Why we like to think the McCanns are different - Irish Independent
New team takes over hunt - Sunday Herald Sun
15 : 25 Titres dont 1 PT
Searched for within paedophilia sites. 148 pcs inspected - CdM
Dismay as Divers Called in - The Sun
Madeleine: New Search for Body - Daily Mirror
Is Madeleine McCann In Reservoir? - Daily Mirror
Fresh Madeleine search near lake - Daily Express
Police search lake for body - Daily Express
Murat's suspect status 'will be lifted' - Daily Express
Her parents are innocent, insists nanny - Daily Express
Maddie Cops Told to Search Under Every Rock - Daily Star
Maddie: Bloody Prints Spark New Hunt - Daily Star
Bloody footprint found in McCanns' apartment - Daily Mail
Police to dig into Kate and Gerry McCann's past - Daily Mail
Police plan reservoir trawl for M as hunt team triples - Telegraph
Investigators launch new search in vicinity of resort - Times
Madeleine: Police Divers To Trawl Reservoir - Sky
Maddie: Police to search in lake - Metro
Fresh Madeleine search near lake - Metro
Police launch new hunt for Madeleine - Leicester Mercury
Fresh Searches for Madeleine McCann - Liverpool Echo
Fresh police action in Portugal - Liverpool Daily Post
Maddie Police To Search Reservoir - Daily Record
Fresh Maddie search at resort - Evening Times (Scotland)
Divers to hunt for Madeleine - Aberdeen Evening Express
The Madeleine McCann Mystery - People Magazine (US)
Bloody footprint revealed in MMC case - Herald Sun (Aus)
3D video dismisses abduction theory - CdM
Madeleine case PJ officer takes extended leave - Algarve Resident
Cops and ministers to hold UK crisis summit - News of the World
Exclusive: Maddie was alive on beach - News of the World
I Traced Maddie DNA To The Sea - News Of The World
£51k For 89 Days Work..Gerry Hit The Roof - The People
Pair's 'Cool' Hiding Agony - The People
I Have Traced Her To Beach - The People
Man Uses Device in Maddie Hunt - The Sun
I know where body is - Sunday Mirror
Warning over cop shambles - Sunday Mirror 07-10-07
PT police fly in supercop to solve the mystery - Sunday Express
'I know where M is buried' says finder hired by MCs - Mail on Sunday
Forensic DNA tests 'reveal traces of body on beach' - The Observer
Police have open minds, insists Kate McCann - Sunday Telegraph
Detective who suspected MCs may lead hunt - Sunday Times
Search Uncovers 'Forensic Trail' - Sky
Mr Locator joins hunt for Maddie - Metro
Madeleine McCann's DNA Found on Beach - novinite.com
Former adviser rejects suspicion over McCanns - inthenews.co.uk
08 : 23 Titres dont 3 PT
Krugel - I know where the body is - Correio da Manhã
MCs already have two million euros to spend. Savings plan - 24Horas
Kidnapping "not very consistent" - Academical study - SIC
New DNA Puts Spotlight Back on McCanns - The Sun
McCanns fear years of suspicion - Daily Mirror
Don't Trust The Bodyfinder - Daily Mirror
A Time to Let Di Die, by Tony Parsons - Daily Mirror
New chief heads Madeleine inquiry - Daily Express
Police rely on new program - Daily Express
Maddie Cops Get Hi-Tech 'Cracker' - Daily Star
New DNA evidence 'provides fresh link to parents' - Daily Mail
Madeleine McCann: Parents could visit Portugal - Telegraph
McCanns fear suspicion will never end - Telegraph
Head of Madeleine McCann inquiry faces trial - Telegraph
[Madeleine questions] Papers consider PM's credibility - BBC
New evidence 'links parents' in Maddie case - Metro
Inventor joins hunt for Maddy - Leicester Mercury
'Missing people machine' used to hunt - Liverpool Daily Post
McCanns Fear Madeleine Will Never Be Found - Daily Record
GMC 'put off job return' when named as suspect - Irish Independent
Spain Papers Review - Monday October 8 2007 - Typically Spanish
Maddie: SA group asked to help - News 24 (S. Africa)
Investigator taken off McCann case - CNN
09 : 42 Titres dont 3 PT
Paulo Rebelo nominated coordinator in Portimao - Jornal de Noticias
Alipio Ribeiro chooses his Right arm - Diario de Noticias
Judiciaria certain that M was not only with her siblings - 24Horas
New detective for Maddie - The Sun
McCanns 'live in twilight world' - The Sun
New police chief for Madeleine inquiry - Daily Mirror
McCanns Deny New DNA Link - Daily Mirror
Cops Gave up Search Three Months Ago - Daily Mirror
DNA puts parents in frame - Daily Express
How the hunt was called off 3 months ago - Daily Express
New police chief is accused of torture - Daily Express
Maddie: Shock New DNA Clue - Daily Star
MCs fear 'cloud of suspicion' will never leave them - Daily Mail
M detective tried over alleged man beating in interview - Daily Mail
M 'was left in room with six other younsters' [sic] - Daily Mail
MCs call in own forensic team to fight DNA linking - Daily Mail
Top officer takes over in McCann case - Guardian
New DNA findings put focus on MCs (The Wrap) - guardian.co.uk
Portuguese police 'right to focus on McCanns' - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann police 'ask for British tourists' DNA' - Telegraph
New Search At Madeleine McCann Apartment - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann's parents hire DNA experts - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann evidence inconclusive - Times
McCann children 'were not alone in apartment' - Times Online
Reconstruction 'casts doubt on MMC kidnapping' - Times Online
New Police Chief For McCann Case - BBC
[DNA tests] Papers ponder troop number cuts - BBC
[MWT] Doubts Raised Over Madeleine 'Locator' - Sky
Parents Thank Affleck Over Film - Sky
Affleck attends US film premiere - ITN
New chief heads Madeleine inquiry - Metro
Top Portuguese detective to join Maddie hunt - Metro
MC lawyers travel to Portugal to clear couple - Leicester Mercury
Bid To Get Parents' Suspect Status Lifted - Liverpool Echo
McCanns try to get suspect status lifted - Yorkshire Post
McCanns In Legal Move To End Suspicion - The Scotsman
New police officer assigned to case - Irish Independent
MWeb Link Unlocks Doors For Mercury - The Newspaper Society
PT Detectives Launch New Search At G5A- Product Reviews
New Leader For Missing Madeleine Case - CNN
Quotes of the Day: Clarence Mitchell - Time Magazine
New Portuguese Officer Heads McCann Probe - IOL
10 : 44 Titres dont 4 PT
ASFIC accuses UK press of "incoherence" & news to "sell" - SOL
Rebelo takes over the direction of investigation - Jornal de Noticias
PJ reconstitute the night of May 3 - DN
The children were given tranquilizers. laboratories - 24Horas
New police chief for Madeleine investigation - Algarve Resident
Missing kids TV launched - The Sun
Maddie cops call for more tests - The Sun
7 kids were left in McCann flat - The Sun
McCanns flat searched for five hours - Daily Mirror
McCanns Welcome New Police Chief - Daily Mirror
Kate vigil goes on - Daily Mirror
Madeleine sedative claims 'hurtful' - Daily Express
Detectives seek DNA from British tourists at resort - Daily Express
Daily Star Says: Solve this for Maddie - Daily Star
New Maddie Cop: Bring Them Back to Portugal - Daily Star
Police launch new search of McCann's holiday apartment - Daily Mail
KMC 'rejected husband's pleas to leave Portugal ' - Daily Mail
Fresh fears for KMC looking thinner than ever - Daily Mail
McCanns praise Ben Affleck for shelving 'Madeleine' film - Daily Mail
McCanns deny reports that Gerry is not M's father - Telegraph
Police in fresh search of McCanns' apartment - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann detectives ask for British tourists’ DNA - Times
Centres show missing child images - BBC
Madeleine's Parents Call In 'The Locator' - Sky
Top Cop Takes Over Madeleine Investigation - Sky
McCanns Threaten Legal Action Over Drug Claims -
Madeleine: Police Appeal For Tourists' Prints - Sky
McCann: 'Tourists asked for DNA samples' - ITN
Madeleine: Tourists asked for DNA - Metro
Madeleine sedative claims 'hurtful' - Metro
McCanns may sue over sedatives claim - Metro
Tourists 'asked provide DNA' - Leicester Mercury
Top detective takes charge of investigation - Yorkshire Post
Time for McCanns to face facts. Burnley Citizen - Burnley Citizen
Top Detective To Lead Maddie Case - The Scotsman
McCann Police Ask Tourists For DNA Samples - The Scotsman
New Madeleine Cop Orders Flat Search - Daily Record
DNA appeal in hunt for Madeleine - Evening Times (Scotland)
Tourists asked for DNA samples - Aberdeen Evening Express
Madeleine police seek DNA from British tourists - Irish Independent
British tourists at Maddie resort asked for DNA: report - AFP
Evidence inconsistent with kidnapping theory - TransWorldNews
Search for Madeleine intensifies - IOL
'No breakthroughs' in search for Maddie - Sydney Morning Herald
GMC's Blog :
Day 160 - 10/10/2007 -Wednesday
After a few days of ridiculous newspaper coverage in the UK and Portugal it was heartening to hear of the statement this evening from Mr Ripeiro, the National Director of the Judicial Police in Portugal. He has again emphasised that all lines of the investigation, not only Madeleine’s death, are open and that much of what has been written is pure speculation and in some cases misinformation.
Scientific reports that we drugged our children clearly fall in to the latter category.
In the coming days and weeks we hope that only factual material is reported, allowing everyone to focus on finding Madeleine and who took her.
11 : 37 Titres dont 1 PT
Gerry is not Maddie’s father - 24Horas
McCanns’ daily switching from victims to suspects - Algarve Resident
Gerry's Anger at 'Dad' Lies - The Sun
Maddie: Cop raid on pervs - The Sun
Too poor to get help like Maddie - The Sun
'I am Madeleine's father', says Gerry McCann - Daily Mirror
McCann 'refused to leave' - Daily Mirror
Ben,,, 16 years on - Daily Mirror
Sick images as child-porn ring is smashed - Daily Express
If as much effort had gone into looking for my Ben - Daily Express
Anger of lost Ben's mum - Daily Star
Maddie Cops Raid Paedos - Daily Star
MCs threaten to sue over PT claims on sedation - Daily Mail 1
Portuguese police finally target local paedophiles - Daily Mail
Madeleine police turn spotlight back on to paedophiles - Telegraph
Missing children TV hopes to jog patients' memories - Telegraph
Madeleine McCann police return to kidnap theory - Times
Gerry: 'I'm Madeleine's Real Father - Sky
Police Raid Homes Of 80 Paedophiles - Sky
Paedophile raids 'encourage' McCanns - ITN
I am Maddie's father, insists Gerry McCann - Metro
McCanns heartened by paedophile ring bust - Metro
Madeleine police on alert after porn raids - Leicester Mercury
Kate and Gerry McCann Hail Raids on Paedophiles - Liverpool Echo
MCs may sue over Madeleine sedation claims - Liverpool Daily Post
Madeleine police team is cut to six - Yorkshire Post
GP surgeries to show images of lost children - Yorkshire Post
MCs deny giving sedatives to Madeleine and twins - The Scotsman
Maddie Cop Team Cut Back - Daily Record
McCanns Encouraged By New Madeleine Push - Daily Record
Perv ring swoop boosts McCanns - Evening Times (Scotland)
GMC denies report he's not Madeleine's father - Irish Independent
Paedophile ring smashed after Portuguese raids - Irish Independent
Police return to theory paedophile took Maddy - Irish Independent
Police hope for breakthrough in McCann case - IOL
MMC may have been in room full of children - news.com.au
Pedophile ring examined for Maddie links - ninemsn
12 : 22 Titres dont 4 PT
Case did not motivate "Operation Predator" - Jornal de Noticias
Couple guarantees Gerry is Madeleine's father - Diario de Noticias
PJ invests in homicide theory. Team reinforcement - CdM
Maddie's real father was identified - 24Horas
Holidaymakers asked for DNA samples - Algarve Resident
Gerry: I’m 100% Maddie’s father - The Sun
McCanns 'Still Chief Suspects' - Daily Mirror
Parents are still the main suspects - Daily Express
Maddie: Who's Her Daddy? - Daily Star
McCanns ready to sue Portuguese paper over 'lies' - Daily Mail
DNA tests for ALL British tourists - Daily Mail
GMC rejects claims sperm donor was used for IVF - Daily Mail
New police chief recruits murder experts to crack case - Daily Mail
Why my 'Madeleine' film had to be pulled - Telegraph
Paternity 'slur' angers McCanns - Telegraph
News in Brief: Madeleine [paternity] claim - Times
McCann Suspect Appeals To Police - BBC
New Crack Police Team For Madeleine Case - Sky
Madeleine's family dismiss latest claim - Leicester Mercury
I am Madeleine's biological father, says GMC - Yorkshire Post
I am Maddie's father, says Gerry McCann - The Newcastle Journal
Maddie's Parents Still Top Suspects Say Police - Daily Record
13 : 21 Titres
All Lines Of Investigation Open, Says PJ Chief - Portugal News
CSI: Portugal for Maddie Cops - The Sun
Maddie brings back sadness over Ben, by Lorraine Kelly - The Sun
Kate McCann's Agony Over New Smear - Daily Mirror
Madeleine: Police in new hunt - Daily Express 1
I want my life back, pleads suspect No 1 - Daily Express
Maddie: New Dig For Body - Daily Star 13-10-07
How low can the Portuguese sink? (Amanda Platell) - Daily Mail
RM breaks silence as police bring in CSI-style expert - Daily Mail
Searching For M: A Dispatches Special 9pm, Channel 4 - Guardian
After Madeleine, why not Bin Laden? [Danie Krugel] - Guardian
Madeleine McCann: Murat in plea to police - Telegraph
News In Brief: Madeleine inquiry gets fresh impetus - Telegraph
The week on the web: Times Online most read - Times
Madeleine Suspect Pleads With Portuguese Police - Sky -
Bloody footprint found in MCs' flat - London Evening Standard
Maddie Suspect Speaks Out - Liverpool Echo
Madeleine suspect in police plea - Yorkshire Post
Madeleine suspect breaks silence in bid to clear his name - The Scotsman
Kate McCann: Leave Us Alone To Find Maddie - Daily Record
Suspect speaks out for First time - Aberdeen Evening Express
14 : 25 Titres dont 3 PT
PJ do new searches. Rebelo takes 6 new inspectors into the case - DN
Team has already arrived in the Algarve - Correio da Manhã
DNA evidence will only arrive next week - 24Horas
'Ghost' shame of cops - News of the World
Exclusive: Maddie kidnap: The Proof - News of the World
Maddie was still alive - News of the World
Twins' prayer for sis - News of the World
Taking Heart - The People
Maddie Cops: She Was Thrown Off Boat - The People
Maddie 'Abducted Alive' - The Sun
Cops probe Kate & Gerry's Student Days - Sunday Mirror
Cops probe nanny's dumped at sea claim - Sunday Mirror
Bloody footprint found in Maddy flat - Sunday Express
The nanny who could help clear the MC name - Mail on Sunday
Police to search remote reservoir after phone 'clue' - Mail on Sunday
KMC knew M was snatched 'cause sheets not messy - Mail on Sunday
The readers' editor on... DNA and the hunt - The Observer
Madeleine McCann police to trawl reservoir - Sunday Telegraph
McCann case detective faces ‘torture’ trial - Sunday Times
Police order fresh searches in hunt - Sunday Times
Police have '100 questions' for McCanns - Metro
Bloody footprint found in apartment - London Evening Standard
UK Police Poised To Quiz Hundreds In Inquiry - The Scotsman
Why we like to think the McCanns are different - Irish Independent
New team takes over hunt - Sunday Herald Sun
15 : 25 Titres dont 1 PT
Searched for within paedophilia sites. 148 pcs inspected - CdM
Dismay as Divers Called in - The Sun
Madeleine: New Search for Body - Daily Mirror
Is Madeleine McCann In Reservoir? - Daily Mirror
Fresh Madeleine search near lake - Daily Express
Police search lake for body - Daily Express
Murat's suspect status 'will be lifted' - Daily Express
Her parents are innocent, insists nanny - Daily Express
Maddie Cops Told to Search Under Every Rock - Daily Star
Maddie: Bloody Prints Spark New Hunt - Daily Star
Bloody footprint found in McCanns' apartment - Daily Mail
Police to dig into Kate and Gerry McCann's past - Daily Mail
Police plan reservoir trawl for M as hunt team triples - Telegraph
Investigators launch new search in vicinity of resort - Times
Madeleine: Police Divers To Trawl Reservoir - Sky
Maddie: Police to search in lake - Metro
Fresh Madeleine search near lake - Metro
Police launch new hunt for Madeleine - Leicester Mercury
Fresh Searches for Madeleine McCann - Liverpool Echo
Fresh police action in Portugal - Liverpool Daily Post
Maddie Police To Search Reservoir - Daily Record
Fresh Maddie search at resort - Evening Times (Scotland)
Divers to hunt for Madeleine - Aberdeen Evening Express
The Madeleine McCann Mystery - People Magazine (US)
Bloody footprint revealed in MMC case - Herald Sun (Aus)