
"Grâce à la liberté dans les communications, des groupes d’hommes de même nature pourront se réunir et fonder des communautés. Les nations seront dépassées" - Friedrich Nietzsche (Fragments posthumes XIII-883)

07 - NOV 9 - Rapport d'analyse téléphonie cellulaire

09.11.2007 - Uni – Secteur d'analyse

L'analyse des communications des TP9 entre le 2 et le 4 mai, enregistrées par les antennes (3 opérateurs) qui desservent Praia da Luz est signée par l'inspecteur Paulo Dias.

An operational analysis has as a primary objective, to suggest “ways” to the investigation, and to open new perspectives for the investigation. For that it analyses the data available and constants in the legal records, having recourse to tools recognized at national and international level – Excel and Analyst Notebook V. 6.

The analyst, facing the data, will have to analyse them, that is, divide them, separate them, in order to, at the end of the correlations, built a synthesis of the results in an objective and synthesized form.
Whenever possible he should raise a hypothesis, based always and solely on the existing evidence in the records, in other words he should maintain an objective stance, not allowing subjectivity on top of the objective results, nor should should he extrapolate beyond the results obtained.
With these presumptions, the report that follows was elaborated so the research was available to other elements, in order to clarify some matters.

The review of the contacts recorded in the BTS (retransmission antennas) that serve the locality of Praia da Luz, from the 3 national operators.

Jauger et éventuellement corriger le rapport du 10 septembre 2007 signé par les inspecteurs Victor Pereira et Sérgio Cruz. Vérifier la possibilité d'extraire, de la totalité des communications de ces 3 journées, des indices menant à une piste permettant de comprendre ce qui est arrivé à MMC. Ce rapport et ses annexes serviront à la présentation du rapport d'analyse final, fondé sur ces données et sur le reste des éléments de preuve joints aux autos.

Compte tenu de l'ampleur des données remises par les enquêteurs, il n'est pas faisable d'effectuer une analyse menant à la formulation d'une hypothèse pouvant à son tour fournir de nouvelles pistes d'investigation. 
Nevertheless, already some attempts were performed, notably it was tried to determine the existence of “numbers” that activated one of the BTS on day 3 and did not do it on the 4th. The result of this analysis is 1859 numbers, i.e this value indicates the mobile phone numbers that did not activate the antennas on the 4th, but had done it on the 3rd, amongst nationals and foreigners. This would require the consultation of all domestic and foreign operators, that would take us to a lot of information, which most likely nothing would be of no use for the investigation, because the responses would not be conclusive, many of the numbers are pre-paid cards of unknown user and because most likely the answers would not arrive in time. After these replies, it became necessary to consult the Spanish operators to determine if any of these numbers had activated any antenna in Spain. Supposing that the author(s) of the MMC's kidnap fled to Spain. This wouldn't indicate anything, as most likely there were various situations of that kind.

Before we continue, it should be noted that we are dealing with a universe of 74104 communications, which are distributed as shown in table 1.

Day 02
Day 03
Day 04
Total Per day

As is generally known, an Excel sheet (2003 version) has only 65536 lines, which prevents the processing of all the data together (3 days).
Similarly, the other tool available – notebook Analyst V.6. - has not solved the problem, since the result is a stain, that cannot be portrayed in one mere sheet of A4, (the program itself does not allow its printing) and to become possible, your impression would take such dimensions that it would not be humanly possible to perform any reading/analysis of the result.
For example, it may be noted that even with a short number of communications, for example 2 thousand monthly contacts, Analyst Notebook produces an “output” on paper of considerable dimensions – 2000 mm x 600 mm, and with the objects 30 to 40% of normal size, if not less.
Thus, one can tell that this data serves once and only when one has a possible suspect or group of suspects. In this case the data will show its usefulness, confirming, if there have been contacts, the presence of the author or authors in Praia da Luz in the days 2-4 May, of this year. In this sense, and to verify that the methodology used was efficient, following the report of the criteria produced by the elements of BCAI, the DCCB, we analysed the contacts made by known mobile phones and telephone numbers of the 9 adult elements of the group that travelled with Madeleine.
Suit un tableau comportant les 24 numéros (téléphones cellulaires et fixes) du groupe dit TP9. 

Méthodologie adoptée

In view of the different formats of databases that operators sent, as can be seen in the autos, formatting the data was necessary. For example, it was necessary to separate the elements that made up the date, in the case of Vodaphone – 20070502, and then to return to regroup them correctly – 02-05-2007. The hours in the case of TMN are recorded with the digits related to the separate hours of the minutes and the seconds 17 345, creating formulas to add “0” (zero), where they were necessary, it separated minutes from seconds and then regrouped the three pairs of numbers, adding the world separator of hours “:” 17:03:45 hours. 

Apart from this “cleaning”, it was necessary to determine which table column corresponded to the phone transmitter and receiver, as well as what activated the antenna, because even in these cases the three operators would adopt different ways to archive their records.

TMN sent only a sheet in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) where in addition to the date, time, name of the antenna and respective code, it has a column marked with “MSISDN”, which contains the numbers which activate the antenna and another called “OTHER_PARTHY”. The distinction between the transmitter and the receiver number, is made across the indications, “Voice started”, “Voice ended”, “SMS originated” or “SMS finished”, that are in the column labelled “CALL_TRANSACTION_GROUP”. Existing also a column for duration.

Vodaphone sent 3 Excel books, corresponding to the three days requested. Each book consisted of 4 pages – “Outgoing calls”, “Incoming Calls”, “SMS sent” and “SMS received”. The separation between types of contacts makes it possible to determine the direction of the contact, which is the numbers always in the column entitled “Number of Phone Caller” intended for the numbers that are in the “Phone Number Called” column. As for the activation of the antennas, it depends on whether you are in the paper of made or received contacts. The pages of voice or SMS made, who activates the antenna is the source phone – caller – while on the other the voice and SMS received is the receptor – called – who activates the antenna.

Optimus sent only one book, distributing the contacts by multiple sheets, “Cell ID”, “Calls Made”, “Calls Received”, “GPRS”, “SMS Sent”, “SMS Received”, “Roamers In”, “Roamers Out” and “UMTS” . As to the activation of the antennas (14931, 14932 and 14933), this information is contained in the sheets themselves with the indication in column – “A_BTS_CGI” or “B_BTS_CGI”, where these agree with “A_MSISDN” or “B_MSISDN” to activate the antenna.
Now in the concern of the contact direction, the direction is always “A_MSISDN” to “B_MSIDSN”, except for “SMS Sent” in that the constant numbers “B_MSIDSN”, are message centres through which the SMSs pass, whereby the meaning is “A_MSISDN” to “C_MSIDSN”, the sheet “SMS Received”, also it is a particular case that had to be studied “manually”, to avoid the triangulation of this type of contact (C sends to A which in turn sends to B, which receives).

When there existed whether in “A_MSISDN”, or in “C_MSISDN”, numbers that corresponded to messaging centres and the numbers that actually sent the message, only the latter was picked up, in order to with the resource of the program/analysis tool (Analyst Notebook ), draw up a representative graph of the communications made.
As regards the sheet “RoamersIn,” according to an official of this operator, this sheet should not have been included in the book, since there would be constant data, to the match, in the other sheets. However, he advised to carry out a detailed analysis of that data, as he feared to have occurred some error in the system that makes the records.

As it turned out in verification only one contact that was in this sheet was not found in the rest.

The contact maintained with that employee it was obtained the information that in the “SERVED_NUMBER” column, in the “RoamersIn” sheet are indicated the numbers that activate the antennas, there having no indication or way to tell whether it was making or receiving communication.

This as it turned out caused some errors in the charts (Charts) developed by elements of the English authorities and rectified by colleagues of the DCCB (Direcção Central de Combate ao Bandestismo).
These errors are: the direction of contact; their duplication, because there are differences of seconds between the registration of the contact and the registration of the “roamings”; and, the lack of SMS’s received.

After this work, they produced the graphics (1) that are attached (2).
(1) It joins a file that must be installed to proceed to the reading of this type of computer file.

(2) In the different graphics it will be possible to bring together two contacts of different colours very close, the two overlap, between the two participants, but this is due to the fact that the participants activated different operators in the same contact and as such has seconds of difference.

Il y a des situations dans lesquelles les deux interlocuteurs se trouvent dans la zone géographique de Praia da Luz et activent des antennes d'opérateurs différents. Dans le graphique apparaissent deux contacts qui représentent le même, mais une différence de secondes dans l'enregistrement par chaque opérateur va faire qu'apparaissent deux liaisons. Cette distinction est signalée par des couleurs différentes.
À l'exception de Rachael MO, tous les éléments du groupe activent un seul opérateur. RMO active les antennes de Vodafone et de Optimus.
Il existe une augmentation du trafic produit par les éléments du groupe après l'annonce de la disparition de MMC.
Fiona WP n'a effectué aucune communication pendant les 3 journées analysées.
David WP et Dianne W ont deux contacts en commun (indication des numéros de téléphone, le premier étant la résidence de DW au Royaume-Uni, le second n'ayant pas été identifié, mais n'activant aucune des antennes considérées).
Avant l'alerte sur la disparition de MMC, David WP n'a eu un contact du type GPRS avec le numéro xxxxx vers 20h, le 3 mai. Le premier contact, après l'alerte (hypothétiquement vers 22h) est à 1h17 et vers le numéro de Dianne W. Sur le graphique représentant ses contacts, en orange (Optimus), apparaissent quelques liaisons en bleu (TMN) entre son téléphone cellulaire et celui de Russell TB. Ceci indique que David était hors de la zone d'influence des antennes qui desservent PDL, au moment de ces contacts. Selon les autos, il devait être dans les installations de la police pour déposer. David WP a divers contacts avec des éléments extérieurs au groupe. Aucun de ces contacts n'a activé une antenne au cours des 3 jours analysés, ni n'a de contacts avec des tiers qui l'aient fait.
Dans le tableau 3 (p. 9) se trouvent les enregistrements des communications de David WP.
Hormis les contacts qu'il a eu avec Jane TB et David WP, Russell TB a un contact en commun avec Kate MC, le 44xxx678 auquel il sera fait référence plus loin. Toutefois il faut souligner que ce numéro a envoyé un message et en a reçu un de Kate MC avant la disparition de MMC, vers 12h31 et 12h34 respectivement, le 3 mai. Ce numéro était alors hors de l'influence des antennes qui desservent PDL, donc quand il reçoit le contact de Russell, le 4 mai vers 19h43, il active une antenne de Optimus à PDL. Ce fait se voit sur le graphique de l'Analyst Notebook, de David, apparaissant en orange. Dans la base de données que Optimus nous a envoyée, ce numéro active l'antenne pour la première fois à cette heure-là.
Avant la disparition qui, selon les déclarations des éléments du groupe aurait eu lieu entre 20h30 et 22h, Russell n'a reçu qu'un SMS provenant du téléphone cellulaire 44xxx801 à 10h52, le 3, et le premier contact qu'il a établi après l'alerte a été à 8h13 le 4 mai vers le 44xxx469 (2'49") ; ce numéro n'active aucune des antennes analysées.
Russell TB a établi un autre contact vers le numéro 44xxx603 à 10h52, le 4 (13"), qui n'active aucune antenne non plus.
Le numéro 44xxx678