Lettre ouverte de Gerald MC
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As I write, it is exactly three and a half years since our daughter Madeleine was so cruelly taken from us. Three and a half years without her seeing her brother, her sister, her Mummy, her Daddy or her best friends.
We are still searching for her. Our small team continues to review all available information, even though we STILL don’t have access to ALL of the information that the UK and Portugese authorities have. Our team has interviewed hundreds of witnesses, received over 1,000 calls, dealt with over 15,000 emails and maintained a computerised database of all information they have received. Despite the difficulties resulting from lack of official assistance, they "follow up" all new leads to try and get fresh information into the investigation. (1)
It is incredible to think that for the last two years and three months NO police force has proactively been doing anything to help us find Madeleine. Crucially, there has been NO formal review of the material held by the police authorities - which is routine practice in most countries, and especially when a key piece of the "jigsaw" may have been overlooked. (2) We have tried in vain to get the authorities to play their part but our requests have seemingly fallen on deaf ears. It is simply not acceptable that they have, to all intents and purposes, given up on Madeleine. We need the authorities to do more.
However we know we are not alone. We have the tremendous support of family, friends and of course you the public. A lot of this support comes in the form of people saying to us, "if there’s anything we can do, just let us know" or "I’d like to help but I don’t know how". To these people, and indeed yourself, my plea is simple. We need your support to continue to lobby the British and Portugese governments to undertake a joint or independent review of Madeleine’s case. How can you do this?
Simply visit (suit un lien tombé en désuétude) and sign the petition to call on the UK and Portugese authorities to conduct an independent and transparent review of all information in relation to the disappearance of Madeleine. And in turn, please spread the word and encourage as many others to do the same. Together we can, and will pull all of the loose ends of Madeleine’s case together and find her. Thank you
Another way you can show your support is by continuing to help us fund the search for Madeleine. To carry on searching for Madeleine and to ensure that the process has continued in a meaningful and proactive way, we have been able to utilise the generous donations paid in to Madeleine’s Fund by the general public, libel damages paid to ourselves and our friends and money raised through a variety of fundraising efforts.
The fund has allowed:
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As I write, it is exactly three and a half years since our daughter Madeleine was so cruelly taken from us. Three and a half years without her seeing her brother, her sister, her Mummy, her Daddy or her best friends.
We are still searching for her. Our small team continues to review all available information, even though we STILL don’t have access to ALL of the information that the UK and Portugese authorities have. Our team has interviewed hundreds of witnesses, received over 1,000 calls, dealt with over 15,000 emails and maintained a computerised database of all information they have received. Despite the difficulties resulting from lack of official assistance, they "follow up" all new leads to try and get fresh information into the investigation. (1)
It is incredible to think that for the last two years and three months NO police force has proactively been doing anything to help us find Madeleine. Crucially, there has been NO formal review of the material held by the police authorities - which is routine practice in most countries, and especially when a key piece of the "jigsaw" may have been overlooked. (2) We have tried in vain to get the authorities to play their part but our requests have seemingly fallen on deaf ears. It is simply not acceptable that they have, to all intents and purposes, given up on Madeleine. We need the authorities to do more.
However we know we are not alone. We have the tremendous support of family, friends and of course you the public. A lot of this support comes in the form of people saying to us, "if there’s anything we can do, just let us know" or "I’d like to help but I don’t know how". To these people, and indeed yourself, my plea is simple. We need your support to continue to lobby the British and Portugese governments to undertake a joint or independent review of Madeleine’s case. How can you do this?
Simply visit (suit un lien tombé en désuétude) and sign the petition to call on the UK and Portugese authorities to conduct an independent and transparent review of all information in relation to the disappearance of Madeleine. And in turn, please spread the word and encourage as many others to do the same. Together we can, and will pull all of the loose ends of Madeleine’s case together and find her. Thank you
Another way you can show your support is by continuing to help us fund the search for Madeleine. To carry on searching for Madeleine and to ensure that the process has continued in a meaningful and proactive way, we have been able to utilise the generous donations paid in to Madeleine’s Fund by the general public, libel damages paid to ourselves and our friends and money raised through a variety of fundraising efforts.
The fund has allowed:
- Our investigation team of ex-police officers to operate and conduct enquiries in the UK, Portugal and further afield.
- A Portugese assistant/translator
- A 24 hour telephone line with translators to receive information from the public
- Media liaison in Portugal and the UK to ensure that we convey the simple factual messages: there is absolutely no evidence that Madeleine has been physically harmed; we must keep looking for her and those who took her. (3)
- Awareness campaigns in Portugal, Spain and further afield.
- Awareness campaigns in Portugal, Spain and further afield.
- Website hosting and development and social network site campaigns to raise awareness through the internet
- A part-time campaign coordinator
As I write this letter, if Madeleine’s Fund remains as it is, with the current rate of expenditure, it will run out in Spring 2011. This would essentially mean that any kind of proactive search for Madeleine would cease. So again we need your help. If you can, please consider donating to Madeleine’s fund at www.findmadeleine.com. (4)
- £1 pays for the multi-lingual call centre availability for 1 hour
As I write this letter, if Madeleine’s Fund remains as it is, with the current rate of expenditure, it will run out in Spring 2011. This would essentially mean that any kind of proactive search for Madeleine would cease. So again we need your help. If you can, please consider donating to Madeleine’s fund at www.findmadeleine.com. (4)
- £1 pays for the multi-lingual call centre availability for 1 hour
- £2 per month pays for 12 travel packs that are distributed to holidaymakers going all over the world
- £10 pays for 1000 posters that are translated and distributed across the world
- £25 pays for the access to a 24 hour multi-lingual telephone service for 1 day
- £50 pays for the running costs of investigation office (and staff) for 2 hours
- £400 pays for 10,000 multi-lingual prayer cards for Madeleine, with photograph and contact details
Someone knows what has happened to Madeleine. We simply need to reach that person. We need to obtain that key piece of information, that "missing piece of the jigsaw". One call may be all we need to find Madeleine and who took her. Our little girl is now seven years old: innocent, vulnerable and waiting to be found. Please, please sign the petition and help us to find her.
- £10 pays for 1000 posters that are translated and distributed across the world
- £25 pays for the access to a 24 hour multi-lingual telephone service for 1 day
- £50 pays for the running costs of investigation office (and staff) for 2 hours
- £400 pays for 10,000 multi-lingual prayer cards for Madeleine, with photograph and contact details
Someone knows what has happened to Madeleine. We simply need to reach that person. We need to obtain that key piece of information, that "missing piece of the jigsaw". One call may be all we need to find Madeleine and who took her. Our little girl is now seven years old: innocent, vulnerable and waiting to be found. Please, please sign the petition and help us to find her.
On aimerait savoir qui surveille et contrôle ces enquêteurs privés (à
l'époque Dave Edgar et son acolyte, dont les conclusions (Madeleine dans
un repaire se trouvant dans une supposée zone de non-droit dans un
rayon de 10 miles de PDL) n'ont été suivies d'aucun effet, comme par
exemple la mise sur pied d'une gigantesque battue.
Gerald MC ne craint
aucunement l'étonnement des lecteurs en fait de "manque d'assistance
légale" car les médias britanniques n'ont jamais dit que les MC
pouvaient s'opposer au classement et demander que l'investigation, après la phase d'enquête, entre
dans celle d'instruction. C'est le
monde à l'envers, les rôles sont clairement inversés : les MC ont refusé
de fournir l'assistance que leur demandait les autorités portugaises
(répondre aux questions, pour elle, accueillir favorablement la requête
de reconstitution du parquet, pour eux), mais ils se plaignent du manque
d'assistance de la part des autorités.
Malgré le classement de l'enquête, faute de volonté de poursuivre et des intéressés et du Ministère public, la PJ, comme c'est la règle, a continué à examiner les informations qu'on lui faisait parvenir et, parfois, à effectuer une enquête. Jusqu'à la date de la lettre ouverte de GMC, aucun élément pertinent n'est tombé entre les mains de la PJ, incitant le Ministère public à réouvrir l'enquête.
(2) Qu'est-ce qui permet
d'affirmer qu'une pièce du puzzle est manquante ? Quelle est la
pièce-clef ? Celle qui empêche de construire le puzzle entier, hormis
les coins ? Ou celle qui cache le visage du coupable ?
(3) Un tel message est-il
"factuel" si la négation ne le prive pas de pertinence (il n'y a
absolument aucune preuve que l'on n'ait pas fait de mal à Madeleine), à
supposer qu'arracher un enfant aux siens n'est pas lui faire du mal.
(4) Au moment où il écrit
cette lettre, Gerald MC said qu'un livre ("Madeleine") est en
préparation et qu'il a toutes les chances d'être un best seller, les
droits étant destinés à Madeleine's Fund, selon la couverture.
a élaboré en mai 2008 une théorie sur ce qui avait pu arriver à
Madeleine MC et l'a confirmée deux ans plus tard dans une revue où il
dit avoir pris connaissance des PJFiles, ce qui parfois est discutable (par exemple il dit que personne n'a vu Madeleine après le
goûter, ce qui contredit la déposition de David WP. Au reste qui a vu
Madeleine au goûter ?). MWT attache beaucoup d'importance à la
chronologie des faits et il a raison, mais après avoir annoncé qu'il en
établirait une, il échoue (comme tout le monde) en raison des
incongruences entre les témoignages et parfois dans le témoignage du
même protagoniste (en particulier Gerald MC). Il noie ces inconsistances
dans l'argument de la confusion, mais a l'honnêteté d'admettre qu'il y a d'autres
interprétations possibles.
théorie (partagée par le psychologue David Canter, l'un des experts de
Dispatches) est que Madeleine est sortie à la recherche de ses parents
et a fait une mauvaise rencontre. L'enlèvement dans la rue, plutôt que
dans la chambre, se fonde sur deux observations :
- La peluche de Madeleine et sa petite couverture de réconfort étaient bien rangés près de l'oreiller. Quel ravisseur aurait pris la peine d'aligner ces objets ? On pourrait ajouter qu'un ravisseur avisé aurait emmené ces objets avec sa petite victime, histoire de calmer son anxiété.
- un des jumeaux aurait sûrement opposé moins de résistance. Un ravisseur avait en outre l'embarras du choix entre une fille et un garçon.
MWT ne pense pas que les MC aient fait du mal à leur fille ou aient quoi que ce soit à voir avec sa disparition, mais il n'argumente aucunement cette conclusion.
MWT ne pense pas que les MC aient fait du mal à leur fille ou aient quoi que ce soit à voir avec sa disparition, mais il n'argumente aucunement cette conclusion.
plus déroutant est qu'il n'offre pas plus d'explication sur les
persiennes/fenêtre ouvertes (David Canter non plus). S'il pense que les
MC ont menti sur ce point (car Madeleine était incapable, comme l'ont
confirmé les MC, d'ouvrir ces persiennes, la sangle n'étant pas adaptée à
de petites mains), il se garde bien de commenter.
Ce qui est intéressant, dans l'entretien ci-dessous, est que MWT, bien que convaincu de l'innocence des MC, insiste sur l'importance d'une reconstitution. Il l'avait déjà fait lorsqu'il avait publié sa théorie, en mai 2008, et rappelé dans sa revue de 2009. Peu de voix se sont levées (hormis certains journalistes britanniques lorsqu'on apprit le rejet de la requête de reconstitution) pour blâmer le refus de collaborer à une initiative jugée cruciale.
Entretien avec Mark Williams-Thomas
3.11.2010 - Radio Five Live (Nicky Campbell)
Transcription de JJP
3.11.2010 - Radio Five Live (Nicky Campbell)
Transcription de JJP
Lady on phone : I'd like to see what kind of a Mickey Mouse search, you know, police investigation was done by the Portugal, err, police?
Nicky Campbell : Well, I'll tell you what, let me stop you there. I'll come back to you because... Mark Williams Thomas, you know stuff about, you know a lot about that, don't you?
Mark Williams-Thomas : Good morning. Yes I do. Yes, I mean I think Gerry and Kate have come out now talking for two reasons. One, to try and keep that profile there and to talk about the effect it's had on them. And I think its important to remember, of course, that as a parent you will never give up the search for your child. Last year I met Patty Wetterling in the US. Her son was abducted at the age of eleven, Jacob. He's still missing. And Patty still goes through it constantly every single day. And bringing it to the home shores, Ruth Wilson who went missing on the 27th of November, 95. I know Ruth's parents very, very well and worked with them. And she's missing and she vanished at the age of sixteen. No sight or anything at all, And these parents will never give up. Every single phone call that they get, particularly around anniversaries and Christmas they wait in anticipation that they will get some news.
So Gerry and Kate will never give up. But obviously what they are asking for now is a re-investigation over some of the elements of it. And if we go back to the initial stage there was obviously an awful lot that was done, there was an awful lot that wasn't done. But we mustn't forget that this is a Portuguese investigation and however much influence the British have over Portugal, it is ultimately their investigation. They've conducted what they consider to be an investigation. There are no new leads or inquiries that would require them to open the investigation. The one thing that Gerry and Kate could do with all the Tapas would be to go back to the Portuguese police and say we will co-operate 100% with a review in relation to a reconstruction. And don't forget that reconstruction was something that never took place and at the time I was certainly saying that reconstruction would have been very valuable but they would all have to co-operate.
NC : I'm sure I remember a reconstruction on television, watching it being re-enacted.
MWT : Not with Gerry and Kate other than they went back with their own investigators and did a kind of reconstruction. The Portuguese police wanted to do a full reconstruction with all the Tapas and with everyone back in their ?, going through the process...
NC : Well, where do you think Madeleine is now?
MWT : Well the sad reality is that when children go missing the main age group for children to go missing is ten to 16. That's where the high numbers are. But between the ages of 1 and 4, which is obviously what Madeleine was at the time, within the period of 8 minutes and there are some interesting statistics here, is 20% of children between the ages of 1 and 4 will be located within 8 minutes. 99% of those children will be located within 196 minutes. So that shows you the sheer, the percentage of children who will be recovered very quickly. And out of those 98% of those children will be found within 1.2 kilometres of the location to which they have gone missing.
Where do I think Madeleine is now? Well Madeleine was? I still believe that Madeleine was abducted outside the apartment. She walked outside the apartment and that's where she was abducted. Gerry and Kate have got to keep hope that Madeleine isn't dead and until such time as they have got some confirmation and direct intelligence that tells them that she is dead they will always live on the hope that she will return. The sad reality is that is probably very unlikely.
LOP : Can I just say?
NC : Yeah
LOP : Your statistics were for Britain and I am sure they don't hold true for Portugal. I'm sure the British Government could have applied some pressure. I mean, you could have a special investigation where the British police... I know if someone went missing here in England, it would be a completely different scenario. The child would be found in the next 24 hours, 48 hours or whatever. You know, they need to have a special department, I mean instead of wasting money on stop and search. I was hearing on your radio that they did a hundred thousand stop and searches and 99.9% were useless, you know. Instead of spending those resources on frightening the community, you know, we should spend it on situations where we can help parents where children, especially young children, 1-10, go missing, abroad, you know.
MWT : I think, I'll just pick up on that point. I think you are absolutely right as far as knowledge as to how to investigate missing children has improved incredibly. And I was at a conference yesterday, the national Missing Persons Conference in Coventry and there is clearly an awful lot is now being done, is being done co-ordinated using agencies as well as the police service to help find missing children. And in Portugal they are some way behind. I think from a policing point of view they are probably five, maybe six years, maybe even more than that behind in the way they deal with missing children and indeed some of their other investigations. But I think now, if a child goes missing in the UK, there is a incredible amount of resources that are pulled in and worked on to be able to find that child very quickly and, of course, we have experience of that.
NC : OK. Its 9.30...