Madeleine McCann Case
Spanish TV 4 - 25.02.2010
Traduit par Mercedes
Concha Garcia Campoy : We
have news in the "Maddie" case. The book "Maddie: The
Truth of the Lie" that was written by former Police co-ordinator
Gonçalo Amaral, will remain prohibited in Portugal as we informed
here previously. Earlier this year, it was provisionally withdrawn
from the bookstores at the request of the McCanns and now the courts
have just ratified the measure. Jerónimo Boloix, how are you, good
afternoon. And we have a person who knows much about this case, the
author of a blog, Mercedes how are you? Can you interpret what
happened as a new victory for the McCanns?
Mercedes : A momentary
victory. The fact that someone bans the freedom of speech of the
police or any person, is very, very, difficult to maintain in a
court, Gonçalo Amaral is prepared to appeal to the European Court,
and he will, he is a strong man and this is a struggle they have
between them and I think in the end ...
CGC : It seems it is
true that the struggle is to reopen the case, is that right Jerónimo?
What he wants is to know the truth ... is taking a risk, a risk from
the very start...M. : Yes
Jerónimo Boloix : I think that even though this first ruling is contrary to the interests of Amaral, it may facilitate the reopening of the case, I think Gonçalo should appeal this ruling and contribute to the case. What surprises me greatly is that they are trying to silence the book, and we have just seen a few seconds ago Paulo Sargento's statements.
CGC : Wait a minute,
now that you mention this, because it is an exclusive statement of
the forensic psychologist, Paulo Sargento, who has been involved in
the case from the start, and Alejandro Vazquez has been with him and
actually he is absolutely certain. Listen !
Alejandro Vázquez :
You've worked on the Madeleine case from the beginning.
Paulo Sargento : From the beginning,
from the second day after the disappearance.
AV : And what's your theory?
AV : And what's your theory?
PS : I think
the girl died on May 3, and it would have been utterly impossible for
the kidnapping to have taken place. The abduction has been a media
construction only, because there is not one supporting fact to
support this. (1)
AV : Why the MCs are now
saying that there is no evidence that Madeleine is dead?
PS : Because
their (the MCs') interpretation is contrary to death, in fact there
is evidence: corpse odour, the scent of human blood and there is a
set of forensic evidence, evidence that the girl is dead
unfortunately. (2)
AV : Can
your surmise that with such evidence that there has been a murder,
manslaughter... (3)
PS : Yes.AV : ...the case has been shelved.
PS : I am sure that were it a Portuguese couple, the treatment wouldn't have been the same. The forensic evidence would have been constituted as proof, and probably the couple would be in prison. (4)
AV : How
would you define Gerry and Kate's behaviour?
PS : They have changed the roles, also advised by image consultants, from the beginning Cuddle Cat in her hands, and then we saw that Kate disappeared from scene and Gerry took over the leadership. Gerry is very aggressive. He is very, very aggressive, he is a man who is very impulsive... ahhh, Maddie disappeared, between quotes, and Gerry McCann asked for a priest, if my daughter disappears I would ask for more police ... after that he requested an image consultant, to me it would be better to ask for more police. If somebody presents me the first piece evidence of an abduction, I'll shut up forever, but real evidence and discussed in a logical manner.
PS : They have changed the roles, also advised by image consultants, from the beginning Cuddle Cat in her hands, and then we saw that Kate disappeared from scene and Gerry took over the leadership. Gerry is very aggressive. He is very, very aggressive, he is a man who is very impulsive... ahhh, Maddie disappeared, between quotes, and Gerry McCann asked for a priest, if my daughter disappears I would ask for more police ... after that he requested an image consultant, to me it would be better to ask for more police. If somebody presents me the first piece evidence of an abduction, I'll shut up forever, but real evidence and discussed in a logical manner.
AV : How can we understand now that the accused is Gonçalo...?
PS : Gonçalo
Amaral represents symbolically, what Gerry and Kate do not want, the
death, and their participation in concealing the body. Because he has
been the Chief Inspector, has left the police, has published a book
that says the same as the process.
AV : Are
you confident that at some point the truth will be known, and the
process reopened?PS : I believe in justice; I believe that justice will be done, I don't know when.
AV : Thank you for everything.
PS : Thank You.CGC : He speaks clear, categorical, absolutely, eh... Do you think, as he says that if the McCanns were Portuguese they would be in jail? What do you feel Mercedes?
M. : Of course,
without a doubt. Parents who recognize that they left three small
children alone, under four years of age, to have dinner and they say
they were passing by every half hour, which has been shown, that at
least the night before this was not true, there is a statement that
appears in the process of a neighbour who heard the girl crying for
an hour and a half the night before, that for any other couple... (5)
Alfonso Egea : It's not a hypothesis; there have been examples in Portugal. There was one case of a child and the mother was not only suspected but was imprisoned, obviously the nationality of the MCs plays an important role here. Now after hearing Paulo Sargento imagine... (6)
Alfonso Egea : It's not a hypothesis; there have been examples in Portugal. There was one case of a child and the mother was not only suspected but was imprisoned, obviously the nationality of the MCs plays an important role here. Now after hearing Paulo Sargento imagine... (6)
CGC : Because he is precise, she is dead. There are no forensic doubts. (7)
AE : I guess the
next move for the MCs will be to request this man to shut up too and
if this was up to them, everyone should shut up ...
JB : The
most shameful of all this is that, as Paulo Sargento said, the book
reflects the status of the investigation. The person who spoke is a
forensic psychologist who has been involved with the case from the
beginning. He said white and in a bottle... (Spanish riddle: white
and in a bottle... The obvious answer is: milk). The only thing he
didn't say is when these people should go to prison. But let's be
realistic here, what is happening, is a political struggle by the
British Government against the Portuguese Government, this is
preventing further clarification, and unfortunately, we may be in a
situation of a judicial lie. There an issue that we must not forget,
this little girl disappeared on May 3, three years ago, and no one is
looking for her because no one cares for her. There are instructions
from the parents, individuals and institutions that support the
parents in their bogus search for the girl. (8)
CGC : Well, it's true that, in addition to what yourself and Paulo Sargento have said, it is clear that, when a child is missing and the first thing you do not do is call a priest, the first thing I would do is call the police, here they requested an image consultant, not more police to investigate, now that's... (9)
M. : I can say that the first article was published at 1 minute past 12 on May 4th. ??? We can see in the process that the first call to police from the Ocean Club's reception was at twenty to eleven PM... hum, the timings just don't fit.
AE : You know very well
that, that summer, they shared time with a television producer, who
was the second person to receive a call, incomprehensible... (10)
M. : Actually...
JB : Equally
incomprehensible is that having access to the future British Prime
Minister Gordon Brown, they didn't request top British specialists,
Scotland Yard, but this image consultant, this is pure and simply an
agreement in that the image of the McCanns must appear above
suspicion in the matter of their daughter's...
CGC : It surprises me more, Mercedes, and some will think and I believe with good reason, you must be the person that knows more about this case here, because you have collected most of the information... "Until we know the truth". Well, what a commitment, no? You've made a commitment to Gonçalo Amaral and, do you think that we will know the truth if people like you don't throw the towel...?
M. : I think we are
all helping each other on the internet, there are currently very few
media outlets that are treating this, like today, in a serious way,
nobody wants to censure the parents, the aim is to allow the police
to do their job, nothing more. You can see very clearly that there
was external pressure, no matter from whom; there has been pressure
to close a case that was ongoing, something that is unprecedented in
an investigation of this nature.
JB : I want to ask Mercedes if you know the reason why this trial that has been held now, against Gonçalo Amaral's book, why haven't they admitted a witness or why haven't the English witnesses appeared?
M. : They were pressured. They
claimed they were under official secret. Official secrecy is
something that has been invoked on several occasions. There are
journalists who have requested information and reply they have
received, is that it could not be provided because the case was under
the Official Secrets Act.
CGC : If a Prime Minister is
JB : But
Justice for the girl and ascertaining what happened to her, I think
it is paramount...
CGC : Well Mercedes, it has been a
pleasure, many thanks. We will contact you again when we review this
case that I find so very interesting.
M. : Thank you; thank you very
much for addressing this issue seriously and for providing an
opportunity for Madeleine. Everyone gives the opportunity to Kate and
Gerry McCann.
(1) Si les médias ont construit, ils ne l'ont pas fait sur du néant.
(2) Les MC sont logiques
: ils sont sûrs et certains que leur fille a été enlevée. Il n'y a pas
de précédent d'enlèvement d'enfant mort. Donc leur fille a été enlevée
vivante. Ils ignorent ce qui est arrivé ensuite, mais fondent leur
espoir sur l'absence de corps.
(3) Il est hasardeux de parler d'élément probant, tout au plus existe-t-il quelques présomptions.
(4) S'agissant d'un couple portugais de la classe ouvrière, il est probable que les auditions auraient ressemblé à des interrogatoires et non au simple recueil de déposition que connurent les MC. De là, évidemment, l'enquête aurait cheminé d'une autre manière.
(5) Les quatre couples du groupe laissaient seuls leurs enfants endormis, mais ils fermaient les portes à clef. Les MC annoncèrent, le soir du 3 mai, qu'une porte était ouverte pour que Madeleine puisse sortir si elle se réveillait. Qui croira que des médecins, par ailleurs parents aimants, soient capables d'une telle aberration ?
(4) S'agissant d'un couple portugais de la classe ouvrière, il est probable que les auditions auraient ressemblé à des interrogatoires et non au simple recueil de déposition que connurent les MC. De là, évidemment, l'enquête aurait cheminé d'une autre manière.
(5) Les quatre couples du groupe laissaient seuls leurs enfants endormis, mais ils fermaient les portes à clef. Les MC annoncèrent, le soir du 3 mai, qu'une porte était ouverte pour que Madeleine puisse sortir si elle se réveillait. Qui croira que des médecins, par ailleurs parents aimants, soient capables d'une telle aberration ?
(6) Dans cette affaire (Joana C), la mère fut soupçonnée de meurtre ou de complicité de meurtre. Rien à voir avec l'affaire MC.
(7) Il n'y a aucune certitude forensique au contraire !
(8) Ces propos sont sans fondement.
(9) Il est effectivement étrange d'appeler un prêtre qu'on ne connaît pas et qui ne parle pas votre langue, alors qu'un rite funéraire est intempestif.
(10) Il s'agit de l'ami des MC, Jon Corner, qui a été appelé après la famille quand même, mais a de sa propre initiative répandu sur la Toile des photos de Madeleine à l'intention des médias.
(9) Il est effectivement étrange d'appeler un prêtre qu'on ne connaît pas et qui ne parle pas votre langue, alors qu'un rite funéraire est intempestif.
(10) Il s'agit de l'ami des MC, Jon Corner, qui a été appelé après la famille quand même, mais a de sa propre initiative répandu sur la Toile des photos de Madeleine à l'intention des médias.
L'extrême-onction est l'un des sept sacrements de l'Église |
The private detective that was hired by the McCann couple asserts that if Madeleine was dead, her body would have been found by now. Retired from the English police, Dave Edgar has, in his curriculum, the discovery of a missing child. He accompanied Kate and Gerry on the trip that they made to Portugal this week, whose primary purpose it was for them to gain access to the leads that arrived at the PJ since the case was shelved, one and a half year ago.
Dave Edgar: Five or six occasions we
have followed really positive lines of inquiry.
SF : Do you still believe that it is possible to find Madeleine alive?
SF : Do you still believe that it is possible to find Madeleine alive?
Of course, it is. Of course, it is. Errm... No body has been found,
errr... and my experience in these cases, errm... if the child's been
killed, they dump the body virtually straight away; because obviously
these people don't want to be associated with the body. (1)
(1) Cela semble logique, surtout que tout le monde sait que l'ADN peut incriminer. Dans ce cas il faut vraiment se débarrasser du corps de telle manière qu'il ne soit jamais retrouvé. Pourquoi ne pas chercher dans cette direction ?
MCs say information handed over to UK press harms the search for their daughter
Agence Lusa - 10.03.2010
Traduit par Astro
Agence Lusa - 10.03.2010
Traduit par Astro
Today, the McCann couple considered that information concerning Madeleine's whereabouts, that was published by British newspapers last week, seriously harms the search for the little girl that went missing in the Algarve, in 2007. Gerry and Kate, who were in Lisbon today for a meeting with the Portuguese lawyers, have requested for the data concerning Madeleine to be carefully analysed and that access to that information is confidential and sensitive, so the witnesses can also be protected. (voir leur mécontentement exprimé sur leur site, le 5 mars)
"There is lots of information and much of it has not been carefully analysed. If there was some potential and important information, we could give people a path," said Kate, accusing the Attorney General's Office of having handed documents over to British newspapers. Kate, the mother, stressed that the publication of the data "is a serious damage to the search" for her daughter, even because it can provoke "lack of trust in the witnesses". "Names and details have been published in the media and that has rendered the witnesses vulnerable," she said, while Gerry McCann went further : "The process was once very closed and nothing was known due to the judicial secrecy. Now, information is being released."
"There is lots of information and much of it has not been carefully analysed. If there was some potential and important information, we could give people a path," said Kate, accusing the Attorney General's Office of having handed documents over to British newspapers. Kate, the mother, stressed that the publication of the data "is a serious damage to the search" for her daughter, even because it can provoke "lack of trust in the witnesses". "Names and details have been published in the media and that has rendered the witnesses vulnerable," she said, while Gerry McCann went further : "The process was once very closed and nothing was known due to the judicial secrecy. Now, information is being released."
L'enquête a été classée, le secret de justice tombe de lui-même, et les MC n'y sont pas étrangers !
"It is imperative that authorities assume the responsibility over sensitive or confidential information. We, the parents, and everyone need assurances that this situation will not be permitted in the future," he stated, appealing to sensibility and confidentiality in the publication of information.
"It is imperative that authorities assume the responsibility over sensitive or confidential information. We, the parents, and everyone need assurances that this situation will not be permitted in the future," he stated, appealing to sensibility and confidentiality in the publication of information.
Le ministère public rappelé à l'ordre !
Gerry even stated that "one step back" was made in the search for Madeleine and he reiterated the desire for cooperation, considering it is "important to look objectively" at the leads.
Après le refus de répondre aux 48 et la reconstitution écartée...
"As parents, we can be very close to the investigation and demand things that were not done yet, to be done," he stressed, adding: "There is a strong reason for us to have to work with the authorities and in an intense way. The process is closed, but it is not concluded." Comment peut-il souhaiter qu'une enquête qu'il a contribué à faire classer continue ?
The parents of Madeleine McCann, who disappeared from an apartment at a resort in Praia da Luz, further appealed to journalists "not to spread information" and to avoid "commercial interests". C'est leur demander de scier la branche sur laquelle ils se tiennent !
Gerry even stated that "one step back" was made in the search for Madeleine and he reiterated the desire for cooperation, considering it is "important to look objectively" at the leads.
Après le refus de répondre aux 48 et la reconstitution écartée...
"As parents, we can be very close to the investigation and demand things that were not done yet, to be done," he stressed, adding: "There is a strong reason for us to have to work with the authorities and in an intense way. The process is closed, but it is not concluded." Comment peut-il souhaiter qu'une enquête qu'il a contribué à faire classer continue ?
The parents of Madeleine McCann, who disappeared from an apartment at a resort in Praia da Luz, further appealed to journalists "not to spread information" and to avoid "commercial interests". C'est leur demander de scier la branche sur laquelle ils se tiennent !